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What you want to be when you're older?


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Guest AshKaYu
well, cad. you see, footballers get more $ than firemen and policemen. but fire and policemen put their life on the line to help, footballers kick a ball :?








:3. Sports players are grossly overpaid (I know it's been said before. The average pro baseball player earns 2.5 million a year. The average pro baseball maker earns 20k a year)

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Im not too sure now but either a programmer or webdesigner(maybe if i can pick up a copy of photoshop and get good with it) or a electrical engineer or a grafics designer(i find it fun but not too good at it right now). Anyway not too sure right now but i mainly do whatever i find fun. Im hopeing my life will turn out decent.

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A Secondary School teacher. I went through some bad times in my Secondary School life, and I'd like to help others who could be in the same spot as me when I was in Secondary School.








I also love teaching others what I know, that feeling that you're helping others whether it be academically or with their own personal problems, it really gives me a good feeling.

Known formerly as Ameoba3000.


Now known as Vigoss.

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i'd like to be a doctor like my dad get to travel the world doing surgery chilling in random hotels all over the world i'm series i had to get more pages added to my passport twice :twisted: other than that probably a stockbroker for bill gates :mrgreen:

Account created on Weds, December 21st, 2005

99 cooking on December 12th, 2010. 99 Agility on September 30th, 2011. 99 Fletching on August 17th, 2012. 99 Prayer on March 22nd, 2016. 99 Farming on April 4th, 2016.

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Hmmm...what would I like to be when I'm older?
















I work with special children at the moment, it's the best job in the world. The pay is dire, but the kids make it all worth while.


The Poison Fairy

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im going to be going in the field of machine tool technology....as i have been taking it at a vocational school....pretty cool actually...you learn to use lathe and millers to make things out of metal...also learn to use cnc machine which is a computer operated lathe or miller....good money in it too :)

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im going to be going in the field of machine tool technology....as i have been taking it at a vocational school....pretty cool actually...you learn to use lathe and millers to make things out of metal...also learn to use cnc machine which is a computer operated lathe or miller....good money in it too :)








Do they teach you how to make swords and shields I'd like to learn

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I havn't yet decided, with college coming up I need to decide quickly. Maybe a teacher or something.



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I ask myself that question everyday and the awnser is nearly always different, however i have been going through this phase lately where i've been obsessing over wanting to be a journalist. I would be one who writes interesting insightful pieces on lifestyle or international issues and/or crisises, not grossly untrue gossip pieces on celebrities. Although it would be kind of fun to write exposes on scams and conspiracies like Sarah-Jane Smith in doctor who. \'

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well, cad. you see, footballers get more $ than firemen and policemen. but fire and policemen put their life on the line to help, footballers kick a ball :?








Professionals do. But you never mentioned professional players, you were just generalising football the sport.

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the most important of all tht i will have a succesfull job and have a 2door sport car i dnt care if its a mustang or 350z I JUST WANT A SPORT CAR!








Heh, I know how that feels. I currently have a '00 Pontiac Firebird but I'm planning on saving up and buying a '75 Corvette in the furute ;)

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I am probably going to end up studying law at the university.




I would like to be a lawyer or something along those lines :)








T'is an extremely hard course i hear... High grades :?




One of the reasons i need to quit Runescape :anxious:








Goodluck :)








I've got A year and 1/3 before i pick for sure

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Lead guitarist in a Led Zeppelin cover-band :) Or graphic designer, which is what I'm doing right now.








Robert Plant lives just down the road from me, he's a great guy. :D


The Poison Fairy

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September I join the local fire service.








I'm really looking forward to it, I get to help people and it's an interesting job.








Not great pay, and I'm risking my life but I love everything about it.

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Author, Dancer, and feminist in my spare time.








(Though I won't get started on that again.)








But hey, you know what would be really cool? To combine all three.... :-k :)

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Author, Dancer, and feminist in my spare time.








(Though I won't get started on that again.)








But hey, you know what would be really cool? To combine all three.... :-k :)










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