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Everything posted by Flametrooper

  1. At summer school, while walking towards classes, I hear this weird scream, and then some guy comes skateboarding down the hall in front of us wearing a Scream mask, and sreaming at the top of his lungs. My freinds and I are just standing there like WTF! and he goes by again, throwing the horns (metal fingers, Rock-On sign, index and pinky up, you know) and then rides by again, party-boying, as we're just standing there laughing our heads off from the strangeness of it all. He eventually got stopped by a teacher or somebody similar. He was a Mexican (go figure).
  2. Highest matches were an 83% tie between Kyle and Butters.
  3. Yea coz Im sure ur time is so valualable. We stupid Peeple wastes it, thats why You keep on brousing theese forums. How about You stoppe makeing speleing erors and post somthing worthour time.
  4. It's pretty obvious why he doesn't have one, isn't it? :wink: Someone just got owned.
  5. Take some pics of chicks sunbathing in bikinis! :P
  6. :lol: Nice one. I'd go with a fly fishing rod and catch trout. That's how I level my fishing. (p.s. in b4 lock.)
  7. Kewl. Your animation's got a few glitches, which I will try to fix up if you want; but the idea itself, put me on the support list. Seeing as how I'm a bit of a fan of archery in real life, I'd like to see them get it right.
  8. :uhh: Well, seeing as I just got out of middle school - try to stay organized, try to make friends, be nice to people, be outgoing, be funny, if you can. Make sure not to try too hard to be funny, you will sound like an R-tard. You'll get used to the whole thing rather fast, I know I did.
  9. You know, you're being just as sexist as the misogynistic anti-women people. Just in the opposite direction. Stop calling all men "proud and arrogant...settle problems in fights...lust motives..." etc. And for that matter, I'm sorry to say but not all women are "beautiful...have a heart and soul...power to embrace you on another level." That's crazy talk. Women are people which means they're not perfect.
  10. I find myself agreeing with Trapical. Yeah, video games are fun. Yeah, it's something fun to do in a few hours of free time. But it can be taken too far. There's better things you can do with your life, after all.
  11. Yeah, they're real, but they're probably nothing like what some fiction makes them out to be. They're just, well, societies that are semi-secret. I wouldn't believe most the crap you read about them.
  12. [hide=correction]3 kids, not 5. Sorry to be so nit-picky.[/hide] Yeah...finished it on the first day. Didn't want anyone giving me spoilers before I was done. Especially since I was off to summer camp the day after it came out, I wanted to finish it before I left. I liked it. Nice ending, doesn't leave me all "NOooooo, it's over!" as I thought it would.
  13. Today? I woke up, packed my sleeping bag, dirty clothes, and other junk, got breakfast in the mess hall, stopped by the camp store for the last time, and then threw the stuff in the car and climbed in with the other guys. About two hours of driving, then I got home, changed, ate, read a week's worth of missed comics, and then logged on here. Yay, I'm back from summer camp. :o
  14. I just read it. The writing quality, voice, and style sorta went down the toilet in parts of it; I didn't like the ending, and parts of the Horcrux search are really, really, weird. I almost feel that, as the finale of the series, it's rather disappointing. Of course, I didn't worry about the spoilers, I knew about [hide=spoiler]the Elder Wand[/hide], [hide=spoiler]Harry being a Horcrux,[/hide], and [hide=spoiler]Harry marrying Ginny and having three kids, in the epilogue[/hide], just from seeing "leaked copies" all over the internet in the days prior to the release. I don't really care about plot spoilers; it's no different that discovering the same plot twist in the book, after all.
  15. Wow, that's really stupid. (Of him, not of you.) So age justifies correctness now? Wow, look, Hinduism is the oldest surviving religion. Guess that makes it better than Christianity or Judaism. Oh wow, ancient Celtic nature-druidry is an even older religion, the fact that it doesn't exist anymore is beside the point, it's got more history so it's gotta be BETTAR! :roll:
  16. hmmm....I'm guessing Goddess and Suzi are some really active posters here or something? Well, you seem to have been away for a while. They're pretty much the two most active female members; also Goddess is known for very insightful posts, especially in the area of gender differences and relationships. She's our "resident psychologist." :P
  17. I like water. I love swimming, or just drinking water, or surfing, or cooling off, and it's the source of life, and it can be really powerful and destructive, too. Of course, fire's fun. (I mean, just look at my frikkin username and avatar.) But I spend more time around water, and need it more, so it's a close win. Fire's a real close second and earth and air are third, tied.
  18. I wonder if people like Goddess and Suzi have not noticed this thread, or if they're just letting all us guys blunder around trying to figure it out ourselves, watching and laughing, instead of offering a bit of an explanation. :P :lol:
  19. The Internet is a state of mind. Embrace the Internet. It's a neighborhood, a community, a nation. It has its centers of activity, the places everyone knows. Myspace, Facebook. Yahoo and Google. Something Awful forums. It has the shady side of town, and the alt-porn hole that goes deeper than anyone wants to try and find out. ( :-X ) It has robbers, vandals, criminals, and police. It's got government officials poking their noses into it, though most of them don't have a f---ing clue what they're doing. It has noobs, mods, and its own language. It has anything you want and a whole bunch of crap you probably don't want. It has me being all poetic about it. It's living, it's growing, it's changing. Embrace the Internet. *auuhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm*
  20. Why'd that one lady hug him? Nice gesture, but moving into such full-bodily contact with an armed, potentially dangerous, likely drug-addled, man...is not as a general rule a good idea.
  21. Aaah, so drinking from hoses causes brain damage? That explains a lot. :P
  22. It's NWS, meaning "Not Work Safe". Also sometimes seen is NSFW, or "Not Safe For Work". As in, your boss would be pissed if he walked in and saw you looking at it. I agree though, this forum is too strictly moderated. It's like a daycare center, almost - just as many nannies, and just as high of an average maturity level...
  23. Cool, me and some friends are starting one too. Maybe. We have a lead guitar, a bassist, and a drummer already. I write songs. I can write music but I don't actually own a guitar; may get one though.
  24. Aww come on. You only live once, just be active and you'll burn it off. One bacon burger won't kill you, health nuts. *cough, highlanders and his giant bold "zomg-bacon's-bad" warnings. cough.*
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