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Everything posted by Albosky

  1. Do NOT turn this into an argument over f2p bank space, it has absolutely nothing to do with the authors intention for his suggestion.
  2. As long as I've been here , the signature limit is being broken way too often per day to stop and send everyone a message asking them to change it , which many users would just ignore anyways and then we would also have to go back and verify that the changes were made. This topic came up quite a while ago actually http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=521724 where a user complained that by us replacing the signature, they would be lost. It is NOT our responsibility to keep a backup of your signature or their images. I'd like to remind you of the limits, 450 pixels wide by 175 pixels high TOTAL If you have a 450x175 image and text under it , your signature is too big! If you have 2 images that total 175 high and a quote under it, your signature is too big! etc etc.. The current signature limits were decided by a user debate We increased the width by 50% of what it once was and allowed for a 16% increase in height. They instantly became a problem again. I see absolutely zero reason to discuss another change to allow for more "personal expression" and as I said in the other postings, people are not here to view your signature, they are here to read and discuss what your posts say, and i will repeat what i said above, we are NOT responsible for keeping a backup of signatures that violate the limits, we are stretched thin enough trying to keep up with the rest of the daily problems the community dishes out.
  3. Whoa , slow down lol tallest already posted above that we will be talking it over and coming to a more clear solution as obviously the "rule" is flawed.
  4. Ask over at RSC , we don't offer support for clients here.
  5. Offering Runescape items/gold as a reward for people posting your link (spamming) is a violation of the real world trading rule within Runescape and will not be allowed on these forums, therefore has been removed from your original post. ALong with the fact that gamespot has already removed your link, I guess we can just call this a case closed.
  6. Unfortunately at this time the kidnappers demands have not been made clear to us. Until we can get a good idea of the location and whereabouts of the kidnappers all we can do is sit here, and wait for a lead. Could be a an hour, or could be a couple days. Time will tell ... :|
  7. Next time you register for a forum , try actually READING the agreement notice that you "sign" by clicking that you agree to the terms, sue us , too funny.... But anyways , I hope whoever this guy is feeds him well, even TET leaders have to eat .
  8. No , linking to these programs violates our forum rules. Subsequently, Swiftswitch has still not been updated to comply with the new standards set forth by Jagex.
  9. Ok, I've finished off and implemented a new pagination code to the viewforum and viewtopic pages so multiple pages are easier to navigate. If there are more then 10 but less then 20 pages on a forum or a topic , a dropdown menu with all the page numbers will appear , simply select the page you want and the page will load. If there are more then 20 pages , a text box will appear , simply enter the page number you want and press enter.
  10. I have been meaning to update the Pagination for ages, just always slips my mind, I'll get to it eventually :P
  11. The fact that Swiftswitch being supported by RSC has NOTHING to do with our stance on these programs. Its our users that conjure up this so called "war" we have with opposing websites. Jagex does not recommend the usage of third party clients , therefore WE don't recommend the usage of third party clients. We have never created our own simply for the fact of the scrutiny that can arise from it. Take Strider for instance, do you realize how many times people have claimed his program was responsible for the loss of their account when it was really their own careless behavior to blame? Do you really think we want to listen to that day in and day out ? Actually to be quite honest with you , a web-based client would have a much greater success at stealing your password if you had the proper security measures installed on your computer (firewall, antivirus, etc). I'm not saying that Tiko is not trustworthy as I myself have never tried it, nor do i think Zybez would destroy the image they worked hard to gain, but its that false hope and blind trust that usually gets most users in bad situations.
  12. hmm , guess I missed this back in December, will look into it :)
  13. This is actually a standard feature of the upcoming phpBB 3.x "Olympus" release. It allows you to see if you "friends" are online and also allows you to ignore messages from your "enemies". When or if we will be upgrading to that release is not yet determined as it is still in the BETA stage and no upgrade path has been provided yet. Added to the fact that the forum software has already been very heavily modified to fit our specific needs. The idea of adding it to our current package has been tossed around in the past but has always been tossed aside as added and unnecessary "bloat". As the forum is not a real method of "instant" communication such as IRC, MSN, yahoo and other similar programs, its never really been considered needed to know if a specific person is online other then viewing the "Who is Online" list at the bottom of the forum index.
  14. That image has been on this forum for YEARS, dont try to pass off someone else's work as your own , people WILL know.
  15. Was wondering when someone was going to post a pic of an item from the shop :D Seriously , to all the people who say "people would think I'm if I wore that." You really need to stop caring what other people think, stop trying to impress people :roll:
  16. If you folks look at the google ads you will see this at the bottom corner "Advertise on this site" That added to the fact that google "Spiders" the forum looking for keywords to better target the ads to the audience, it will remain a huge problem. Silverion has blocked literally HUNDREDS of these urls from being displayed, but these sites have many urls, and they change them quite often and resubmit their url to Google, which just starts the cycle over. Silverion owns the tip.it network and only he can remove the ads, this takes time as he also lives a full time life outside the internet. If so many of our users didnt use such measures as Adblockers, Flash blockers, etc.. we may have been able to just drop Google completely, but many of you fail to realize that without those Ads, Tip.it could not remain online. We dont use some of the tactics that other sites do by holding "donation drives", or sell "premium memberships", yet people still take for granted that running these dedicated servers is not free..... If even HALF of our active users donated $1 to Silverion through paypal , he could probably remove the ads completleyfor a pretty good amount of time. Yet I dont see that happening. If you have any ideas on how to pay for these servers without running Google Adsense, I'm all ears.
  17. I've altered the database column to 70 characters to allow for changes made to topic titles by the scripts. In order to make the change completely to 70 characters , I would need to edit all the templates and im on my way out the door. If it still warrants it even with the current change, I'll look into it later on.
  18. The problem doesn't technically exist , the text field where you enter the topic title and the database column that stores the information is set to 60 characters. The problem with the topic you are referring to was the Ampersand in the title ( & ) This character is converted to the html safe equivalent when storing it as to not disrupt drawing the page & As you can see , its 4 characters longer then the actual symbol itself, so therefore it cuts off the last few characters of your title.
  19. Implementing such a MOD would violate our own rules
  20. Other then the fact that you have no AntiVirus or Active Firewall running , i see no significant problems there. Still don't understand why folks use WhatPulse though :P
  21. the Top portion of your log is missing , it gives vital details about the Windows Install information
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