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700 plus 126's


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when i took my 517 day break from rs, there was only 2 lvl 126. Lillyuffie and one other guy I can't remember. Me (lvl 124) and Zez (lvl 125) were doing ecto.








Since I came back wow everyone's a 99'er by far. Like most got 50 mil+ in one particular skill. Lots have changed. Oh yeah prayer is way too easy. I just raised it from lvl 84 to lvl 87 in one day at my gilded altar.

rs name is da same

Skill Total: 2053+

Combat Lvl: 125



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when i took my 517 day break from rs, there was only 2 lvl 126. Lillyuffie and one other guy I can't remember. Me (lvl 124) and Zez (lvl 125) were doing ecto.








Since I came back wow everyone's a 99'er by far. Like most got 50 mil+ in one particular skill. Lots have changed. Oh yeah prayer is way too easy. I just raised it from lvl 84 to lvl 87 in one day at my gilded altar.




There was like 7 -10 126s when ecto came out.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Prayer is the fastest skill in rs. You can easily do 250k an hour with dragon bones.








Fletching is UNDOUBTEDLY the fastest possible xp in the game, NOT prayer.








When you break 750k xp an hour... or HALF that in prayer, lemme know :P



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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Where, exactly, is everyone getting this so called 'far-too-easy' exp from Pest Control? Because every single time I've played, it's full of 23 levels 60 or less, me (lv 90) and one level 100+. Guess what? We lose. no matter what world (and I have tried every members world) it is the same situation. So how exactly do people get this great exp? Because Slayer is so much faster at this rate...

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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Prayer is the fastest skill in rs. You can easily do 250k an hour with dragon bones.








Fletching is UNDOUBTEDLY the fastest possible xp in the game, NOT prayer.








When you break 750k xp an hour... or HALF that in prayer, lemme know :P

if i was gettin 750k an hr in any skill i'd prob poo in my pants... Lol




if you were gettin 750k an hr in a skill you played for 5 hrs thats like goin from lvl 1 - 86 in 5 hrs nearly 87 thats insanely fast exp

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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It's not just that there's too many 126's now, but they seem to be growing less mature. For example, i was picking snape grass near the crafting guild and suddenly this lvl 125 comes up and trys to steal the spot. After i beat him a few times, he goes "omg noob" "nice life" etc etc. :wall:


Received guthans warspear from chest on 13/01/07

"It's five past rune."

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It's not just that there's too many 126's now, but they seem to be growing less mature. For example, i was picking snape grass near the crafting guild and suddenly this lvl 125 comes up and trys to steal the spot. After i beat him a few times, he goes "omg noob" "nice life" etc etc. :wall:
that happens when lower lvls go there too.. I've had that happen to me many times. as annoying as it is i laugh and go elsewhere..








One really annoying thing i've noticed with the insane amt of 120+s they don't seem to want to talk to you if you are lower... I know sometimes lower lvls are annoying with the "Fr33 st0ff!!" but i was killin fire giants and was tryin to have a friendly conversation with a 124 he wouldn't even respond to me.. I'm 114 a respectable lvl with some respectable stats i don't see why higher lvl players sometimes act the way they do

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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It's not just that there's too many 126's now, but they seem to be growing less mature. For example, i was picking snape grass near the crafting guild and suddenly this lvl 125 comes up and trys to steal the spot. After i beat him a few times, he goes "omg noob" "nice life" etc etc. :wall:
that happens when lower lvls go there too.. I've had that happen to me many times. as annoying as it is i laugh and go elsewhere..








One really annoying thing i've noticed with the insane amt of 120+s they don't seem to want to talk to you if you are lower... I know sometimes lower lvls are annoying with the "Fr33 st0ff!!" but i was killin fire giants and was tryin to have a friendly conversation with a 124 he wouldn't even respond to me.. I'm 114 a respectable lvl with some respectable stats i don't see why higher lvl players sometimes act the way they do








In their defense, it isn't necessarily because they are higher level... I have pretty much ignored everybody since I was in my 70s getting bugged all the time for having d chain, legends cape, and rune smithing. Some of us just like to be left alone to enjoy what we're doing, not play the 20 question game.








So props to you stuck up LOW levels! ;)



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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I have only played a short time (21 months) and crawled my way a click at a time to 124 combat the hard way. When I made 100 in under 4 months...easy day.....when I made 123 in 12 months....no sweat, made 124 in 14 months...now that was a pain, lot of bone ectoing. About this time PC came out, and there was like 200ish 126s and 600 124+ in the game.








I admit it, I jumped on the PC wagon and got the 5 prayer levs I needed for 125 combat in a month. WOW!, now that was sickeningly easy. But then I noticed that the amount of 124+s in the high scores had doubled. omg.....when I made 123 in a year playing, there was maybe a "high-level" in the edge bank, now there we are standing 6 deep at each teller window.....kinda lessens the thrill of making it.


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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Jagex has to make things easier, simply because they keep epxanding the content of the game, over and over again. Practically every week something new to do, is added into the game. Imagine being a new player for instance and seeing the huge quest list that you need to work on. The same goes for all the skills to level up.




Jagex seems to favor a player to become a 'jack of all trades', rather than having to pick a single skill to excel in. So in my opinion, to still give players the ability to level up within reasonable time on several skills rather than one, they have to dumb things down. Hence the introduction of PC, altars, cook/smelt/craft X, pyramid plunder, abyss-rune-crafting.








i think that i agree with you to a certain extent here, but not fully. Not all of these are "dumbing down"... i really think cook x made it to easy, but theres pp and abyssal rcing...these are not dumbing down. Normally, rcing required simply walking to an altar, and clicking. Easy. Now you have to go through the wildy, dodge pkers and angry demons to craft runes, risking death. Before thieving was simply click and pickpocket...click and steal from stall...click and steal from chest...now pyramid plunder allows players to have different strategies and methods about getting the most thieving exp possible. But overall, i don't like pc...it just made it to easy

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It's not just that there's too many 126's now, but they seem to be growing less mature. For example, i was picking snape grass near the crafting guild and suddenly this lvl 125 comes up and trys to steal the spot. After i beat him a few times, he goes "omg noob" "nice life" etc etc. :wall:
that happens when lower lvls go there too.. I've had that happen to me many times. as annoying as it is i laugh and go elsewhere..








One really annoying thing i've noticed with the insane amt of 120+s they don't seem to want to talk to you if you are lower... I know sometimes lower lvls are annoying with the "Fr33 st0ff!!" but i was killin fire giants and was tryin to have a friendly conversation with a 124 he wouldn't even respond to me.. I'm 114 a respectable lvl with some respectable stats i don't see why higher lvl players sometimes act the way they do








In their defense, it isn't necessarily because they are higher level... I have pretty much ignored everybody since I was in my 70s getting bugged all the time for having d chain, legends cape, and rune smithing. Some of us just like to be left alone to enjoy what we're doing, not play the 20 question game.








So props to you stuck up LOW levels! ;)

I have my days when i dont want to be nice... but when training melee what else do you have to do?! a lil conversation never hurt anyone lol

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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raise level cap please








good to see you're still pushing for the cap to be raised, i'm on rsc at the moment because i'm so bored, ( this is supergoten23, forgot other accoutns password for forums), come join me at undeads lol.

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Runescape 2, Pest Control, Gilded Altar.




The game became easy when rs2 was released :roll:








ah yes, the basic argument





Knitting. At level 1, you can make fuzzy mittens. At level 50, fuzzy rainbow sweaters. At level 99? Fuzzy pink toe socks.


Oh yeah.

'Scaper since 2002
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it seems they are making things easyer so they can increase the max cmb level? I mean if enough people get 126, jagex will raise the cap and attract those people back into the game.




Heck no. Anyone who has goten 120+ already has an insane amount of dedication to the game, no matter how hard you look at it. To that point, there is no reason for Jagex to make updates for high levels- not only are they few in comparison the the rest of the community, but they're dedication means that they're not going to leave over an update like PC. Might get ticked, but not leave.








Basically, you said, "Jagex will raise the cap to attract those people back into the game." My response is, "Who's leaving?"








Jagex might add more high level updates if more and more people get 110+, but they're not raising the cap. If they did, well, then they'd just have to start the cycle over and make things even easier. No point to that, to be honest.








Players are money. A lvl 45 member's opinion is just as important as a lvl 126's.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Players are money. A lvl 45 member's opinion is just as important as a lvl 126's.




A lvl 45 has enough content to play for the next 5 years.




High lvl content however has dried up, we have done pretty much every thing and nothing is a challenge anymore, so no every ones oppinion isnt equal, a lvl 45 saying he is quitting becouse he has nothing to do shouldnt be using a computer becouse he is clearly an imbecile.




A lvl 110 - 126 saying the same thing probably has a point.

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Players are money. A lvl 45 member's opinion is just as important as a lvl 126's.




A lvl 45 has enough content to play for the next 5 years.




High lvl content however has dried up, we have done pretty much every thing and nothing is a challenge anymore, so no every ones oppinion isnt equal, a lvl 45 saying he is quitting becouse he has nothing to do shouldnt be using a computer becouse he is clearly an imbecile.




A lvl 110 - 126 saying the same thing probably has a point.




I can see what your getting at, and pretty much agree with you. What I basically meant to say is that even though the 110+ is generally smarter and understands the game more, thus making their opinion more valued, the counter of being outnumbered something like 20:1 by lower levels makes it so the large, general population of newbs (the non-negative/technical connotation used here) can equal or even overpower the opinion of the lvl 110+.








Here's an example of a discussion that's been going around recently: Let's say 10% of the members, generally high levels, want Jagex to stop making easier updates and make it tough like they had it when they leveled, along with making cool new bosses and minigames for those with higher skills and levels. Sure, tougher updates would be cooler for the game and satisfy those players' desire, but is there intelligient opinion really going to overpower the other 90% who want it easy?








To my earlier point though, that's trusting too much on the maturity/intelligience:level correlation, which is slowly weakening with the advent of PC and other updates that make the game much easier to level combat. 100+'s aren't as smart as they used to be.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Players are money. A lvl 45 member's opinion is just as important as a lvl 126's.




Sure, tougher updates would be cooler for the game and satisfy those players' desire, but is there intelligient opinion really going to overpower the other 90% who want it easy?











This game is already easier than super mario on easy level, lets take a leap forward shall we?

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Players are money. A lvl 45 member's opinion is just as important as a lvl 126's.




Sure, tougher updates would be cooler for the game and satisfy those players' desire, but is there intelligient opinion really going to overpower the other 90% who want it easy?











This game is already easier than super mario on easy level, lets take a leap forward shall we?




Your 112 with your highest non combat skill at 71 and saying how easy things are? =D>

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