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F2p Mage Proposal *Read it now!* 105 supporters!!!!


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I support. Nothing more annyoing than training mage in f2p. They really, really need binds. Splitbark wouldn't be bad for you guys but new spells between blast and wave :shame: I think you guys have enough attacking spells.

Quit RuneScape :)

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i stoped at page 2 reading so i dont know if any 1 said this before








first u cant make anything between waves and blasts if u think of the max hit it goes up by 1 every spell (blast: air 13 water 14 earth 15 fire waves: air 17 water 18 earth 19 fire 20) so u cant put another set of spells there








the new mage robs idea is good and u need to put a little def on it but not much mage robs dont have much def the stats r fine








new spell no needed u can hit 16s with fire blasts that like lvl 75 str with rune scimmy if u add waves then u could hit a max of 20 thats like 95 str with rune scimmy thats my point but new mage gloves cape and boots r so needed








last we dont need any p2p mage armer they got too high of a mage bounes but i sure wish blk mystic was f2p... that thing rocks \'








i support and u have a mastake in the first post it sais f2p in a part that it should say p2p












signed ml417



refresh to see another sig =P

also click on the sig to go to The Art Bazaar

thanks to everyone who made me a sig

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I support, this could be one of the big updates that f2p people get each year.








But, the armor looks like the armor f2p already has, or armor p2p has, and you just put scribbles on it, or made it partly black. :lol: :x

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Heh, I was following this thread, and then I lost it somewhere along the way.










(YIKES, I'm supporting 5 different additions! I must be nuts! ...)
"Smart and insane guy wearing purple all the time", was that not how you described yourself?
You HAD to bring that up from the other thread, didn't you?!?!?
Heck yeah.








People in this thread who support DO NOT want stylish stuff. We need FUNCTION in what we use MORE than we want style by an extreme longshot!
Hulk, SMASH! Yeah, Vash is definitely the avatar for you. What ever happened to, "Love and Peace"? :mrgreen:












I made the apprentice stuff up - the only existing apprentice item I know of is the apprentice wand, a mage arena reward, with bonuses comparable to a staff of fire/air/earth/water. It could potentially become tradable to f2p, but the elemental staves are more desirable, for obvious reasons.








The foremost reason I didn't add melee/range defense bonuses, is that (according to the items database) neither f2p mage robes, nor blue mystic, have them. You're quite right that attack without defense is useless, but attack with pseudo-defense just might cut it - hence the snare suggestion.








The hole in that argument would be the whole 'r2h + d-hide' anti-mage hybrid, but again, that applies to more than just my fabricated nonsense. I believe splitbark (40 mage + 40 defense) is the earliest mage armor with significant melee defense bonuses. But I digress...another suggestion, for another thread.








Hm, I must've forgotten to mention supporting this idea when last I posted. :-k. Stick me on the list, please.

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People in this thread who support DO NOT want stylish stuff. We need FUNCTION in what we use MORE than we want style by an extreme longshot!
Hulk, SMASH! Yeah, Vash is definitely the avatar for you. What ever happened to, "Love and Peace"? :mrgreen:












I made the apprentice stuff up - the only existing apprentice item I know of is the apprentice wand, a mage arena reward, with bonuses comparable to a staff of fire/air/earth/water. It could potentially become tradable to f2p, but the elemental staves are more desirable, for obvious reasons.








The foremost reason I didn't add melee/range defense bonuses, is that (according to the items database) neither f2p mage robes, nor blue mystic, have them. You're quite right that attack without defense is useless, but attack with pseudo-defense just might cut it - hence the snare suggestion.








The hole in that argument would be the whole 'r2h + d-hide' anti-mage hybrid, but again, that applies to more than just my fabricated nonsense. I believe splitbark (40 mage + 40 defense) is the earliest mage armor with significant melee defense bonuses. But I digress...another suggestion, for another thread.




That's why even if special gloves/boots/cape were made, I was suggesting that the melee bonuses of normal gloves/boots/cape, at the minimum, were incorporated into special gloves/boots/cape for new, intermediate armor that F2P would have access to one way or another. At least, then that minimal defense boost would make the extra work for the upgraded mage boost clothes worth it. :)








Maybe something mostly cloth with some studs or metal lining? :-s








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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Jeh, I caught that, but I somehow suspect that Jagex wouldn't want to put melee defense on f2p robes - especially since mystic lacks them. Eh, a guy can dream, though.








I was actually thinking something along the lines of an inner lining made of rabbit-hide, or something similar. If you've ever skun a rabbit, you know that's just about right, while it's not thick/heavy enough to negatively affect spellcasting.








Could also be a neat component for Tailoring, which I expect to be revived in the next year or so. \'

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Jeh, I caught that, but I somehow suspect that Jagex wouldn't want to put melee defense on f2p robes - especially since mystic lacks them. Eh, a guy can dream, though.








I was actually thinking something along the lines of an inner lining made of rabbit-hide, or something similar. If you've ever skun a rabbit, you know that's just about right, while it's not thick/heavy enough to negatively affect spellcasting.








Could also be a neat component for Tailoring, which I expect to be revived in the next year or so. \'




Hmm... custom armor makes... sounds like a cool idea. :)








Just one problem with that: Jagex doesn't seem to take a liking to "emergent gameplay", so a lot of people's creativity gets shot down. :( ... Well, I guess we can hope for better, can't we? ::'








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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I don't remember mentioning custom anything... that's an interesting thought, though. :shock:








Heh, if they don't like emergent gameplay, why even bother with multiple armor types, or levels for that matter? Dispute all you like, a classless society has no incentive for growth; that's bad, bad business, right there.








'sides, Jagex doesn't like lots of things. That's why we have a suggestion forum. :wink:

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The problem with this idea is, I don't know if anyone has noticed or anything... but in rs2, mages are EXTREMELY overpowered. Mages don't need anything else, I mean cmon, they can hit 15 at what? level 35? =;




You gotta be kidding around. Mages can't hit 15 until they hit somwhere in the vicinity of Mage Level 59... Further, without proper clothes, they won't hit hard at all. THAT is what this suggestion thread aims to balance.








(Please now, stuff it and get your facts straight.)








~Mr. D. V. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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39, technically, but Crumble Undead is crap in PvP. :P








53 for earth blast. Yes, at low levels, mages thrive because they have access to high hits early on. By medium to higher combat levels, the advantage has completely petered out - As I recall, the max hit for fire blast is 16 at 59 magic, and 16 at 99 magic.








Of course, more relevant to this thread, their potential "accuracy" bonus (if you care to think of it that way) is a joke. A slow +25 offense bonus? Comparable to a mithril 2-hander, assuming the formulas are reasonably similar.
















Your pictures finally loaded for me (dialup). I don't know what you did with the cape and boots, but it actually looks pretty neat. Care to tye-dye the whole shebang?

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ok i read through the thread yes again








and saw the idea of blue myst








i personaly think thats not to bad of an idea...








but then it is
















^^ see thats gona start a new 1 of them going...so i dont support due to that sorry








but my idea is if they made say blue skirt to have a mage attk bonus.

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but my idea is if they made say blue skirt to have a mage attk bonus.




Wouldn't go over well. There must be a reason that skirt is sold as it is.




I'd say we're still gonna aim for a specialized mage bottom.








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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but my idea is if they made say blue skirt to have a mage attk bonus.




Wouldn't go over well. There must be a reason that skirt is sold as it is.




I'd say we're still gonna aim for a specialized mage bottom.








~Mr. Devnull








BUT like i said before f2p bank space is tight enough and people know jagex wont give more...

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BUT like i said before f2p bank space is tight enough and people know jagex wont give more...




Don't be too sure of your self. A lot of members (P2Ps) are really getting upset that F2P doesn't have enough bank space for F2P to 'gain their levels, but land P2P up with the in-game money ultimately'...








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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This is basically reiterating points, but they're good points, so:








-Give F2P Mages Snare. Bind is, as has been stated, near useless.




-Low level mage pures are overpowered.




-At High levels, however, you start to lose power. You can maxhit 16 at level 59 magic, and maxhit 16 and level 99 magic.




-Though people ask for more robes with higher physical defense, mages are designed to be a "glass cannon", able to hit massive amounts while not being able to take too much.












:arrow: Snare is made available to F2P.




:arrow: A new damage spell is made accessible to F2P mages at high levels, not a whole new set. Wave is not added, nor is a new set put in.








I'm thinking level 75 magic or something, with a max hit of 18. This is the same power as Water Wave, yet far higher level requirement; F2P gets no advantage over members, nor does it reduce the member's advantage over F2P(if it did, Jagex wouldn't do it), but it still evens out F2P.




-Questions on the new spell:




---->Name - not many good ideas. Bolt of Wrath? Fire Shot? Magic Blast?




---->Runes required - 2 death, 5 fire, 5 air? Or what about 2 death, 3 chaos, 4 air?




---->Level required - 70-75?








That's only my suggestion; feel free to run with it.

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