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Everything posted by warrior5024

  1. I generally don't like what skill capes have done for 99s, or the economy, but since that's already fouled up, I'm all for F2P getting them. The capes aren't the reward in the achievment anyways.
  2. Which is why you can freeze, move back, safe spot, and slow weapon speed.
  3. I dunno if you've ben to TD's at all today, but something seems to be different about them. They wander further and, as Muggiwhplar can vouch, we kept getting several on us at once, even in our safe spots. I had the same problem with a different partner this morning, ending up with 4 demons surrounding us.
  4. that's because most people have misinterpreted the thesis of this guide, which is that magic is the most misunderstood combat skill. your typical mage will just farcast and ice barrage. however, a master of magic will use advanced techniques like safespotting and combos. since most people have never heard of the techniques in this guide, most people are still fixated on the whole combo thing. truly, the greatest advanced magic technique is the safespot because that allows you to be invincible for 20 seconds at a time. the combo thing's really just a cool little trick I fooled around with to intimidate opponents and increase my odds of KO'ing w/ magic, rather than have to bust out range. EVERYBODY - PRACTICE SAFESPOTTING, NOT COMBOING :P :lol: You really have to show me that sometime. Please answer my PM. sure I'll add you time to dust off my wand and see if I've still got it lol We outa go to Pits one day, just give everybody Hell. :lol: Plus, I've found the PERFECT Maging spot in pits: It is both a safespot for trapping rangers, and a vent, so Meleer's can't reach you. I gotta Agree with Ralph Wiggum (haha) here: Safe-spotting is the most fun, cool, and useful tactic out there. It can be used in BH, most PvP situations, and does make you invulnerable for a nice chunk of time. I was so phsyic'd when I found the safe spot square standings.
  5. Gotta Agree with Ralph. I went with a friend this morning, and we ended up being surrounded by 4 demons, even after I ran a lap around to shake em off.
  6. I definitely prefer TD's over GWD. Solo or Duo, it's way more fun, invigorating, and less frustrating without the 40 KC needed. I really do prefer Duo over Solo: The kills are faster, it's more laid back, and enjoyable. It helps if the Ranger brings "Special transfer" if the Melee has a Godsword, and maybe even "heal other" since the Meleer is prone to take more damage.
  7. Void Magic would be best of tanking, as it's body and robe bottoms have range Defence.
  8. The only goal I've ever had: Beat Oddfaery2's record of highest total without fishing guild access. He has 1800 total, but that was before Construction, so maybe 2040 Total to beat him? I dunno, I always take a month break over the summer, maybe I'll quit. Dunno, I kinda hope so.
  9. Thats not realy magic by itself. :| Is a Whip with Karil's Melee by itself? Yes. Funny, I thought Karil's required 70 Range? That means the melee has to Range at some point to wear the armor, so it is considered Hybriding, since it's giving them an edge against the triangle. I'd consider it tanking. Using the highly defensive pieces of armor of another class to defy the advantages of the one ment to defeat you.Hes still using melee,which we should some defence against. Do you consider tank rangers hybrids ? Do they use items from another corner of the triangle to tweak their advantages? Yes. Is that hybriding? Yes.
  10. I bursted to 94 magic at apes, and may I suggest NOT. I regret it, i only got 150k exp an hour, and spent gobs of cash.
  11. Allo again, help and advice. Every since I achieved 85 mining nearly a year ago, I've been getting 30-40 ores an hour at my current mining spots, and, while I do enjoy 500k an hour, I KNOW it is possible to double that. Each time I've been at the double runite rocks in the wild however, I can find a string of maybe 2-3 worlds, then I spend the next 20 minutes searching for glowing rocks, only to head back t my original worlds when my spreadsheet says its time. It's not my inv or level or anything, I'm just wondering if there is some technique to increase my ores per hour at double rocks. Thank you, Warrior
  12. Not really a fair comparison; in BH/Worlds a smart meleer would have switched to Karil's/d'hide. I hope so... I haven't been in PvP in a while with magic. It's honestly been about two years probably since meleers would actually bring dhides and/or a bow with them. In the hundreds of people I fought w/ magic, none of them came prepared like that - they always preferred to call me a farcasting noob then throw a tantrum, rather than grow up and come prepared Nothing has changed, Ralph. The only difference is now there are plenty of people willing to "Stand up" against mages and rush the hell out of you. Other then that, they are the same: they spec first so they hope to ko you, but then have no KO power left. I don't have to walk when I use Karil's Cross. Only with obsidian rings, I've found.
  13. You cannot. You can stack a DFS hit, 2 magic hit and 1 range hit, possibly dealing 105 damage in the time span of 1 splat occuring. Thats not realy magic by itself. :| Is a Whip with Karil's Melee by itself? Yes. Funny, I thought Karil's required 70 Range? That means the melee has to Range at some point to wear the armor, so it is considered Hybriding, since it's giving them an edge against the triangle.
  14. Don't mage at Apes. I bursted for 94 Magic and I regret it. I only got 150k exp an hour and spent nearly 30m. I was pretty bad at it, but still, it was terrible.
  15. You cannot. You can stack a DFS hit, 2 magic hit and 1 range hit, possibly dealing 105 damage in the time span of 1 splat occuring. Thats not realy magic by itself. :| Is a Whip with Karil's Melee by itself?
  16. That's me at waterfiends with you : Get a non-anchor
  17. I do get the "Add me please" often, as I believe in helping people, but my list is full because of it. It is awkward to say no, but remember, this kid will go to bed and not think a thing of it. Off topic: It's funny how people react different to me. When I'm fighting, I'm constantly "Farcasting" and "Can't really fight," but when I'm out in the rest of the world, people are always friendly toward me, and I am right back to them. Either you hate me, or want me on a friend's list.
  18. You cannot. You can stack a DFS hit, 2 magic hit and 1 range hit, possibly dealing 105 damage in the time span of 1 splat occuring. Haha, that Combo was sooo much fun! Not practical because of the two minute wait, but fun none-the-less. The TSC is the most reliable high hitting magic combo. I'd love to see some pure pull that off and blow everybody out of the water :lol:
  19. Enemies prayer, if you are attacking a player. Atleast that's what I've heard.
  20. Maybe it's just on players, but it won't hit hp, but the damage it hasn't said it's done, is being taken from your Prayer.
  21. From most the least accurate: Smoke Barrage > Ice Barrage > Shadow > Blood Smoke barrage if very odd - It will either hit very often, or not at all. Ahrim's Effect hits about 1/3 of the spells cast. The Triple Stack is best performed with a Karil's Crossbow, and a Video/demonstration is provided in my Guide *Link in sig* Please refer to my guide, it'll answer most of your questions, and even some more techniques. However, I suggest against using magic only on PvP worlds: To many PJ'ers.
  22. I thought Abyssal Titan did no damage, just drained prayer?
  23. I just did a test: 75 crims an hour, with -16k profit. Much better then Rock Lobsters. Thank you :thumbsup:
  24. Since I can't seem to get any numbers from previous questions, I'll ask the master: At 85 Attack, 89 Strength, 80 Prayer, and 99 Magic, with Void Melee, bunyip, Zamorakian spear, no SGS, how many charms per hour should I get, and which boosting prayers should I use?
  25. With kyatt, mine near the fishing colony, bank with dueling rings.
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