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Everything posted by stonewall337

  1. Actually... You never win, as none of the items in the game have any real world value whatsoever (And in fact don't even belong to the player). A court of law would not judge the difference between 50gp, 3 cowhide, a cabbage and a lucky divine spirit shield. Casinos can't start offering $0.01 prizes on losses and not need a gambling license. I beg to differ. http://www.law.emory.edu/fileadmin/journals/elj/57/57.5/Arias.pdf http://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1206&context=dltr http://www.allyourlawarebelongtous.com/dutch-high-court-recognizes-the-value-of-your-mmo-time/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/video-games/9053870/Online-game-theft-earns-real-world-conviction.html And has jegex ever returned items?
  2. And this is why Jagex is such a crappy company. No customer support.
  3. I love you, oh so much. To be honest, it doesn't really affect every single thing in your life. It's mainly focused on your preferences and how you might do something in a certain, such as how my type will sometimes click with how I play, but it isn't entirely subjected to what it says on the INTP when it comes to my personal gaming habits. The most important thing is that that there is a degree of interpretation that is involved when reading the descriptions of the Myers-Briggs personality types, which can result in different viewpoints of people reading their type. I do know Randox took one of those real and in-depth tests recently and knows way more about the subject than I am. Maybe she could provide a more articulate way of saying it. Can you name one thing in life your personality does not influence? it influences how you act, speak, think, your preferences, your decisions, your life style, your worldview, what you are willing or want to believe. Heck, even the colors you like are in some way influenced. For all intents and purposes, it influences your life. But it isn't going to outright decide it. For one, my talents and career interests don't exactly fit the archetype by any means, and it seems a bit of stretch to say a test has a hand in to one's favorite color. And isn't "influence" a bit too much since you're implying that a test result magically changes your life and decides what you do from that point? From what I am seeing, the test is merely a description more than a guide that decides your fate down to how you should believe things. More of a "you are likely this and do best under 'X' circumstances in the case of most WXYZs" rather than "you have to do it this way and are this kind of person completely". Don't get me wrong. I do have beliefs in the Myers-Briggs personality and the archetypes, but it isn't 100% accurate and shouldn't be taken for face value. I've dabbled in the subject before (out of interest) and don't believe one test should be treated like a messianic text that decides your fate. You completely missed what I said. I said ones PERSONALITY influences their life. Not ones PERSONALITY TYPE. The type is just a tool. That should clear the confusion up.
  4. I love you, oh so much. To be honest, it doesn't really affect every single thing in your life. It's mainly focused on your preferences and how you might do something in a certain, such as how my type will sometimes click with how I play, but it isn't entirely subjected to what it says on the INTP when it comes to my personal gaming habits. The most important thing is that that there is a degree of interpretation that is involved when reading the descriptions of the Myers-Briggs personality types, which can result in different viewpoints of people reading their type. I do know Randox took one of those real and in-depth tests recently and knows way more about the subject than I am. Maybe she could provide a more articulate way of saying it. Can you name one thing in life your personality does not influence? it influences how you act, speak, think, your preferences, your decisions, your life style, your worldview, what you are willing or want to believe. Heck, even the colors you like are in some way influenced. For all intents and purposes, it influences your life.
  5. That's BS. It effects everything in your life TBH. But its interesting how many ENTJ's there are here, since only 2-5% of the population are ENTJ's.
  6. There is not much room for error in the world of the ENTJ. They dislike to see mistakes repeated, and have no patience with inefficiency. O.0 so this sums up all us "efficiency clowns" pretty well. :D
  7. What is your personality type, and does it reflect how you play and interact in 'scape? Do you talk in a CC/FC a lot? On skype? On vent/mumble? Are you efficient? Do you troll? Just a few questions to consider how you would relate your personality to how you play. http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp Test here. I'm an ENTJ. That's part of why I hate idiots, and the incompetent.(Edit for dumb typo)
  8. Your fault for having any expectations. Not to sound like a complete pessimist but this is actually a GOOD update, since it didn't nerf anything and it didnt come with a price tag of "$9.99 at our new cash shop" Because the OBVIOUS conclusion to draw from your statement is that expectations are BAD.
  9. Pics or it didn't happen. No, not really. But if you're serious? Hell, good luck man. Dear Jordan, Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider you for employment. We have reviewed your background and qualifications and find that we do not have an appropriate position for you at this time. We appreciate your interest in Jagex Games Studio and wish you success in your job search. Sincerely, The Jagex Games Studio Recruitment Team I did lie yes, it did not help where for experience I said, over 400M. I was trolling Jagex by even applying. But worth a shot anyway. I lol'ed when you said over 400m. Hurt cuz I have a split lip.
  10. Ok, again you miss the point. The point was also never that it was a huge deal. It was that Jagex should have done it from the start, since it was so blatantly obvious to anyone who actually DG's that is was needed. I've understood it perfectly well, but to make you happy: There are worse things to happen than Jagex not implementing something that should have been obvious. Is that better? *facepalm* OBVIOUSLY there are worse things, like bots. That's a terrible defense of anything though. "Honestly it was only kidnap, not like I murdered anyone" "Honestly it was only cheating, not like I stole" etc etc ad infitum. I'd argue there is actually very little worse mistakes to make then one like this. It means Jagex devs are completely out of the loop as to how players play the game if no one thought "hey why don't we make this easy to see quickly..."
  11. It's not their fault if you're using some other application you know >.> You consistently miss the point of, well, just about everyone. The point is this should have been done THE FIRST TIME not as a fix. Its good they fixed it quickly but the idiots at Jagex should have known making it any other way than easily viewable would have been asinine. Well, sheesh, sorry for misunderstanding something that wasn't exactly clear (Others misunderstood as well...). And yeah, they should've realized that this is needed, but you know what? Mistakes happen. No one's perfect. And there are truly worse things that can happen than not being able to check keys in dung easily for one week. Ok, again you miss the point. The point was also never that it was a huge deal. It was that Jagex should have done it from the start, since it was so blatantly obvious to anyone who actually DG's that is was needed.
  12. It's not their fault if you're using some other application you know >.> You consistently miss the point of, well, just about everyone. The point is this should have been done THE FIRST TIME not as a fix. Its good they fixed it quickly but the idiots at Jagex should have known making it any other way than easily viewable would have been asinine.
  13. Does no one here play WOW anymore? That's sad :(
  14. Didn't Jagex improve the item models? The dragon items look like shit. Can't even tell what they are.
  15. +9 internets, I wish it rhymed better but it was still epic. "L kid u r rong"
  16. Gwyn pointed out that Cape, 10th, and Anniversary have umlauts in them, which probably means it's the 10 year vet cape The queen who sets fire to her people makes me think Queen black dragon Wrath of Carnillean and its description sounds like a quest to me, in Ardy, maybe having to do with Hazeel and his cult? EDIT: "feels like home" (Phasmatys Old Herald) Construction update? (Thanks to gwyn for that too) Wrath of carn=wrath of Khan? Star trek reference?
  17. Honestly, I don't believe in such a thing as a video game addiction. At least, not by the technical definition. Technically, an addiction is chemical in some sense. A compulsion is the correct term.
  18. Addiction, the inability to quit. Simple as that. It does not mean that players who don't WANT to quit are addicted. It means that people who CAN'T quit are addicted.
  19. Pretty much this. World of Warcraft in the past couple of years has seen a drop of around two million subscribers (from 12 to 10.3 million in Nov. 2011, but Blizzard has since said that The Old Republic also damaged their numbers), but the folks at Blizzard aren't exactly scared. Thanks to sales from their cash shop, the game's revenue stream is even higher than it was with the subscribers. I have little doubt we will see a major increase in revenue on Jagex's next financial statement. To be fair, the drop was at the end of the expansion. I wouldn't be surprised if 1-2m or even more come back in MoP. Especially if SWTOR starts to die. But when I read that IJ liquidates, uhoh.
  20. You and I agree on the main point, but I have to nitpick. :P 1. Just because your American lawyer friend brought up a legal principle irrelevant to U.K. contract law (and even if it weren't, probably still would lack basis in fact) doesn't mean you can chant the mantra as if it's gospel. It's not true, no case has been ever been brought against Jagex concerning this, and it's unlikely that any party will possess the resources to bring such a case to Jagex concerning virtual property, let alone a legal basis to rest on. I think you'll agree with Point # 2. 2. Jagex employs technically-correct language to maintain the veneer of legitimacy when it's clear there are less than savory intentions behind those updates. Jagex knows that players value certain items more than others. They capitalize on that interest by introducing options to raise those hopes whilst funneling the incoming flood of revenue. They purposely place low value and high value items together so the player thinks he has a shot (no matter how small) at winning the jackpot. This way, players have greater incentive to purchase spins to get closer to winning that shiny, glowing bauble...! But when the technique is questioned, Jagex can step back and say it isn't gambling because X or Y. In this case, Jagex claims it's not because you don't risk anything when you spin. That's true. That doesn't stop them from employing incentives for players to foolishly waste their money, though. It's a pseudo-gambling device designed directly for this purpose. I'm not accusing them of breaking any gambling laws. It's far from that. I'm more concerned about the sleazy marketing tactics and the possible violation of consumer protection laws. Finally... 3. Yes, the items do have intrinsic value. Value is not determined by price alone. A Godsword won from SOF is just as useful as one obtained from trade. If it had no intrinsic value, players would not purchase more spins for a chance to a win a Godsword. This is just the sort of technical, side-stepping language Jagex deploys to justify its updates. I'd like to point out that a contract of adhesion isn't binding in the U.K either.
  21. Jagex are lazy [bleep]ers. WoW does it, Jagex just CBF, since their Customer Support is non-existant.
  22. 1.) Virtual goods are the PLAYER's property. Not Jagex's IP. 2.) Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. 3.) Since the items won are NOT TRADABLE, they don't have intrinsic value. SOF is not gambling. But I still hate it.
  23. My membership ends on the 10th and will not be renewed, but that does not mean that one can not do more than simply that. Sure, you "can" do more. I just hold that it will be ineffective. No impact=no reason to do it.
  24. This. A petition against a company does nothing. Boycotting their product, or hurting their bottom line in some significant way, does.
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