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Everything posted by Flametrooper

  1. Flametrooper

    Public Nudity

    In flesh and blood. I'm assuming the internet doesn't count. (No, i am not a pron-addicted pervert.) I guess I could start reducing my posts to one-liners, if that'd make me more understandable to the average Tip.It user.
  2. Yes...But aren't there laws against this? Monopolies and trusts are illegal in the U.S.
  3. Or, you know, just bike and use public transport. It's not that hard. I'd bike to school, if it weren't for the fact I have to carry a trombone every day... Big heavy thing, and hard to take on your bike. Morning band is annoying sometimes.
  4. Flametrooper

    Public Nudity

    When I was, oh, about 8 I was in the public pool changing room after a swim lesson and poked my head into the showers area. There was some old guy showering there, and I caught a brief glimpse of his manhood (it was big, that's all I remember); I pulled my head back away fast, and continued on my business. I forgot about the entire incident by a few days later; I never felt sickened, if anything, I was afraid he'd be mad at me. I wouldn't have chosen to look if I'd known, but it didn't bother me very much. I also glimpsed another guy of my age (when about the same age) changing in the same pool; he tried to hide behind a trash can when he saw me, and I remember at that young age wondering why. I have never seen a naked female in real life, of any age; but if I did, I admit I might have, depending on the age, at least a brief sexual thought. Everyone does. However, I definitely wouldn't act on it, nor would I think of her in a purely sexual manner or as a sex object. If she was old, fat, or ugly, I would probably look briefly and then look away, but would not be overly disgusted. Also, some sexual thoughts when viewing a pretty girl are natural, and not evil. But you should not only think sexually, nor should you be obsessed with that; girls are not sex objects and there's more to them than their boobs. I'm sure the girls on this forum would agree to that much. Basically all I'm saying is, I'm neither majorly turned on nor majorly turned off; neither greatly excited nor disgusted by nudity of either gender or either age. I would probably never streak, and I would visit a nudist camp or nude beach when I got older, if not for all the gawkers, but I don't think I'd want to go live in one. I'd never be an exhibitionist either. I don't want to get attacked by the police or have idiotic viewers making derisive comments about the size of my wang. P.S: A quick google search for pages about this, I found a page that expresses my view very well. I can't link to it, as it contains naked pictures (though it is not a pron site) but will PM the site name to anyone interested. It has some interesting moral and philosophical insights.
  5. Have you attempted to engage any of the authorities in actual discussion and made them give a valid reason why you deserve a detention? See, whenever a school gets BS-headed about something like this, I ask why, and ask for a good, justified reason. If they say something along the lines of, "Don't ask questions, that's defiance", I point to the student guidebook, which guarantees "the right to ask questions in an open learning environment". Usually, they can't give me a reason, and get pissed and make me sit outside or give me detentions/referrals, yelling that if I "keep this up it's going to be doubled, young man". Which is their way of saying, "Crap, I lost that argument."
  6. Medias report what gives them the most money. They also side with whoever pays them money to do so. Also, even scientific reports may be monetarily influenced (It wasn't long ago that Exxon Corp. offered $10,000 and a free trip to Antarctica to scientists to go to the south pole and turn up evidence global warming wasn't really occurring.) Money is everything, to most people.
  7. A girl, who isn't, unfortunately, similarly obsessed with me; swimming; writing; and making my computer game. Kind of an odd combination, isn't it?
  8. ^ Budding psychologist much? Actually, from seeing a few other posts made by you, that'd be a good career choice. You should consider that, if you're not already. :P Anyways - I'd say swimming; love; lasagna; hanging out with a select few friends, sharing jokes and laughing our arses off; and the awesome feeling you get when you totally PWNinate at some game. In no particular order. I could say other things, too, but this place is supposed to be PG, so... :anxious:
  9. Dude, that's not something to be :oops: about. Almost all of my RL friends are in my Boy Scout troop anyway; no one's a boy scout hater around here, because our troop's not made of some nerdy losers like people think boy scouts are, but all of the cool guys. Plus no one messes with my PL, Scotty. I mean no one.
  10. I got a detention one, for chucking paper balls at this one guy who sits across from me in History. When I showed up, though, the teacher just told me to behave, and said I could go - :-s . I mean, it was a pleasant surprise, but still... (In my defense, though, that guy was being a **** wagon-hole. Nailing him in the head was well worth a detention.)
  11. "Go be awesome." or: "F--- this." or: "No need to fear, no need to worry, No need to be, in such a hurry." Not song lyrics, but they damn should be. Actually, lately I've had a head full of pink fog like, all the time, which is sort of unhelpful. I haven't been able too keep up much of a motto other than: "....uhhh. Duh. Huh? Wha? Something happen? Oh..." I think I need more sleep.
  12. Pull it, yes. Fire it, no. What kind of gun was it?
  13. I'm with Barihawk on this one - Don't ban guns. Just regulate them more. That's my opinion.
  14. What's your job? Because you could try, you know, actually working. *gasp*
  15. I'm California too, but I'm southern instead of northern. Near Santa Barbara, etc.
  16. You run away. You run into a portal that takes you out of Runescape, and end up in New York. So you're in New York, and all of your Runescape stuff, which is 0s and 1s, evaporates. What do you do now? 1)Beg like a hobo for some clothes and food. 2)Run around like crazy trying to go back into RS. 3)Start dancing in the street.
  17. 13614 bottles of beer on the wall, 13614 bottles of beer...
  18. I punch, slap, or insult people who I know if they're being idiots. I never hurt them too much though. I also swear too much. But I don't think swearing is bad unless you offend someone.
  19. I don't call that magic. I call it illusionism. Better word - Magic implies you're actually doing something that's, you know, really supernatural. Which I've never seen any stage performer do, and likely never will. Besides, I like the sound of illusionism. :P
  20. Kingb1ast, you quadruple posted. :shame: EDIT button is your friend. Not like it's a big deal or anything, but... Anyways, the main reason I care about it is...it won't be that long before I'm in college myself. If the trends continue, I could well end up getting shot. I think that's the same everywhere. People don't care, unless it affects "ME, or US, then since it's US or even ME we're talking about rather than THEM, then it matters." Also, this is more unusual than things like bombs in Iraq.
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