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Everything posted by Tom_Servo

  1. I know, this is ridiculous. Every time there is an update of ANY kind, people feel obligated to complain. If your password is already good, then don't sweat it. But it did help the idiots with dumb ones. And it's not a waste of time because it literally takes about 2 hours to do. And remember people, if you are under 18, you yourself are a kid, so quit [bleep]ing about it being for kids just because you are a loud and proud 13/14 year old that thinks you're all that because you are a big boy 8th/9th grader.
  2. Well, considering the United States is the only one who ever does anything... That's incredibly true. The UN is a pile of bureaucratic crap. The smurf's attitude of peaceful warfare is stupid. All they do is break up a fight by showing up and intimidate with their presence. That doesn't work. The warring factions will just continue to fight with the UN caught in the middle. The only reason way they are successful is by staying in the area for DECADES. But, according to popular belief, when the US does it, it's apparently wrong and oppressive. So hey, what the hell. Let's just leave the country in a crappy state and let them deal with it right? And it wasn't JUST the US in the various messes. The UK, France, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Germany ALL backed and supported the US over the years and have provided troops and supplies. And by the way, Nick, learn some basic economics. War is GOOD for the economy. Always has been. It creates jobs, it destroys wasted surplus goods, it revitalizes the workforce, and it expedites technological advances. And the only things that the United States ever really exported were cotton and tobacco. The US has ALWAYS been dependent on imports since the very beginning because all of the stuff we make, we use on ourselves in a vain attempt to be self-reliant.
  3. Twice, my class had this REALLY fat sub. I'm talking so fat, that he could barley walk. He has to waddle down the halls and he had to avoid stairs and the main hallways (because my school is built into a hill to shield it from tornados, so they are sloped). At the end of his epic trek he is usually soaked in sweat and out of breath, which is quite sad. So two years ago, I had him in my English class and the first thing he does is sit down in one of those crappy plastic chairs, which he immediately cracked and destroyed. So he moves on to my normal teacher's chair, a sturdy desk chair which can support his immense weight. Meanwhile we were holding in our laughter and making jokes behind his back while doing our busy work. Then he asked where the restroom was and we told him. Then he asked if there was one closer, but we said no (there really wasn't). So he proceeded to the restroom and that was the last we saw of him until the end of the hour, over 50 minutes later. Later that day when I passed the same restroom he had gone to, it was out-of-order... Last year, I had him again in my Latin class. We were doing busy work again when we noticed that he was sleeping. Being the wise-[wagon] kids we are, we started to throw stuff at him. No response. Then I slammed my book on the ground. No response. Then a kid in my class went up to him and poked him with a ruler. Again, no response. By now we were worried that he had died and we were kind of puzzled as what to do as we were not entirely sure if was in fact dead. So one of the girls in my class went to the class next door to get a teacher. Meanwhile, another kid, who was not really paying attention, pulled out a bag of Doritos and opened it. As soon as he opened his bag of chips the sub immediately woke up with bright eyes. We start laughing uncontrollably and he leaves the room (either out of embarrassment or any number of reasons (see previous story)). By now the other teacher comes in and looks over at the desk and says "What happened to that chair?" We got up to have a look and the chair was soaked in nasty butt sweat (I hope). Thus ends my story of the sweaty fat guy (which is unfortunately true and un-exaggerated). Wow, that story was longer than I thought it would be...
  4. Yeah, I thought it was a great film. That movie was so funny. My English class watched that version instead of the old boring one. I liked it because I thought it was funny, And the idea was actually pretty clever, even if hilariously out of place. Anyway back to Dragonball......... Yeah, that movie looks really half assed.
  5. PC: Homeworld 2 (you HAVE to order it online. You wont find it anywhere else) Battlefield 2 or 2142 Command and Conquer: The First Decade. (6 excellent games (12 if you count expansions) for $20. Not too shabby.) Sim City 4 Call of Duty and Call of Duty: United Offensive All those PC games have low system requirements, so if your computer was made in the last 3-4 years it will more than likely be able to handle those games. Plus you can get all of those games for $20 or less. PS2: Burnout 3: Takedown Mercenaries (do NOT get 2. It is a horrible port and is practically unplayable). Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Conflict: Desert Storm Ace Combat Zero
  6. Disney and all those affiliated with it.
  7. [/hide] :twss: Oh yeahhh go stupid RSOFers making tif look good. OH YEAH Haha I loved your response too, you totally owned his thread that deserves ANOTHER :twss: Hehe "rear occasions". Just thought I'd share that little quote...... I could insult that kids grammar more, but I think compfreak did a good enough job.
  8. They hate to lose, so they feel a need to make an excuse for their defeat. It's a common strategy used mostly by young kids with low self-esteem.
  9. I know this was on the first page but.... Really? A "real friendship"? That's absolutely disgusting. That "friend" is some kid behind a computer which the author has no real association with. How is that a real friendship? And how is reporting said anonymous kid immature? It's not. Taking responsibility for your actions is about as mature as it gets. So yeah, don't regret reporting that person. He cheated, he needs to pay his dues. And why should you care IF he does get banned? He obviously doesn't enjoy the game if he has to cheat to progress. And besides losing an account on a game isn't the end of the world (contrary to the belief of many people who posted on this thread, apparently).
  10. Communism works on paper, but not in practice. While everyone is equal, some will always be more equal than others. It's been proved time and time again that communism cannot work due to the greediness of the Human race. But that very greediness is what makes capitalism succeed. The people on the bottom want more, so they work their way up through hard work. They may not make it to the top, but undoubtedly they will end off in a better place than which they started. In socialism nobody has that chance. They can't move up no matter how hard they work. They are forever bound to their condition because they don't reap the benefits of THEIR work. They can still starve, but they can't get rich. Because of Human materialistic dreams, people will work harder. But if you take away any possibility of achieving those dreams, people will stop working. If you have no motivation, why do it? For the greater good? Mankind as a whole doesn't believe in the greater good. Maybe a few, or maybe even a lot of people really, sincerely do, but there is ALWAYS someone who want more for themselves. People need to be able to see that what benefits the whole benefits themselves, but there is always someone who won't. And that's all it takes to weak a socialist society.
  11. I'd be happy with $30. I don't really care about my character very much... But then again, I only play when I'm injured, or incredibly bored and have nothing productive to do... which happens more than I'd like to admit. But I only just started playing again this month after about a 4 month leave because school has been winding down for the semester and my crappy Achilles tendon has freaking tendonitis so I can't run as much.
  12. I like the catch phrase "get you power here". Everybody needs some Engrish now and then.
  13. "stupid u noob"? ohhhhhhh, that's a classic!
  14. I actually agree with the author on this. Why would anyone want to get a 99 skill for respect? Who cares what some kid behind a computer thinks of you? I have 2 99 skills, but I don't expect respect from anyone. If anything, wearing the dang cape is annoying as hell. People go "nice cape", "how long did it take you to get it", "how long would it take me to get 99 from __", and let's not forget this jewel: "what's your (skillcape skill) level". Now instead of wearing my skill cape with my skilling outfit, I usually just wear my regular old green cape from the MSSW3 just to avoid having to answer the mindless questions. It's just about as annoying as when people insist you tell them what your level is in whatever it happens you are doing. I do wear it for fighting though, as stats and prayer bonus are good.
  15. You clearly missed the point and purpose of the updates ENTIRELY. That's the most idiotic thing I've heard in a long long time. Why would a company take away a large portion of their consumer base just because they were annoyed by hoards of numbnutters? (which by the way still exist, so that's completely wrong.) And let's not forget this classic: Does that make any sense to anyone? They were attracting plenty of 5 year olds before, no question about it. So what you're saying is that Jagex LOVES to piss people off AND loose money. YEAH. -Proves my point, they lost money/views. Now tell me. Why would they do that intentionally? Fun? There's nothing wrong about missing what was changed, but your complaint and argument holds no water. You accuse people of passing macro/RWT/business rumors and telling them to shove off because they have little to no proof, but you are doing the same, but with baseless assumptions.
  16. I looked it up, and I've played Battlefield 2142 for exactly 13 days, 21 hours, 4 minutes, and 45 seconds; that's 333 hours over a period of 3 years. I feel like a loser now..........
  17. I really hate it when people ask " _______ levels?". I mean really, do they actually care? I sure as hell hope they don't. And it's really annoying for me to answer those questions because I honestly don't know what most of my skill levels are, so I have to look. It's a major reason why I am starting to avoid people more and more. I hate mindless small talk.
  18. Yeah, they're out to get you. For no reason. Just for the hell of it. [hide=Rational response] [/hide] I think this is a little more likely than 'guess and check' they don't have a tendency to punish people who didn't do anything (not saying that it hasn't happened), most people who get punished deserved it. And if anything, Jagex is FAR to lenient on offenders. If it were up to me, I would permanently ban everyone on their first offense simply for not understanding the rules which you are supposed to read upon sign up. As for there being no way to contact Jagex any longer, I'm going to have to say they were tired of it. Imagine: dealing with literaly millions of brain-dead, stupid-[wagon] kids who can't type whole words complaining that they were punished for breaking a rule, or that they don't like some update, or they thought they were being cute by writing a pointless message, or they wet themselves. I wouldn't put up with that for a day, much less years.
  19. I can't write in cursive anymore, and I can barley read it. I haven't been forced to write in cursive for almost 7 years and in that time I have never used it or even needed to use it. It's supposed to look more professional, but when I do it, it looks like a chicken got a hold of a pen and had at it making me look like a toddler. So, yeah, I print everything I write. Even my name/signature. Besides, nowadays when something official/important needs to be made, typing is the way to go. It looks good, everyone can read it, and it has spell check!
  20. [hide=] wow lol what a fail, how could you see that he was in your cc without being in it.. #-o What I was going to say :P fail... #-o I can't believe you don't understant it.. He went to someone else's clan chat and found the name of the person, it's not him :wall: failure.... they want to know why he is not in the clan chat.. :wall: and he should be, but i could have missed something.. [/hide] HE IS the only one in the clan chat. The owner is the other guy, not him. He is "Range_Or" the clan chat owner is "Range0r", the owner of the clan chat is who he is talking about. Take a closer look at things before bashing people, guys.
  21. This thread is becoming rabid with labeling and disillusionment. Skillers don't hate PKers and PKers don't hate skillers. In reality neither of those "factions" exist. It's about who disagrees with what part of something. It's vague, it's stupid, and it's getting ridiculously blown up out of proportion. And then complaints about how PKing has been "reduced" to one-itemers, "safers", and lurers. But has it really? Really? Are you sure? If you think so you most mistaken. It was always like that. From the beginning. No Ifs ands or buts. To me it seems time has gotten the best of most people. People who "remember" what it used to be. It hasn't changed. It hasn't changed at all. It's like when you become older and go back to watch a favorite childhood t.v. show/movie or play a favorite childhood game and guess what- it's not as good as you remembered. The only thing that changed is that you no longer get what your opponent had, you get a token reward instead.
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