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Everything posted by Albosky

  1. exactly , extracting the music from Runescape is the same as downloading an mp3 file, it doesn't belong to you , therefore distributing it is illegal , sorry.
  2. Yes , they are . The rule specifically says Always convert your images to PNG, GIF or JPG, hence, other formats are not allowed. The reason bmps are explicitally mentioned as "do not use" is because they are the default for the most popular image software (MSPaint) and are the only ones that have ever been deemed as a problem. I'll change the rule to "You MUST convert your images to GIF, JPG, or PNG" if you like , but we won't be changing our stance on posting images that almost always carry a larger filesize anytime soon, its not fair to the users on slower connections who are forced to wait for them to load when trying to read a post. The only other option would be to write a mod that disables all images in posts , or replaces them with links , if a user chose to do so in their profile. This is a possibility , but I have enough to do with the forum and site at the moment, so its not going to be anytime soon.
  3. http://www.iceteks.com/articles.php/imageformats/1
  4. Unfortunately, thats the point everyone seems to be misunderstanding , the ability to create a poll on a topic is not "a user's right", its a privilege. When a privilege is abused , its taken away. I would say that the Moderators being polite enough to offer to put a needed poll on a users topic could also be considered a privilege. One that has not yet been abused and removed and should be considered a blessing. As a user of the forum , I'm sure you're well aware that a good amount of the topics created on the forums that need not be posted in the first place, nevermind voted on. Giving them the ability to add such a poll would just encourage users to post a poll for every silly question they may find interesting. A recent example: The users wanted more space for their signature, we granted it, and it was instantly abused and still remains to be. Also , you may not see the significance of adding additional page loads and database queries , but you must remember that this site is run FOR YOU at NO CHARGE. Dedicated Servers and bandwidth cost money and the only thing paying for them is the Advertisements, which most of the users block by some means anyways. So I don't think we should feel inclined to consume additional resources at every user's request.
  5. Well , me being the only one who could have made such a change , which I haven't, I guess its safe to say that you're losing your mind. But seriously , topics like this are exactly why things on this forum often get blown off and ignored, its a completely useless suggestion/observation. I have more important things to worry about then where a users rank is displayed as opposed to their avatar.
  6. most custom keyboards like that come with their own software that you can use to change what function the keys execute upon using them. Disable the keyboard software and let the windows driver take over, or remap the keys to do something else. Check the keyboard section of the Control Panel.
  7. I know Camtasia is not Vista compatible , not sure about Hypercam. You have to remember , Vista is a whole new Operating System , on a new and heavily altered platform then WindowsXP, its going to take a good deal of time before software developers get their applications up to date and able to run on it. ALWAYS check the website for the software first.
  8. that would only make your life harder , you should never invite users to PM you , trust me . besides theres nothing in the rule that says you can't post pictures of your vacation , well some of them at least...
  9. Every time the topic is loaded, it adds a database query to get the information about the poll itself, then another to get the information from the table which stores the votes for the poll. Add that to the query it send each time someone votes, along with the 4-5 queries it takes every time a user replies that the poll is stupid, plus the query it send when a user reports the topic for being spam, plus the query it sends when a moderator requests the information about the report, etc etc etc etc etc If we had a totally mature userbase , then it wouldn't be a problem , but unfortunately too many of our users don't fall into that category. They abuse every single feature that is allowed to them and makes it too difficult for the moderators to keep up with , and dont forget , they are volunteers doing this because they want to , if they start getting flooded with more and more useless work , then they wont want to , and the forum turns to mush in a week or less without moderators.
  10. Our mappers have been slaving away night and day in the past month(s) to get those major maps up to date and online, we know, it bites, but its a huge project and takes time.
  11. Most users have 100+GB hard drives , I can't go around utilizing database space on our servers so people can create their own text files on tip.it :P sorry :P
  12. As stated in previous posts when this has been suggested , unfortunately its not a possible option. phpBB Spellcheck modifications are rather rare, outdated, or commercial in some form. Even the ones that are free display their own adverts in the window and as we would not be able to control the content, we simply cant use them. We have enough problems with our own advertisements to deal with somebody else's. FireFox 2 with the US and/or UK dictionaries installed are great though, it automatically underlines words spelled incorrectly and right clicking the word gives suggested proper spellings and can correct them with a simply click of the mouse. :)
  13. rather old and a little late I know, and I apologize but my focus has been on the helpsite lately. I will try to get a spoiler BBCode installed as soon as possible, hopefully this weekend and will announce it when its complete.
  14. Alright , obviously this needs to be looked at a bit more closely lol Although I cant really just change a rule without the other Administrators approving, I'm going to say publically that I also agree that pictures should be allowed as long as location or personal information can not be obtained from them in any way. I don't know if it will help whatsoever but I dont want our users to feel like they are alone in their ideas. :)
  15. If you are attempting to recruit members for a clan or group , please use the recruitment center forum found in the clan category.
  16. You mean something like this ? :P Tip.it Forum Guide - Post Count
  17. Sory this is off-topic, but your avvy is the same as phpBB user Espicom, why might that be? maybe because espicom and I are both apart of another phpBB helpsite and we think alike , I dunno :P
  18. If you know where we can lease 4 dedicated Dual Xeon Woodcrest servers each with 4GB of memory on 100mbit connections for $100 a month , please feel free to tell me ... As for the article , yes it would be nice to have a bit of a closer tie to Jagex , but I personally would not want our staff to be tied into Non-Disclosure Agreements and get information or access to any information before the rest of the players. There would be too much hassle involved should there ever be a leak , and seriously , what the enjoyment fact of the game would become none for our staff members. Don't forget , the crew plays the game for themselves too :)
  19. Obviously you dont know what you are talking about , firstly phpBB3 is in a beta stage and shouldnt be used in a live environment and secondly , you CANNOT see passwords in the Admin Control Panel , its not possible, even if you tried to modify your forum to do so , the passwords are stored using MD5 hashes which CANNOT be reversed, they are one way.. but back to the actual topic... Nobody said you cant discuss the use of clients, you just cant link to them. We cant run around verifying the integrity of every link users post to these clients therefore we allow none of them , don't you think that users have tried to fool people into downloading a compromised version before?
  20. Sure , and while we are at it , why dont we replace every single one of our guides with a link to zybez, or runehq .... :roll:
  21. Introduce more Global Moderators. Obvious really. You are one of the people who should understand how hard it is to keep the forum moderated 24 hours a day , no matter how many moderators there are...
  22. I am left handed. Yet I always eat, drink, play sports and sometimes even write (albeit rarely) with my right hand. oh noes, conspiracy!!!111oneoneeleven What right do u have to say that? You ignorant, one-sided freak. You can't make assumptions before actually looking at the facts! I hate all people like you in the world, you just make your decision before you even look at it. I for one don't believe that 9/11 is a conspiracy, but still, atleast im not as ignorant as you. And what right do YOU have to attack Mercifull's point of view ? In a debate such as this, users are going to have opinions that differ from yours, so is life. Personally attacking his intelligence and YOUR assumption that he did not know the facts was totally out of line and I personally think you owe him an apology for doing so. If this topic is to remain open , I think you should all keep an open mind and stick to the topic at hand and not the character of the people replying to it.
  23. And it will remain locked.. No Administrator told you to post this here, a Moderator told you to post questions to the Help and Advice forum. This topic is so beyond dragged out and old that its really not worth talking about anymore, if you want to read the 1000 topics about it , use the search button.
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