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Source Of Macroers?


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How many times have you gone to mine ess, and see 30 different miners with the name "yong324" or "qxlin32" or some weird name, well, while stumbling around on sites, I came across this article.
















It basically describes that one person made 1.5M in real money through selling game currencies. Since RuneScape GP goes roughly 7-9$ per million (I hear from various sites like tip.it) could there be macroers (Not all) macroing for, well, money to sell? 'Game Sweatshops' have hundreds of computers, where people just play games, could there be a team of 5-10 managing 30 macroers, spread out over a large area, making money to sell? This was done with various MMORPGs so, figured RS fell into that category.




If this is in the wrong section, could a mod please move?








Agree, Disagree, Rant, Complain, Flame, doesn't matter much to me.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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:? I heard of sweatshop workers being people who play online








:-k Never had proof though but I think this is not really p2p or rants sounds...off topic rants :?








I think he means several computers are just set up with macro programs running. The computers are the "slaves" themselves.








I can see people doing this...theres alot of money to be made that way.

Metal fans, check out my band!


Still the King....

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this is the only way to sucsesfully make rl money out of games, there is the rules for this reason, and i know it exists because i have a korean friend(lee Haneul) in this country who's cousin works as a power leveler for maplestory, i don't know his pay sorry

R.I.P badboyjoe1, hacked and stolen, aged 2.5 years, 1401 total lv and over 14 m net worth.



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Guest arkdemon

in alot of f2p worlds i'v seen over 100+ macroers with the same names but diff numbers after they were all wcing i wondered how do they all log on at once? through 1 comp? but the sweatshops seem to be the reason








example: Y234 Y563 Y348

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and yes over 50% (personal bet) of macros use the money they make to sell in rl, some more advanded and orginzed then others and they uses programs to bypass the world block on 1 comp most likely








Countries should make it illegal to sell ingame currencies if its against the game rules.








would be to hard to control

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I can't really see something that big occur in runescape. I personally think its to small of a game for something like that. I can see games like, WoW and other huge mmorpg games that aren't based on an internet browser having sweatshops for games. I'm pretty sure you'd have to be such a huge avid fan of that game to spend thousands of dollars on a game. I can see $10-$100 for buying millions on RS, but not tens of thousands.








Countries should make it illegal to sell ingame currencies if its against the game rules.








I don't think a country would go as far as people doing things not particulary allowed on a game could get the person punished by law in real-life. I could possibly seeing it happen if the game was a huge part of a culture and almost everyone played it. :-k


More Tip.it Friends Needed! Feel Free To Add Me\m/ Tip.it's Biggest Metalhead.

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It's not really the sweatshop owners fault. Yes, he shouldn't be exploit people like that. But the people that buy the accounts/moneys are pretty much saying they support sweatshop workers. If people would stop buying money they would stop using people like that or they can go to WoW :-w .

Quit RuneScape :)

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Why it isn't illegal is because most of these sweatshops are located here:
















The US and UK have no power here.








No offence to anyone.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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If you did the math, a blue phat that goes for 600 million. Times that by 7 and you got yourself $4,000. And if your quitting, who would just keep it?








My personal opinion on this is quite vague for I never really noticed any autors.








I hope the country at least closes down the big buildings but why would they care? As in they I meant the Chinse Government, it seems its doing quite well for their somewhat low economy. But I have heard it is the quickest growing economy.








No offence.

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Why it isn't illegal is because most of these sweatshops are located here:
















The US and UK have no power here.








No offence to anyone.








Lol, I'm Chinese :D (although I do live in United States). But I have to agree with you. Most of the names the autoers choose are like qing236 or maimai346 which are all Chines words followed by numbers... Darn Chinese :-#

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there was an article in my country's newspaper that talked about WoW sweatshops in the country mentioned above.




people get the play for free and paid a small amount but all their ingame gold goes to the person who sets up this sweatshop. they have quotas to meet or they'll be "fired".
















btw im chinese to but i live in singapore.




and yes those accounts are named in chinese, e.g. nihao (which means hello) or huahua (flower flower) with numbers at the back

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Rather insightful article - I've seen several before on this topic (nytimes had one a few months back).








Obviously, trading gp for items of real world value is against the rules. (In RS at least.)








I would say, while people want to demonize these outfits as "sweatshops" most of the young Chinese (almost always young men) appreciate any opportunity to make a living...








If the worst thing that came from their day was carpal tunnel, it's a bit better than several dozen other afflictions that affect Chinese workers in other true "sweatshops."








That said, I hope this guy's house (Star Wars ringer and all) burns to the ground. (While he and his family, pets, etc. are away of course.)








Even so, he'll probably be able to buy another within 6 months to a year.

RSN: Greedom1 | QP 248+ | Combat 116 | Total 1920+ | Skills 95 craft, 99 farm, 88 herb, 91 mage, 85 slayer

Values? What do they mean?

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in alot of f2p worlds i'v seen over 100+ macroers with the same names but diff numbers after they were all wcing i wondered how do they all log on at once? through 1 comp? but the sweatshops seem to be the reason








example: Y234 Y563 Y348








I tested and discovered that you actually can multi-log in RuneScape - but not on the same world. Different accounts on different worlds work - people could have multiple macroers on one computer.








And no, I don't multi log. It was only an experiment. Don't flame me for breaking the rules, 'cause I know some people will be "omg rule breaker".



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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TBH I HIGHLY doubt there are sweatshop workers on runescape. RS2 mills have dropped to 4-5 bucks per and aren't worth squat anymore same for rsc mills clocking in at 1 buck per. I didn't bother reading the article but once again, I HIGHLY doubt someone made 1.5m from ingame currency from various mmos if it was one person

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30 macoers at once, 3k ess per account, per day...








more than that im sure. Maybe 5k ess a day. Thats 15mil a day. Mills are 5$ ea. (read the other threads on this kind of stuff)
















Btw, isn't there a sticky for posting this kind of stuff?

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old news I have been to cheating sites for help on Visual Basic since they are usually programmers, the person who I am freinds with made 15,000$ in high school off runescape.












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Why else would you apply a computer program to play RS for you? It takes enough programming skill that nobody would do it for "virtual" money. You'd have to be making real-world gp.

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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