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Your first game you beat


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Oh wow. :P








The first game series I beat was the puzzle series, Hugo.
























Must've been about... 4/5. One of the first games I played. It was a challenge, I had a bit of help from my older siblings, but 80% of the work was my own. :P








It's basically a text adventure but with things happening on screen aswell. For instance you'd need to type "open door". To open it, instead of walking next to it and pressing a key.








Beat it at my home... Quite possibly on my Amstrad. Which I later blew up. ^_^ Silly Alan Sugar and not putting a fan in it.

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It was a multiplayer game with a really really old friend of mine. I think I was about 5-6 when he had an SNES and we played this game (don't remember so I'll describe) where it was an adventure and you choose your character. You go through the levels as you fight the people (they come out of any corner in the screen, some are thugs, some are sumo wrestlers, etc.). There's some stages where you fight in a restaurant. There's one part where you're on the rooftop to fight a helicopter. Stuff like that. Played that over and over o:

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It was a multiplayer game with a really really old friend of mine. I think I was about 5-6 when he had an SNES and we played this game (don't remember so I'll describe) where it was an adventure and you choose your character. You go through the levels as you fight the people (they come out of any corner in the screen, some are thugs, some are sumo wrestlers, etc.). There's some stages where you fight in a restaurant. There's one part where you're on the rooftop to fight a helicopter. Stuff like that. Played that over and over o:








Sounds like Streets of Rage for the Megadrive.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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It was a multiplayer game with a really really old friend of mine. I think I was about 5-6 when he had an SNES and we played this game (don't remember so I'll describe) where it was an adventure and you choose your character. You go through the levels as you fight the people (they come out of any corner in the screen, some are thugs, some are sumo wrestlers, etc.). There's some stages where you fight in a restaurant. There's one part where you're on the rooftop to fight a helicopter. Stuff like that. Played that over and over o:








Sounds like Double Dragon.
























I only thought this because I had it on Gameboy ^_^.

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Space Harrier maybe or more likely Dizzy.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Hmmm, I can't remember the first one I beat, but I know I've beat a lot of different games... Right now I'm really close to beating Final Fantasy III for DS though...

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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It was this flying/shooter pc game. I was probably about 6 and it was my friends. We kept getting stuck on this one boss until one day I beat it somehow. We gave up on the boss for awhile though and would just fly around on this huge world. You would have other aircraft follow you and could fly through the clouds to have "air battles"

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hmm... first game I beat, thats hard. :P








It may have been doom to be honest. I remember playing games when I was 3 but the problem was was that the games back then were quite hard. :shock: I never could really finish one lol.












haha, I remember that game btw cad. :D








edit: I think I was probaly 6/7.

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hmm... first game I beat, thats hard. :P








It may have been doom to be honest. I remember playing games when I was 3 but the problem was was that the games back then were quite hard. :shock: I never could really finish one lol.












haha, I remember that game btw cad. :D








edit: I think I was probaly 6/7.








Heh, Doom was probably the second game I completed. I fell in love with it and later played its predecessor; Wolfenstein 3D. Problem with Wolfy was it lacked contrast. The weapons weren't different, just faster fire.








Then much later, I played Hexen and Heretic (id's next FPS') but they just don't feel like an id game atall. I mean, you can pick up items and use them later! D: That's not id.




Heretic is better than Hexen, but Doom is above them all.




(Heretic you can choose between 3 characters who each get different weapons; Warrior - Melee type - strong defence. Cleric - Starts with melee, learns magic - medium defence. Mage - Magic - low defence.)

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(Heretic you can choose between 3 characters who each get different weapons; Warrior - Melee type - strong defence. Cleric - Starts with melee, learns magic - medium defence. Mage - Magic - low defence.)








It was Hexen in which you could choose a character class.

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When I first started playing I played games you couldn't beat. Never ending ones like Tetris. The first one player game I beat was probably Star Wars: Rebel Assault. I used to play a lot of games at my cousins house and we probably beat a few of those, I can't remember what the first would be. Golden Axe would probably be close.



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(Heretic you can choose between 3 characters who each get different weapons; Warrior - Melee type - strong defence. Cleric - Starts with melee, learns magic - medium defence. Mage - Magic - low defence.)








It was Hexen in which you could choose a character class.








Really? Bah, I get confused with their names. :P

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Driver-Age 8








Great game.



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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