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Everything posted by mcneilp

  1. mcneilp


    Theres a kind of official "unofficial" (ie, everyone knows about it but no-one officially organises anything) meet for car enthusiasts in a town near mine that happens every fortnight in a shopping zone car park which I ended up at last night (went out looking at new TVs, ended up looking at some of the nicest cars I've seen). There was all the usual boy-racer/ricer Civics, Type-Rs, Clios, Corsas and whatnot. A bunch of Evo's and Imprezas which were impeccably looked after and just as we were leaving there was a group of cars parked away from the rest which turned out to be a 911 GT3 RS, a Ferrari F430, a couple of Aston Martins and a Lambo Gallardo. Sweet as hell. If I ever go again I'll try and grab a few photos.
  2. mcneilp


    The weather is glorious today. Currently sitting in the sun in the back garden with my laptop, speakers, nachos and a fridge of beer. Beezer.
  3. We had a huge message board in the student union for people selling stuff which was filled with people selling/buying textbooks. Worth checking if theres anything like that about your college.
  4. mcneilp


    http://www.deadlinenews.co.uk/2011/06/01/man-condemned-for-planking-on-top-of-road-sign/ Some guy planked on top of a motorway sign and made it into the paper today and I thought of you guys.
  5. Didn't like the idea of loyalty points when I first read it but it doesn't seem as bad now we've a rough idea what it's all about. It all depends on how good these auras are and what effect they'll have. I also reckon some kind of compromise between the entire time you've had your account and the entire time you've had that account subscribed to members should be used to calculate how "loyal" you've been. I know the whole "Jagex are a buisness" spiel but it seems excluding people who've played your free version for x number of years (which is loyalty, in my book) from some (possibly) aesthetic rewards is a bit daft.
  6. This. Had a friend who shaved his for when he went swimming to make him more "streamlined through the water" but this was a guy who shaved his eyebrows off before we played poker so we couldn't read his expressions so take from that what you will.
  7. Converge are [cabbage] hot live, seriously. Bannon is a maniac.
  8. mcneilp


    Not been as hungover as this in a long time but it was a good night though so not gonna complain. Going to make myself a fry up for lunch and lay about all day as I'm off work for a couple of days.
  9. Ah well, looks like I'll have to go into work after all. Was looking forward to doing a little bit of (admittedly pointless) post rapture looting before the locusts descended or whatever the hell was meant to happen to us today. Whens the next one? 2012?
  10. Fun posts mainly. Anything religious or polictics related, I'll steer clear of.
  11. I'd agree with this although I'll probably buy MW3 anyway, if mainly just for the single player campaign. I'd say the first MW (COD4) done more for the Call of Duty brand than any of the COD titles that came after, for me at least. COD4 was the peak for me.
  12. mcneilp


    Good man, thats what I do when I'm ill as well. Always makes me feel a bit better.
  13. mcneilp


    Hockern! Think it's pretty [developmentally delayed]ed myself. Remember reading about the guy dying from planking in Australia I think. Reminds me of a thing a few years back where people would take an iron and ironing board to crazy places and grab a photo of them doing ironing at the top of some mountain or ironing after they'd jumped out a plane or something. Basically, the exact same thing but with ironing instead of lying down.
  14. mcneilp


    I always shower and wash my hair in the morning before work. If I'm going out at night I'll normally do the same again, particularly if I've been working or doing excercise during the day. I used to be a bath person when I was a kid but I much prefer showers now, can't come out from a bath feeling clean anymore. As for shaving, I'll shave every so often when it starts to look scruffy but I usually always have some kind of stubble.
  15. The aircraft are my favorite part. It takes time getting used to the helicopters. The planes in Battlefield 1942 were fantastic to use. The Stuka on that desert map with the big ridge through the middle was awesome. And the B-17 on the Allies side was always good for a laugh, watching people scramble to get into it then the pilot flying it straight into the cliffs in the middle.
  16. [hide][/hide] Posted it elsewhere, so have a B&W Sam-esque webcam photo.
  17. mcneilp


    I'm a fan but can't see myself getting one anytime soon. The insurance on those over here for a driver in my age range is [bleep]ing insane. A neighbour of mine has one in black with a ton of modifications on it that has set him back a small fortune. It's a nice looking and aggressive sounding car. I'm a fan of VW Golfs, MK I-III particularly although the newer models are starting to grow on me a lot now.
  18. I agree with whoever said smoke grenades are underused. I use them when we're attacking on rush and aren't getting anywhere near the MCOMs. A few smokes laid down, either as a diversion or as cover as we find a route in works wonders. For example, attacking rush on Valparaiso after the Lighthouse MCOM where you have to attack downhill into the little village which is quite a sniper heavy point in the map (as well as the TOW launcher which messes with the Bradley). A few people firing smokes down the ridge or at sniper hotspots makes it much easier as they can't pick you off from afar. It does take teamwork though, which unless you're playing with friends can be difficult.
  19. Listening to music and going for a drive or a bike ride. Something about driving focuses me.
  20. The BF3 trailers got me back into BC2. Forgot just how satisfying using the M1 Garand is.
  21. mcneilp


    I'd say Thorpe Park but my view is biased as it pissed with rain when we went to Alton Towers. The Saw rides at Thorpe Park are a good laugh.
  22. Voted yes to AV earlier. Also had to vote for the Scottish parlimentary elections as well. Voted Labour as I don't think the SNP should have another term in office and seeing Alex Salmond's gurning mug in all the papers is kinda off putting.
  23. mcneilp


    Loads of reasons, some people like the look of a sports car better than a pickup/people carrier. Others enjoy the act of driving so a small, rear wheel sports car will be more fun to drive than a hefty family estate car. I know a few people who have a daily driver car, something they use to take the kids to school, go for the shopping etc and a less practical (a TVR, in my friends case) car for taking out at the weekends and going to a track day or taking it on a jaunt across the country.
  24. Christ his voice is annoying. As interesting as everything he said is, I don't believe it personally.
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