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The different satchels colors


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I've got a green satchel and I feel they are quite nifty. They hold a good little amount of easy access food so when I'm somewhere with cheap food I can have more of it.








I love the tea flasks though. 5 cups of tea can come in handy for mini healing and attack boost. =]

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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I love the tea flasks though. 5 cups of tea can come in handy for mini healing and attack boost. =]








2 sara brews, 2 super rests, and a Sap are a lot better then that :lol:


semi-retired as i am the lastest victim of computer crack!


AKA... World of Warcraft

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*smacks Karil with purse* Mwuahahaha...1 hit K.O. lol












i think all the barrows brothers are cross dressers except dharok and torag, i mean cmon, they all wear skirts lol








and i know a great use for the satchel, if your power training agility at the wild course or something they save a lot of time and space by holding like 5-6 cakes and banannas and stuff and you can wield em so it saves 1 extra space



click link to go to ganon95 productions

runescape requires a lot of skills, napoleon dynamyte would love this game

i am the proud owner of the quest point cape; all quests done 12/04/06

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lol... w/ updates every month you can not expect all of them to be "good"
Anyone else besides me wish that they would have just one good, big update a month instead of 4 crappy ones?












meh skill cape neds a challange!!!

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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lol... w/ updates every month you can not expect all of them to be "good"
Anyone else besides me wish that they would have just one good, big update a month instead of 4 crappy ones?








Maybe a bit of variety, for example one week they'll introduce a short mini quest, the next will just be some tweaks and give them some time to work on a great quest for the next week.








I'm not fond of all the little quests, they don't seem like quests... just like short distractions with not much purpose.

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lol... w/ updates every month you can not expect all of them to be "good"
Anyone else besides me wish that they would have just one good, big update a month instead of 4 crappy ones?








Maybe a bit of variety, for example one week they'll introduce a short mini quest, the next will just be some tweaks and give them some time to work on a great quest for the next week.








I'm not fond of all the little quests, they don't seem like quests... just like short distractions with not much purpose.








Well for more experienced questers it IS pointless. The quest is so short and has no good rewards. It is really ment for the noobs who would like to do there first members quest but cannot decide which one to do.








I can see the satchels being used. How bout if you were pure training on rock crabs? My friend does it and he gets hit a good amount. He brings food likemackerel and tuna for 10-12 heal. An inventory full of satchels would be like 20+ health per spot (Cake=12, banana 1 few and a traingle sandwhich 6 or so?) That means less bank trips.








Also, which are the best ones in greatest to worst? I hear some people say rune is the best and I have heard some say white is the best. THey havve no differences, but whats is the highest levels monster you need to kill for the one it drops? I kind of doubted rune being the best since you just need to kill level 19 newt/chicken monsters.

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they are handy for agil training, as every little helps on the courses, and no inventory slots used

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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lol... w/ updates every month you can not expect all of them to be "good"
Anyone else besides me wish that they would have just one good, big update a month instead of 4 crappy ones?
Quite soon they'd get the flood of "OMG WE NEED UPDATES" rants.








It's just like with the computer console market, the casual gamers drive the market, the devolpers are going to generally try to make things that appeal to them.








With Runescape, we're driven by lower levelled, generally more causal players who want an hour long update a week and not an epic quest every month.

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lol... w/ updates every month you can not expect all of them to be "good"
Anyone else besides me wish that they would have just one good, big update a month instead of 4 crappy ones?








Maybe a bit of variety, for example one week they'll introduce a short mini quest, the next will just be some tweaks and give them some time to work on a great quest for the next week.








I'm not fond of all the little quests, they don't seem like quests... just like short distractions with not much purpose.

Yep, exactly.






lol... w/ updates every month you can not expect all of them to be "good"
Anyone else besides me wish that they would have just one good, big update a month instead of 4 crappy ones?
Quite soon they'd get the flood of "OMG WE NEED UPDATES" rants.
Who cares? They whine about everything else anyway.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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