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How'd you feel about strenuous walking [Hiking]?


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Myself, I love it.








My Dads in Mountain Rescue, I'm part of an Explorer unit [Group of older teenagers who pursue outdoor sports] I've climbed every peak in every district in England at least 3 times each, Some about 5+ times now.




I've done both Bronze and Silver Gold D of E [Duke Of Edinbourough] And am now planning my Gold.








One day, I hope to be part of the Mountain Rescue team just like my Dad, And also when I turn 20, Few years away, Visit the Arctic with my Dad's team and spend a month out there.








But my girlfriend..




Comes up with the simple phrase




'I'll only walk if I don't realise i'm walking'








Yes, That does make sense.




She means, If I'm out shopping, She can walk all day, Because she doesn't think about the distance, It's just walking from one side of town to the other, Into and out of shops, Around and inside shops.








I, Walk because I love conquering a challenge, Making myself stronger in both mental and physical states, I love the feeling of setting up my tent after a long days walk.








How do you feel?




Are you a keen walker? Any stories to tell?




Or do you despise it? And why?

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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this is a pretty pointless thread. not much room for discussion.












ill take my carr anytime.

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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this is a pretty pointless thread. not much room for discussion.












ill take my carr anytime.








It's pretty pointless to you because you show no interest in the subject.












Love walking <3:








Windsor I see! Good walking area.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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I love to walk just about everywhere. Although i dont pay attention to my surroundings as i do it, and mostly think, it does kinda matter wher ei walk. I need to see something new once in awhile.


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Mm okey, I think I've made people grab the wrong end of the stick.








I mean walking as in, Week away, Carrying tent, food, stove, pans etc..




Or one day away in the hills and mountains.












I normally call that hiking, maybe that is causing confusion.



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Have you tried the 3 peak challenge yet? Climb to the summit of all 3 Great British peaks in 24 hours. Me and our Simon did it last year to raise money.








Yep, Twice.








I just did it to tick another climb of in my books.








Aw that's cool though, Good job on raising money :thumbsup:

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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I like walking places, but don't really walk for the sake of it. I would walk up a mountain though, for the experience.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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I usually cycle or drive but I like walking, I find that you notice and appreciate things much more when viewing it at walking pace. While if i'm cycling i'm concentrating on not getting run over by some idiot who gives me one foot of room when it should be atleast six...

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well i get the wonderful pleasure of running every day of the year for at least an hour for cross country/track so yea lol. walking is like a godsend








and during the summers, i usually sign myself up for some group that goes mountain hiking because Colorado is a great state to visit












except the first time when i got vicious altitude sickness. absolutely brutal

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I do a few tramps/hikes, I would love to do more but simply do not have the time. I have so many different hobbies.








You should go to a country with real mountains and go climbing there. England only has hills.








I meant United Kingdom, Which also means Scotland.








I've been climbing in Italy and Germany too.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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I hike for good scenery, seeing nature in it's coolest :-w .

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I've had three major hiking trips with friends. Once to Wales, once to the Schwarzwald, once to the Swiss Alps. We had two surreal experiences in Switzerland. Once we took a day off from hiking to rent mountainbikes and do a few downhill runs. We were walking up the hill with our bikes in hand (no way to get up at any decent speed if we were actually riding them), and we were overtaken by a pregnant woman pushing a baby carriage. The other time we left a cottage where we had spent the night. We were five minutes under way when the woman who ran the cottage past us with an empty tank on her back. About halfway down the mountain (800 meters vertical), she's already back on her way up with 20 litres of diesel on her back, not even breaking a sweat. I guess that kind of stamina is pretty normal when you live in the mountains all your life, but those two women put some pretty big dents in our egos :P








I've also walked the four days of Nijmegen once, 30 kilometres for four days. It's basically the biggest walking event in the world, with 40.000+ participants each year walking 30, 40 or 50 kilometer routes.

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I love hiking.








My all time favorite hikes I have done...








The Crypt in Waterton Lakes ntl park in Canada. The high point is after you walk across a thin trail traversing an avalanche slide on the edge of a cliff you climb up into a small tunnel blasted through the side of the mountain with dynamite. After crawling through it you come out the other side to a sheer drop of at least a thousand feet and a waterfall from a glacial lake tumbling down into the valley below... AWESOME!!




Oh yeah... walked right up on a bear this hike as well...








Angels Landing in Zion National Park in Utah. The final destination is arriving at a thin rock outcropping that sticks out into the valley. Basically you feel like you are standing in midair because on three different sides of you you are just a few feet away from the edge of a 2000 foot sheer cliff so your vision doesn't see any land under you if you stand near the edge. Really beautiful and a really weird sensation to have. It's also a good quick kick in the rear physically because the entire hike you are climbing half a mile vertically in the space of just a few miles of walking.








The Narrows in Zion. 12 mile hike IN a river with water up to your knees. The river flows between two 2000 foot high vertical cliffs. There is a side canyon we headed up where you climb waterfalls with the water blasting down on you to get further up the canyon. Very awesome...








Klingman's Dome(I think) in Smoky Mountain National Park in Tennessee/North Carolina. We hiked this in January in jeans and tennis shoes. Everyone else on the trail had ice picks and crampons and looked like they should be on everest. The trail was covered in an inch or two of ice near the edge of cliffs. We were slipping all over the place but it was a great challenge. Hike ends in a beautiful exposed view of the Appalachians on the edge of a cliff and the wind whipping past looking out at the country covered in snow. If you have ever seen the movie Last of the Mohicans it looked like some of the mountain views in that.








Offtrailing with crazy Englishmen in Arches Ntl Park in Utah. Some English extreme trailing tour guide guy asked my brother and I if we wanted to come along because all that was with him was one other crazy English guy that had rafted the Zambezi River(Big chance of dying and if you fall out crocs and hippos attack you) and three shy asian girls. All he asked before we joined is "are either of you afraid of heights?" Nope... and that was the most understated question ever. I think he needed more guys for the crazy stuff. Anyways he leads us all through the backcountry and we make human ladders to get up some impassible routes. Then we make a human ladder to get down a gorge where I am the last guy to come down and have to jump the gorge onto a rock outcrop that is 5 feet wide with a 40 foot drop if I land short and a 60 foot drop to rocks if I land long. Crazy... probably wouldn't do the last part again... but definitely a great hike. Arches is where they filmed the boy scout scene of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade to give you a point of reference of what this place was like.








The last I will mention was a couple of months ago I hadn't backpacked(we were carrying about 40 lbs I think) in ages and did 26 miles including climbing a 2200 foot high mountain in less than 28 hours. The doc said I developed severe foot tendinitis from it. Part of me was like whoa, cool, didn't know you could do that in a day lol. I thought it took months of overusing something to pull off tendinitis. I could barely stand when we got done because my body wasn't used to it. I literally got out of the car when we got home and stepped out and was collapsing and had to grab the side of the car to keep from falling I was so exhausted. Note to self: build your body up in the future before undertaking stuff like this. :P

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That's what I'm talking about ^




Experienced walkers.








I've never heard of that competition, I'll check it out, Bet it miiiiiiles away though.








It also hinders me that you both seem to either live in very very cool places or can drive and afford to get to places.








Being only 16 and without a Job, I tend to rely on my Dad, Although I'd love to be able just to go off with friends whenever I can, I guess I'll have to wait a few years though.. -.-

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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