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Everything posted by stonewall337

  1. Are you freakin' crazy? Every one knows that Pink Ladies are the best. Jeez. All opponents of the Granny Smith apple are subject to a speedy euthanization. I like those giant juicy apples that are like a dollar a pop. UMMMMNOMNOM
  2. What is the current protocol? How do you find buyers? Is there a certain world? Profit/hour? Do you need a team of people to help?
  3. WTF Frank (carcass) is in the top 30 now? LOL I used to skill and chat with him- Still have him on friends list. Didn't know he got so high so fast- he wasn't even maxed 2 years ago.
  4. However depending on your role and the raid you may have different armor sets and strategies for differnet bosses. For example as Holy Pally: Lord Ryolith: Damage is steady but predictably bursty (Only stomps and a certain add make damage spike, then the last 30seconds require nearly a full mana bar) so wear a bit more spirit Alyzrazor: Tank healing goes from easy to incredibly, incredibly difficult due to very hard to predict extremely dangerous damage bursts, followed by a built in mana recovery period, so stack intellect and reforge spirit->haste. I found myself spending hours reforging shit to maximize for bosses in heroic Firelands (Sorry, its the last tier I participated in since I killed Deathwing twice and quit, so its most remember-able) lol no. To learn the basics maybe. To become good, lot more time. And I call BS on spending "hours." it take sliterally 3 minutes to completely optimize gear.
  5. I liked TS', but its a common problem with Jagex. They don't fix shit, and they don't improve it as often as they should.
  6. It seems that, from my experience, most people using voice chat on RS use skype. Many don't use voice chat. We use mumble for our guild in WOW, but never seen any clan in RS use a VOIP like vent/mumble. I know PK clans use different VOIPs. I'd love a w99 mumble to chill in and talk.
  7. If this makes combat less RNG and more skill based, I'm definitely looking to testing it out. Until more information is available however, I'll reserve judgement.
  8. Doubt its an age thing. High end raiders in WOW are older people. Heck we've got an excellent shadow priest whose in his 40's or 50s. And believe me, raiding in the top percentile worldwide is a LOT harder than jad.
  9. You'd make an awesome engineer. Me, I wanted to engineer, but since there are just so many things I HAVE to multitask or I can't concentrate, as well as so many things I CAN NOT multi task and do well (like read+listen to music- I toon the music out) I wasn't quite cut out.
  10. I'm not normally one to complain about others' grammar, but this post was very hard to read and it took me a while to get what you were trying to say :| . It really wasn't very hard to understand what he was saying. Anyway, pretty much what Sy said. Jagex themselves have pretty much admitted that they have borrowed extensively from staple fantasy themes. The Mahjarrat were originally just Liche's until they decided to develop them into a major part of the games' lore. They're always going on about how the Tzhaar are a unique creation of theirs so you have to assume that everything else came from some kind of inspiration of earlier fantasy fiction. No link- Claiming that just because Jagex said Tzhaar were a unique creation does not imply that nothing else is unique. To try and assume so would be illogical.
  11. 100% coincidence. No disucssion value. For one they look nothing alike. Different head. Jagex's essnoobthingies have 2 joints in the legs. Shorter neck. The arms are different. The tail is different. The mouth is fragmented like a Halo Elite. and many more.
  12. I thought tripsis said more than this: I don't think I will get hazed for saying this but we will be adding that to the forum on the next update (or a few days after it). I can't speak for everyone but I can say Huzzah to that.
  13. I mean to say that saying a mod released ip information is highly unlikely. The last page of the topic was about that though. Less than 10 people have Ip access via staff. This is an awesome topic. Account safety is something that we should all be very serious about. As Peter mentioned, we are going to be making some addition security changes from this discussion. I didn't mean to say, discuss EXACTLY, simply, accusing mods of releasing information is almost harassment of staff. We take the promotion of these staff members very seriously, and only give them this ability to better ban ad bots and those who are avoiding bans. Ya, I understand. But doesn't anyone understand that saying there is the POTENTIAL for something to go wrong is not SAYING something did go wrong? Being precise is important, and that's why I've been sticking to the issue. Because I'm right.
  14. The discussion/accusations/possibility of a corrupt mod/s is leading no where and, as the previous posts will show you, will only make things worse. If you ever feel that a mod/admin is doing otherwise, please pm an admin or admins of your choice. So, can we please move on and try to get back to: Are you HONESTLY going to set the precedent of ONLY allowing discussion which is EXACTLY germane to the original topic? No deviation? That's pretty extreme.
  15. Was there really any need for this post? Why are people being overly critical of the Admins responses? People on the first page WERE pretty much saying that it was "probably a leak from a corrupt tif mod." No they weren't. NO ONE ever blamed the admin staff. It was simply stated as a possibility, not as a likelyhood or something that happened. "In your case most likely situations are corrupted tif mods, and imageshack or any other picture host service someone had rented to grab ip's." Not a likelyhood at all, eh? Yup you are wrong once again, you need to read in context, and not just quote the part that supports your (incorrect) stance. "Tif database leak, ip from links you've been to. Social engineering from your name. Corrupted tif mods (People pay like £30 for a single ip leak). Ofc they wouldnt apply if you had a dynamic ip." These are listed as POSSIBILITIES not Accusations. BIG DIFFERENCE. The point. Try not to keep missing it. Nope once again. Here is the full quote: You know, maybe you should stop attacking me for "missing the point" at every occasion. It's really getting ridiculous. I don't think I've done anything to provoke that so I have to say I'm a bit baffled why you keep calling me out on it. I call you out not because of anything personal but because you keep on doing it. He said it was a possibility, not that it happened. A potential is not an occurance. Heck, even saying it was likely is not an accusation. An accusation is SAYING someone did it. Saying someone COULD have done it or even LIKELY did it is still not an accusation.
  16. Was there really any need for this post? Why are people being overly critical of the Admins responses? People on the first page WERE pretty much saying that it was "probably a leak from a corrupt tif mod." No they weren't. NO ONE ever blamed the admin staff. It was simply stated as a possibility, not as a likelyhood or something that happened. "In your case most likely situations are corrupted tif mods, and imageshack or any other picture host service someone had rented to grab ip's." Not a likelyhood at all, eh? Yup you are wrong once again, you need to read in context, and not just quote the part that supports your (incorrect) stance. "Tif database leak, ip from links you've been to. Social engineering from your name. Corrupted tif mods (People pay like £30 for a single ip leak). Ofc they wouldnt apply if you had a dynamic ip." These are listed as POSSIBILITIES not Accusations. BIG DIFFERENCE. The point. Try not to keep missing it.
  17. Was there really any need for this post? Why are people being overly critical of the Admins responses? People on the first page WERE pretty much saying that it was "probably a leak from a corrupt tif mod." No they weren't. NO ONE ever blamed the admin staff. It was simply stated as a possibility, not as a likelyhood or something that happened.
  18. I don't think the point is that anyone IS selling data as much as they COULD. I mean, I COULD rob a bank, in theory, but that doesn't mean I would in practice. We were talking about every POTENTIAL, not every LIKELY scenario. Not sure why people are getting so defensive.
  19. Because most of us (me included) don't have access to user's IP addresses. Derp, that doesn't mean NO ONE has access or NO ONE could have misused it. Simple logic.
  20. No one on the Tip.it Staff is selling your information - we're working extremely hard to protect it. One example of that would be how the majority of the staff actually can't see these important personal information tidbits that are so vital to things like recovering your RS account. As Jolletzu pointed out, a lot of people use image scrapers to grab your IP. This method is actually fairly easy to do, doesn't generally come up to people as a "red flag", and is pretty damn common. This one is the most likely explanation simply because it's the easiest to get away with, and the least recognized. Wolfmon is completely right. DDoS'ing is huge in high-stakes pking and the clan world. It's a quick and cheap way to cripple your opponent and basically hand you the victory. The best thing for you is prevention. You do know there is no way you can actually prove that, right? And to the TIF editor... He said its POSSIBLE not that it was what happened. BIG DIFFERENCE.
  21. I just watched the trailer...and it's just cut together from the cinematic one, basically just some scenes of fighting against the troll jumbled together. No explanation whatsoever, nothing that tells you why this game is good, nothing that builds up a connection to the viewer and over far too quickly. Seriously, this is a *horrible* trailer. It's really, really bad. And now they're paying money to put this on Tv channels >.< TO be fair, thats what the WOW commericals are like. Nothing like the game. *chuck norris* etc. No, the WOW commercials are different. They manage to be decent commercials. They use action stars to market their game as being cool and tough. They show players being proud of their characters. I believe they show actual game footage, but that's besides the point. Hmm that might be part of why I'm not convinced by this trailer. I still think they could have done a way better job though. As said, I'm not complaining about the rs ad being unlike the game. I'm just saying that, imo, it's a really bad commercial that will make few people visit the site. Sigh. Are you always missing the point? They don't show actual gameplay (I'm one of the top fury warriors in the world...I would know) They use famous people and humor and the catchphrase "whats your game" to try and draw people in WOW. No showing raids, no showing PVP. It's not me missing the point, it's you. There's also no need to get aggressive about it. So, once again: The rs ad is a bad commercial (imo). The wow one is at least mediocre. Whether or not it shows gameplay is secondary, I just mentioned it because it's actually more like the game than runescape, at least the graphics are shown...but once again, this is secondary. Nope. You missed the point again. My point was simply that other games don't show actual gameplay. Any other stuff you made up is besides my point, meaning you missed mine.
  22. I just watched the trailer...and it's just cut together from the cinematic one, basically just some scenes of fighting against the troll jumbled together. No explanation whatsoever, nothing that tells you why this game is good, nothing that builds up a connection to the viewer and over far too quickly. Seriously, this is a *horrible* trailer. It's really, really bad. And now they're paying money to put this on Tv channels >.< TO be fair, thats what the WOW commericals are like. Nothing like the game. *chuck norris* etc. No, the WOW commercials are different. They manage to be decent commercials. They use action stars to market their game as being cool and tough. They show players being proud of their characters. I believe they show actual game footage, but that's besides the point. Hmm that might be part of why I'm not convinced by this trailer. I still think they could have done a way better job though. As said, I'm not complaining about the rs ad being unlike the game. I'm just saying that, imo, it's a really bad commercial that will make few people visit the site. Sigh. Are you always missing the point? They don't show actual gameplay (I'm one of the top fury warriors in the world...I would know) They use famous people and humor and the catchphrase "whats your game" to try and draw people in WOW. No showing raids, no showing PVP.
  23. I just watched the trailer...and it's just cut together from the cinematic one, basically just some scenes of fighting against the troll jumbled together. No explanation whatsoever, nothing that tells you why this game is good, nothing that builds up a connection to the viewer and over far too quickly. Seriously, this is a *horrible* trailer. It's really, really bad. And now they're paying money to put this on Tv channels >.< TO be fair, thats what the WOW commericals are like. Nothing like the game. *chuck norris* etc.
  24. Using numbers in your response makes you sound authentic. I mean, no one here would believe that "the vast majority of Members" use the spin, but "90% of Members" is more believable. There are three types of lies...lies, damned lies, and statistics. Just sayin'. You shouldn't say a statistic is wrong unless you can provide a counter statistic. Who told you that? Its completely wrong. Counter example: If the gov't says 99% of people pay 100% of the taxes they owe, I don't need to know the exact percentage of people who don't to know that its a BS number.
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