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what do people dream of?


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Ouch, I ended up in quoting wikipedia.




A dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep. The events of dreams are often impossible or unlikely to occur in physical reality, and are usually outside the control of the dreamer




= total randomness.



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Ouch, I ended up in quoting wikipedia.




A dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep. The events of dreams are often impossible or unlikely to occur in physical reality, and are usually outside the control of the dreamer




= total randomness.








yeah, like when i woke up in a dream, realized it was a dream and could do whatever i wanted to. I did totally random things =P

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Ouch, I ended up in quoting wikipedia.




A dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep. The events of dreams are often impossible or unlikely to occur in physical reality, and are usually outside the control of the dreamer




= total randomness.








yeah, like when i woke up in a dream, realized it was a dream and could do whatever i wanted to. I did totally random things =P




Or like the worst type of nightmares : You dream that you dream, and in your dream you wake up from a nightmare, and you are like "Phew, it was only a nightmare!". Then you get into very scary event and you think that it's the reality. When you wake up, you realize that it was only a nightmare, yet still veeeery annoying one.



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yeah, like when i woke up in a dream, realized it was a dream and could do whatever i wanted to. I did totally random things =P








That is called "lucid dreaming."








Anyways, I believe that it's pretty much your brain 'analyzing' your subconscience.

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Ouch, I ended up in quoting wikipedia.




A dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep. The events of dreams are often impossible or unlikely to occur in physical reality, and are usually outside the control of the dreamer




= total randomness.








yeah, like when i woke up in a dream, realized it was a dream and could do whatever i wanted to. I did totally random things =P




Or like the worst type of nightmares : You dream that you dream, and in your dream you wake up from a nightmare, and you are like "Phew, it was only a nightmare!". Then you get into very scary event and you think that it's the reality. When you wake up, you realize that it was only a nightmare, yet still veeeery annoying one.








Or when you dream that you are waking up for school, and realize you were dreaming the whole time.


Me doing staff.

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Or when you dream that you are waking up for school, and realize you were dreaming the whole time.




I've had that. It's so annoying! And I dream I'm in a weird sort of reality, and that I have to wake up for school, but I can't, and then I just end up waking up thinking, "Ummm...that was weird."

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Yesterday I had a weird dream about poker. I was in a tournament and there were tons of people watching. When it was my turn, I peeked at my cards. I had a '1' and a '7', but I was so tired I didn't realise it's not possible. Then I got a full house with 1's and 7's.








So basically= Nonsense.

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I've had these dreams lately that are very similar, they are good dreams, but i always wake up sad. The reason is that i know they will probably never happen and are just fantasies :cry: Oh well, I'll just go live in my dream world lol.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Some of my more interesting dreams involve me being able to move about in unrealistic ways. I mean, I tend to glide about rather than walking -- as if I just lean in the direction I want to go. I also quite often seem to be underwater -- and I'm usually rather surprised to find that I can breathe.








Mostly my dreams are about fairly random stuff, though. A lot of them I don't remember. Lots of them are vaguely related to things I've been thinking about. Very rarely I can think "I want to dream about something in particular" and I do; most of the time that doesn't happen.








Often if I have a really good dream, I wake up and realise how great the thing in that dream would be -- sometimes, if it's actually possible, I try and achieve whatever it was in real life; I see this as my subconscious telling me what I actually want, in a way.

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I'm of the belief that dreams usually reflect the subconscious. However, most people fail to realize this because dreams appear so absurd, because oftentimes, they are the result of unbridled imagination.








I've kept dream journals before, and I've been able to look back and see how my dream topics corresponded to what I was feeling, thinking about, or surrounded by at the time. Dreams can offer very keen insight into yourself.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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I fly in my dreams, and conjure spheres of magic that I throw at people. It rocks. I love sleeping, I haven't decided whether that is a good thing or not yet.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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i have a few theories:








1, Dreams are created from all the colours that you see in the day, colours being the primary colorus of light(red,blue,green). Now the subconcious(supposedly where dreams come from) transforms or converts those colours with the emotions, events or w.e. you did that day into some pleasurable experience while you dream, this could be because of your brain wanting sleep, so in a way it advertises, if you sleep you'll get a pleasurable dream, thus making you wanna sleep? it makes sense to me. Sometimes the formula gets screwed up and you can either get wacked out dreams, nightmares, dreams you can control....
















2, Its the imagination that we don't consider during the day, for instance, people who play runescape, may not on that specific day imagine themselves as zezima or a higher level player, so this imagination is lost, but is recovered and mixed together with other lost imagination lost during the day. And sometimes you get those scary dreams....












3, Its our brain returning to natural instinct, but also fighting the maturityand morals that we have, this battle results in images that are always there, events that we can see happen when we dream because these events happen in our subconcious, and since when we fall asleep our midns go into subconcious we'll able to see or on-look past, present, future battles between the two sides(its not a battle, just your morals and maturity defending themselves against natural instinct, creating mysterious things).

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I seem to die alot in my dreams its quite weird. Its not even in a nightmarish sort of way, I dont wake up in fear it just seems to happen in a reall matter of fact way. It probably has something to do with my morbid obsession with death (not in the sense that Im depressed, just curious). Maybe I need a good shrink lmao :D








The way I see it, the subject of your dreams is completely random but often if your thinking of people alot they can be in them. Its like you choose the cast but somebody else is choosing the movie.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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my dreams are the stuff that you hear of from people of mental asylums. I can allways tell when I am dreaming, so i have complete control over everything that happens, so im in school, a kid i hate makes fun of me...*snaps fingers* HEAD EXPLODES!!!!! ahh.... good times :)


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


American Anime... YAY!

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I read somewhere that it is believed to be a variation of something that had happened that day. I have a dream maybe once every 5 months, it's a bummer. I enjoy them, they're interesting.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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I read somewhere that it is believed to be a variation of something that had happened that day. I have a dream maybe once every 5 months, it's a bummer. I enjoy them, they're interesting.








Actually, you probably dream multiple times every night.








The problem is remembering the dreams. To remember them, you have to wake up 'suddenly' from REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, for the most part.








I've found the easiest way to get dreams is when you wake up, just go back to sleep.

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most of my dreams are of nonsense or past school experiences combined together toget weird results. but sometimes i have a nightmare where some huge load of stuff is comin at me (like tz-tok-jad and stuff)




and i realize it is a dream so i ask people to kill me because i know ill wake up and escape the toturous death but they won't do it do i end up slapping myself in my dream 6 or 7 times and i wake up. only once have i had a dream with total control and it was OWNAGE.

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I read somewhere that it is believed to be a variation of something that had happened that day. I have a dream maybe once every 5 months, it's a bummer. I enjoy them, they're interesting.








Actually, you probably dream multiple times every night.











I think I heard somewhere that the average person dreams like a hundred times a night or something ridiculous, and also that dreams are extremely short in real time, like a matter of seconds. I dunno how true that is, but if it is, then it's amazing.








Um, most of my dreams end up with me getting in trouble for something or other (yesterday I dreamt I was cheating on something in school, even though I never cheat). Either that, or they're dreams which are inappropriate for this website <3: .




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Every once in a while I'll have a continuation of a recurring dream. I can't think of anything when I try, but when it happens, I wake up and realize "oh, that dream started when I was 6". Then, I promptly forget.








My subconscious is so weird.

A mind not to be changed by place or time.

The mind is its own place, and in itself

Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.

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I read somewhere that it is believed to be a variation of something that had happened that day. I have a dream maybe once every 5 months, it's a bummer. I enjoy them, they're interesting.








Actually, you probably dream multiple times every night.








The problem is remembering the dreams. To remember them, you have to wake up 'suddenly' from REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, for the most part.








I've found the easiest way to get dreams is when you wake up, just go back to sleep.








Yes, that's what I meant. Sorry, should have been more specific there.


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

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