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any reason for the rise in tanks??


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i log onto Tip.it today and various other forums and i keep seeing "tank staker" threads. A few months ago they were very rare and it was considered quite good to be a tank (as it was to be a 1 defence pure a few years ago) but now there is lots and lots of them..Some people are changing there mains into tanks with 70att/str with high defence, magic and range.








Is there any reason for the high number of tanks now?


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I dont pk alot but i guess its because the game is more balanced than it used to be. All combat skills are now important.








So IMO its a good think :)

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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i guess they find it very afective against melees which are btw with armour (climb boots, zerkers, zerker rings, rune def, barrows gloves) by far overpowered compared to range and mage because of the high hits and extremly high accuracy. in staking no armour they cant use all that so tanking against them is even more affective.








btw im tank too lol but that's because i always liked range since i started.. and later on i realised that its good to have high def with range/mage so i kept my melee on 78 att 79 str and trained def to 89... im 99 range 89 def 94 mage 104 cb atm if you're interested in that

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I think PK'ers finally realised they can get hit less and less often if they have high defence... I mean please, strenght isn't everything.



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pretty hard to ko with low att and str or mage and range for pking so they probably don't hang in wild too much








but as for staking, mains can be turned into decent stakers




as you can see alot of these forums have people posting their wins from duel arena of 1Bil+




alot of people think that just because they have high prayer, their chances of getting rich from staking isn't very good because of the rise of 1 prayer pures








people with 1 prayer keep their prayer low so they can have a low combat




some people think that those are the most successful stakers




now there are quite a few high lvl'd 1 prayer pures and other stakers are very aware




mains w/prayer with the same combat do not have a good chance at melee stakes




so they turn to mage or range staking which was pretty much what i did on my main




i was 82 att 81 str 83 def 99 mage 60 prayer




i figured i would lose alot melee staking so just started doing mage staking




i did pretty good too :-w




since most mage/range stakers don't really look at combat lvl, they can be pretty successful at staking




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I relized that being a tank owns a long time ago. Before I became a member, I had 55 attack with like 50 ish strangth, and 60 defence. Now, I am 110 combat with 86 attack, strangth, 91 (almost 92) defence, and 91 (almost 92) mage.








Strange.. Whenever I use mage with armour in CW or Fight Pits, I almost always hit. I am a noob for that. So, I am a noob if I can KO you with magic whilst in full veracs? Tueshay..

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I guess I'm a 'tank' athough I never planned to be. 99 range, 91 (soon 95+) magic, 90 hp, 80 defence, 71 attack, 72 strength 60 prayer.








Just always enjoyed ranging. After I maxed that out I started on magic and defence just seemed natural. Combat lvl 98 btw.



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I believe I said this on the SODB somewhere, but for all ya'll I'll repeat myself :P .








EVERYTHING I do in this game relies on a tank build (with higher range/mage). Dagganoth King maging, Castle Wars Flagholding, Fire Giants, MTA, basically everything I do requires the usage of high Defense and often Mage and Range. I just don't need Attack and Strength too much; I can easily get by in most high level activities with 77 Attack and 78 Strength.








Note: I just started focusing on high defense, so that's why my defense level isn't too much higher than ATK and STR :P at the moment. That and I don't have the time to train defense.

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lets get realistic, to get your def up you need what? magic or melee skills. why? well first off long ranging is NEVER used. i mean it, dude no1 freakin uses long ranged to lvl def. then 2nd magic def lvling costs a il bit of $ kind of, just a side kicker you know...












now heres the thing, the idea behind a great tank would be: atk&str @ lvl 1's with 99 def 99 magic 99 range whatever prayer.












tell me getting 99 def the OLD(non pc'd way) was easy with a iron scimitar.
















and as i wrote this it all hits me, pest control is good for any combat scenario, meaning even @ 1 atk and str, you can still waiste 100 points on pest control exp and get god knows how much def exp for doing NOTHING like it was 2 years ago.

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No hybrid tanks own pures. 99 range, 52 prayer, 94 mage and 99 def would destory anyone around their cmb level.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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