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Idiotic Skill Cape Emotes


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Woah great, and peoples ideas are good aswell, maybe you should be able to choose which one you would like to do, original or stupid \'




I like that idea and the many other who have said likewise maybe ill update it with it soon :-k


Thanks Yaff2 for the sig^,^

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lol skill capes are supposed to be for masters of the skill why would they make it so people fail things they are masters at








People who say things like this are completely missing the entire point of this. (And possibly a funny bone or two, as well?)








It's meant to me IRONIC and for FUN. I mean...what's funnier than seeing a level 99 skill master fail at their appropriate skill?








And don't try to say that because they are masters of the skill that they can't fail. I'd like to remind you that people with 99 attack, range and magic don't ALWAYS hit the person they are attacking. Splashes still arise occasionally. So if they can fail, then what makes you say it's completely ridiculous to think of an idea such as this?








I personally like it, and as some have already said before me, I think there should be a second icon next to the first skill cape emote labeled, "Skill Cape Fail" or something. It would be awful funny, and besides...don't 99s deserve more than one emote, anyway? ;)



|2,300+ Total|138 Combat|12 Lvl 99 Skills|99 Slayer|blogbutton.png

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I personally like it, and as some have already said before me, I think there should be a second icon next to the first skill cape emote labeled, "Skill Cape Fail" or something. It would be awful funny, and besides...don't 99s deserve more than one emote, anyway? ;)




So true 99 capes deserve at least 2 emotes maybe more :-k


Thanks Yaff2 for the sig^,^

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  • 4 weeks later...

Actually, Bloodveld, I wasn't putting someone's ideas down, I just said I didn't like them. I'm being truthful, I don't care if people think I'm wrong or don't agree with me, I just don't like the ideas for the emotes..

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Nice, found some of them pretty funny :D








This seriously made me think off lvl 1 skill capes :XD:








Yes, but then you'd lose it once your level 2 :-#








You have a fishing skill cape and then you get Scaperune fishing game. :XD:

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it'd be funny, but its supposed to honor a level 99 skill. That'll just make em be embarrassed of their skill




You would be embarresed to do these emotes?

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

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Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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Would be cool to see those randomly going on as you do a number of emotes :P




I think having the ability to do both, so 2 cape emotes at the bottom - one normal and one funny/amusing/etc


99: Agility 28/12/14|Thieving 20/03/15

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To those of you saying that this would be really bad because it would insult 99 skillers, you are most definitely wrong.








By playing the emote you would be a) saying that you have 99 in the skill




B) showing you have a sense of humor








These ideas are funny not because they are violent, but because they happen to an expert at the skill.








If I saw someone using the current emotes, I might think they are just showing off. These new ones, and i would respect their ability to laugh at themself, as well as the time they have put into the game. To me, the former atribute is more important, as anyone can get 99 with time (though few have the patience), whereas a sense of humor is something that, evidently, not everyone has.








Some great ideas there - now we just have to hope Jagex likes it enough.








You seriously believe that the mere fact that your skillcape emote could show your character goofing makes it humiliating to show? :XD: It wouldn't be humiliating in the least. I can't see ANYBODY afraid to use their agility emote because they might slip on one of the poles.








Imagine if Jagex releases these updated emotes --just like when the capes were originally released, players would gather around the people with a cape to watch the emote. This gives more players another chance to show off their stat. Watching the strength dumbell fall on your toe doesn't compare with losing a fight to someone half your level. Goofing the emote isn't failure, and to think that the fact a player would have no problem with showing that emote doesn't reflect on their sense of humor.

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