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Everything posted by Roseiah

  1. The logo at the minute looks a state, I tried to clean the R up but I didn't have enough ink. I don't understand why people would want to destroy the logo, it seems childish and pathetic. Do they not have anything better to do than ruin other people's work.
  2. If I was the first Runescape player and I had a week of Runescape to myself I would probably use the peace and quiet to get up as many levels without having all the other players there, skilling and collecting everything that players would need and then sell them before anyone else has the levels to get them.
  3. Being part of an odd number of children in the family one us always has to sit next to a total stranger when we fly anywhere and in the last three or so years it always seems to be a fat person. It makes you so uncomfortable having to be on the edge of your seat. I think if someone is going to take up more than their allocated seat they need to pay. Why should my entire trip be made to feel uncomfortable just because someone is taking up the space that has been paid for for my use. I totally agree with this policy.
  4. Culture should never be allowed to be a disguise for the mistreatment of people. People are not critical enough of things like culture and religion. You say that culture can not be a disguise for mistreatment of people. For example say you were brought up in a world where anyone with blond hair should be killed. It is all you know. You have never been taught that it is wrong, you believe it is right. On the other hand, I was brought up without being taught that. I would believe that you were wrong. You would believe I was wrong. Our morals are shaped by our education. You can not say that the parents are to blame for doing something that they deemed to be right. We may believe it to be wrong, but they believe it to be right. Again, it is all they know, it is all they have been taught and grown up with. You can not blame someone for having a different education on what is right and wrong to you. I am sure now they wish that they had picked a better husband for their daughter, they tried to protect her with the contract, because they believed that it was the right thing to do. I believe it was the totally wrong thing to do, but I will not say force my own morals on anybody else.
  5. In the western world we learnt from a young age about equal rights. Our education shapes our morals. So we believe that a young girl marrying an older man to be wrong. On the other hand, the girl's family will never have been educated in the same way we have. Their morals have been shaped differently. They believed what they were doing was right. They didn't do it on a whim, they grew up with it happening as the norm. How anyone can blame parents who believe what they were doing was morally right because of the morals they have been taught. I personally disagree with under age marriage such as this, but I am not going to blame a culture for being taught different morals to myself.
  6. The drawball image is looking really nice right now. I just finished going over some scribble with the little ink I had. I think we might actually be getting somewhere with this, I can only hope no more pathetic idiots decide to deface it again.
  7. COW! I think any girl who does that to a guy should not be in a relationship. It is one of the worst things a girl can do to a guy without hitting him. I will always remember when my brother broke my favourite teddy. I had it since I was little and he was messing around with it and the head fell off. I wasn't too pleased. So when he went out that night, I went into his room and scratched his day old Halo 3, (it had just came out the day before). I felt so bad afterwards but he didn't even apologise for ruining my teddy and then when I told my Mam about it he totally denied he had been messing around with it.
  8. I feel that F2Pers should not be insulted just because they do not pay for a game. They are real people. On the other hand, F2Pers should stop expecting to get updates every month. I think both sides of the P2P vs F2P war need to relax a little bit and stop arguing over a game.
  9. I must admit, I must be the worst FoG player ever. I have played the game twice. I lost both times, badly. I had read all the tips on the game but it just wasn't for me. I got called a few names during playing, especially when I was running around like a headless chicken. All in all, I think players need to learn how to be gracious losers and winners, and maybe invent a new insult. I think all the new varieties of noob are becoming just a bit boring.
  10. I get really annoyed when I have just spent the last 10 minutes trying to find an empty training spot, I find one and then someone comes along and starts training there. I find it rude that they expect me to move when they don't even attempt to find a world where they do not annoy other players. As I write this I have been training on a single hill giant for the past 30 minutes or so. It took me a while to find an empty spot, but I have finally got one. Some guy came in and after 5 minutes got sick of not getting any kills and told me not to kill steal. I didn't reply, I didn't feel the need to. He kept going on and on every time he didn't get to attack. Finally, I mentioned that if he moved to another spot, he would be able to train alone. He then insulted me, and had the honour of going on my ignore list. I didn't see why I should move just because some idiot felt he deserved to train there when he could train elsewhere. I am all for sharing when every world seems to be busy, I usually make a new friend and I am quite happy taking turns. What annoys me is when like now there are spots in the world we are in, or the majority of other worlds and people don't even attempt to use them. I don't think I own a spot, but I think if a player has been training there then I should at least attempt to find another training spot in another world.
  11. Roseiah

    Wtf leo?

    I like the Gravedigger random. It allows me to bank anything I may have in my inventory that I want to bank. I don't have to do a trip and my things get banked. Sounds pretty good to me.
  12. I play runescape as a hobby. I play it when I have nothing else to do. I would not say I was addicted to it though. I find it easy to just log off, or not even log on. I play Runescape for fun.
  13. I think all capes deserve some respect, some more than others. All capes require some determination. There are easy and hard capes and people with hard capes should be respected, but those with "easy" capes should also be respected for having gotten to the highest level. I don't think in Runescape we will ever get to a point where having a cape is seen as an achievment because of all the ill feeling that surrounds them. Cooking or Slayer the person behind the cape deserves some respect.
  14. It does look like a Pokemon, nice find. It looks familiar to me. I think it would be highly unlikely that it was there by total accident, but if it was wow.
  15. My Mam was really open about quite a lot of things to me when I was 8-13ish. If I came across something and I didn't understand it I felt quite comfortable to go and talk to her about and she would explain it, if she felt she needed to. So at a young age I wasn't exposed to the bs that surrounds a lot of these issues. I used to play games with my older brother and being the little tom boy I was, I used to play rugby, football, wrestling. I was exposed to fighting and violence and sex but I am pretty normal. While games can make an already disturbed mind psychotic, I don't think they can take a normal child and turn them into gun wielding maniacs.
  16. When I was in primary school I used to get bullied a lot because I was really quiet. I used to ignore them for years and they still carried on. I got into secondary school, made new amazing friends, boosted my confidence and turned around and told people who annoyed me exactly what I thought of them. Even though I was never physically violent I used to stand up to anyone who tried to bully me. After a few months all my problems stopped. Ignoring didn't work for me, if it didn't work for you, get your friends and play the bullies at their own game. Just remember to stop when they stop.
  17. I used to believe the drinks my Mam used to give me whenever she was having a girls nights in with her friends was actual alcohol. I hit 9 and figured out that it was just lemonade. God did I feel stupid. I also believed that if I went to sleep with my door open a monster would be able to sneak into my room. I don't believe it anymore, but I'm now into the habit that I can not sleep without my door closed.
  18. Skilling is what the majority of runescape players do, and there is not a single runescape player that does not use an item that comes from skilling. Getting rid of skilling is not like getting rid of pking. Skilling has an effect on everything we do in Runescape, the economy, the lot. Pking on the other hand is not needed, there are other alternatives. Get rid of Skilling and Runescape is no longer the same game. Get rid of pking, the game is changed, but only a small part of it. Jagex would never get rid of skilling if they value their game.
  19. I don't use the world map a lot, because I know it by memory anyway. Also, it doesn't take long for me to load anyway so it isn't too much of a problem. I can see how it would be annoying though, but on the other hand, I am sure some players will find it very useful.
  20. Jagex have already mentioned that they have tried to give F2P full screen but because of the adverts they have not so far been able to do so. I suggest you read the updates on the main page. Also I think you should be grateful for what Jagex have given F2P. They could of been greedy and made the hd members only to entice people to become members. Be thankful for what you have.
  21. I completed this yesterday, it took be about two hours. It was easy enough, I just got sick of all the walking around, but the reward is well worth it. Thanks to Jagex to making this F2P.
  22. I am so glad that this has been introduced. At first I didn't realise what it was, but then I clicked on. Awesome. It will come in so handy. Kudos to Jagex.
  23. Normal nicknames in Runescape are not the same as normal nicknames in Real life. While it may be normal to call yourself Bob the whatever in Real life, it is quite an abnormal name in Runescape. The majority of people pick Fantasy names, to go with the Fantasy of Runescape.
  24. The majority of my gaming friends all prefer Wow to Runescape. I had always heard stories about people becoming seriously addicted to Wow, and I always stayed away. My brother bought the game a few days ago and I created a character and began playing. I really do like it, for the day I have played it, and I think I will carry on playing it. Everyone compares Runescape and Wow but I can't really see any similarities. They seem to be totally different games. As to my favourite, I think Wow is a better game for me personally, but I don't think I will stop playing Runescape.
  25. I like the way a lot of the outfits look now, they all look so much better. I don't think I have come across any clothing that looks worse than it did before. Jagex have done well.
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