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Everything posted by Knight_Zaros

  1. Mage will definitely be faster than range, especially 70 something range. They are rather weak vs magic. Obviously there is the cost with magic however. And using a decent magic spell will be considerable to melee speeds. Melee with top gear and boosts would still be a not faster though. I never suggest ranging metals especially steels till at least 80+ range, otherwise its just way to slow.
  2. A big treasure trails update will be occuring next week, least its supposed too so be prepared for up to or over 150 new items as reported. Everyone else seems to be covering most things pretty good.
  3. Dont forget you can grow fruit trees, then go and pick the fruit say once a day for a little extra money
  4. But as said magic is your best bet. I've scene people down their using chaos rune lvl spells on them so at lvl 70 magic it should work. Could consider taking a mage pot, they're cheap and may help speed things up a bit with some better accuracy. But again not manditory. GL to you EDIT: SOL is overkill for a one time task more or less unless you start getting them alot, but still even then if your not doing high level spells alot its not needed. I got to lvl 95 magic the old combat magic way with no SOL/brobes, etc. anyway! At your level magic I was just doing fire blast till I unlocked firewave. So that should work fine for you.
  5. No theres not. Tell them to stay out of the way. As you said CC/capes might help you know where they are.
  6. Range level now? What kind of equipment are you planning on using? F2p or p2p? This makes all the difference. But anyway at those levels if your calling training slow as per how fast you level up (not how much xp you get an hr) maybe you shouldn't make a pure because sub 50 levels are not what I would call 'slow' lol...
  7. If you really want some safe merchanting just buy raw materials in mass quanities then sell for a little bit more. Example if you say had like 75m to invest, bought 75m worth of airs and then sold for 1gp more than you bought them for (obviously may take a day or two) you would profit 7.5mil for a rather safe investment. You just have to wait it out. Obviosuly some items even raw materials would be better than others. But i recommend doing 'safe' merchanting like this to get started, and that way things dont take and you lose millions right off the bat, especially as people mentioned the market is rather chaotic lately.
  8. What slayer level anyway? Your should at least use shilo village guy or at least get your reward tasks from him so you get a higher bonus.
  9. There may be some factors but this is without a doubt the majority of the problem. People are selling to cash in so they can play all week next week trying to buy as many TT items as they can. Then sit on them for a few days, weeks, month untill they start to 'stabalize' at a highpoint. Then they will crash as demand goes down, sure some if they are really good and super rare may stay really expensive, but I feel most the new items will go up up up, then down down, and settle. No matter what happens, what is happening this week is a sell off of current investments and items people do not 'need' so they can invest in new TT items.
  10. Im not trying to spam on your thread but you left for 3 weeks... Not much has changed. I mean if u where gone for years I understand but if you read runescape updates at all you would have probably known what happened this month more or less 3 weeks ago.
  11. To get back into the game after my five year quit I just started doing things I used to do slowly. I started with slayer, straight-forward enough. Then moved on to relearning dailies, MTK, now I'm getting back into farming, did a few quests. Before you know it you will have more goals than you will know what to do with.
  12. If you do Manage thy kindom, dailies (rune shops, feathers, unfinished bolts, battlestaffs, etc.), and a herb run or two a day and you will easily make money to substain training for most skills.
  13. A bit overkill huh? But I wont bash I dont have my cape yet either lol. Anyway there are quite a few ways you can do it, depends on the gear you have and want to use. With those stats you wont need prayer as much as other people but its all good. You will need to range Jad for the record so most important thing would be rune xbow and some good bolts, diamond (e)'s or so should be of some help. Only problem you wwill have is prayer switching... like most. Obviously its not impossible but once you play for 45mins-to over an hour the stress will build a little bit and who knows.
  14. This and more this. Honestly though why would you ever bring up on a very busy forum, that your new favorite training spot is not packed...
  15. For dungoneering he was referring to about the comment about chaotic rapier earlier. I don't currently own a godsword but I can surely agree I would find sgs more useful in most situations
  16. IMHO best staff period. May use some other staffs for special occassions but me as a mage fan can never really see myself selling the staff of light. I may play different than you, when I typically buy something I plan on keeping it for the long run. Example I have a fury, if it crashed to 4million again like when I originally bought it I wouldn't care to sell it to try and 'save' 8-10mil by it crashing. Because I look at it as paid off because of its best of the best status. Again I may have a different outlook than you. Best bet is if your afraid of losing money on it then don't buy it, if you can deal with losing 2-3mil then buy it and don't even think about it. Depending on how much combat magic you do with it you will likely save 2-3mil easily in its use.
  17. What do you mean by not much equipment? I mean are you like an all defense pure? (no attack and strength)
  18. Few general questions. 1. Can someone quickly explain the fastest method for making pouches etc. I know it has to do with a familer... 2. Anyone have a link to an UP-TO-DATE guide for leveling summoning cost effeciently 3. Besides level 88 for unicorn what summons (from 73-88) are useful that I should plan on making ______ If there are no current guides can someone take some time and go into a bit of detail on what pouches I should make. Charms I have... 327 blue 2448 gold 2053 crimson 3553 green I may or may not start training summoning again right now, I have been training slayer with a goal of 85 (currently 76), so I can focus on gathering more charms. But if I can get anywhere decent with these charms I may take a break from slayer.
  19. It is interesting stuff, but who will honestly kill dragons just to get some smithing exp? It be cheaper to do something more profitable like farming runs and then just buy all your bars, etc. Because of this and the other reasons said I don't see any conspiracy, just some interesting updates.
  20. Good exp for cheap. Just use bronze or iron knives, they have really low defense.
  21. Oak laders for you the entire way. Calculate it out I'm not up to date on con prices
  22. I already helped you, we cannot and do not want to explain to you why you need to stay and play this game, you have to do that for yourself, we do not care. If you have a question, a runescape question like how to do something, etc. then we would be glad to help. I'm not being mean I'm being realistic. But I'll take it a step farther. If you are really bored and truely love the game but need some ideas of what to do for a filler for your runescape day. Look into doing dailies, that is tasks that you do every-day. Here is a brief list, if you need farther elaberation feel free to google or search it as its talked about on these forums at least 5 times a day. - buy waters/earths/deaths in all rune shops and sell in GE - Buy feathers in various fish/general stores and sell in GE - Buy unfinished broad bolts and sell in GE - Buy battlestaffs in Varrock and sell in GE - Do farming runs, at least herbs for exp/money maker, and maybe add trees (fruit/wood) for exp. - Do Manage Thy kingdom for the easiest money ever for ever. Weekly Tears of Guthix Penguin Points mini game Circus if you want
  23. Stop trolling. Honestly. This is the 2nd time you've posted this 'same problem' with no real direct reference to a problem within runescape. If your not having fun or can't find something to do then leave and dont play the game. There is more to do in runescape than any game I've pretty much played to date, at least comparable to all. So it may not be for you, or you may just be a troll. Either way noone cares. Good luck, if you have a real questions feel free to ask and I am sure tip.it'ers will be happy to help, myself included.
  24. Dont forget to have some magic defense boost for those tasks that put you against monsters with a magic based attack. Your exclusions and budget are really your only limitations, gear looks pretty good except for a few specialized peices for given tasks (as mentioned magic defense gear, crush weapon,etc. )
  25. Bunyip rocks I use it on almost all melee tasks and because of it I get almost all tasks done in one trip, save on prayer pots and food. Guthans is the same idea, sometimes on harder tasks I stack them both. Thing about guthans is you can use it then sell it back for some profit or a little loss, but its a very old peice with the same use it stays pretty constant price wise.
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