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Everything posted by Cptbaker08

  1. I agree with this. The BGS is one of the more overrated weapons to own. No need to use it to train due to its lack of speed. Only useful at GWD and TDs for its high hits. And even at those places there are better options to use. I only owned 2 GS, Bandos and Sara. I owned them to either lend off junk or to use, but i only kept them for like a week at most. There are much more useful items to own, such as armor and decent weapons.
  2. IIRC With monkey greegrees you still have to go through the long drawn out process of getting the items back then taking them to get them made.
  3. I havent got any since i hit 98 slayer. I think my streak my be a bit longer. But i hear they're around 200-300, not to sure though as i usually just kill and dont care for numbers. (unless its the current amount i have left)
  4. Exp from 86-94 multiplied by 2.88 gp or 2.09 gp, depending on which you do.
  5. At 50 i say it gets easier. Binding a decent armor piece helps a lot. I myself have Primal Plateskirt bound right now. Before i had a Primal Platebody. Your stats are around the same as mine, so i cna see where you're coming from. Before i hit 50, i did exactly what you did. Mined ores to make armor, collect coins and charms so i could use a decent familiar while on the boss. It helps to go in a team every now and then as it boosts exp by 5% per each person as well as making the floor get done faster. But i didn't rush through it, i took my time and completed it at my pace. Wanna know why? Because thats how i play. If you don't find it fun or enjoyable then no reason to rush through it any way.
  6. Once you hit 86 Magic.
  7. To find the gp/exp first find this: Take how much you paid for the amulets, add how much you pay for the astral runes then subtract how much you sell them for. Selling them to the Rogue Trader comes out to the min price i believe. Its best to use a mud staff instead of runes when casting the spell, you can always sell that back when done so that price should matter much. If you don't sell them to the Trader, the price will be different. Next you take the number you found in step 1 and divide it by how much exp each cast gives. There is you gp/exp.
  8. It wouldn't change much. Most merchers have a way of knowing when the ge updates. I know IRC has bots that tell you seconds after it updates. This would just make it easier, as some people can't get on during certain times and depending on when they do have it update it might be at an inconvenience for some.
  9. I don't really find much of a problem with it, I usually have plenty of an item i need. Also wrong area. This probably goes in General Discussion or something.
  10. This sounds about right. It use to be around 1:1 a while ago. With recent updates, such as familiarization, the ratio will probably change some.
  11. max hit-wise salve is better, accuracy wise its probably worse. But the only high level slayer creature you can use a salve (e) on is aberrant specters, so its not worth it. What i meant by that was from getting a high level slayer, that i notice very few zombie/undead tasks other then spectres and banshees. At lower leveled masters it wil probablyl be better. Such as Vanakka and the Canafis master. Also, using full void+salve (e) will solve that accuracy problem. But you lose out on prayer gear/defense.
  12. Using Proselyte Top+Bottom (Idk the correct names for them) and spending the money you would buy with Bandos on potions and using piety/turmoil on tasks would be a lot better. You can usually slay most tasks in rune if you have a high defense, and if using piety/turmoil you get a slight def boost to help out. If you find yourself getting hit to hard, put on Verac's Skirt and/or Brassard to help stop most attacks and give a slightly lower prayer bonus then Proselyte.
  13. I'm almost sure those that a Fury Amulet+Slayer Helm might do better then say a Salve (e)+Neitzs helm. But if you were to use void+Salve (e), it might do really well. But from high level slaying, i noticed that most tasks that you can use a Salve (e) on you usually need head gear to help kill the creature.
  14. RS Wiki Corporeal Beast I found this on the CB Page on the rs wiki. Seems it is only a rumor, but from testings it seems it might be true.
  15. It says in that order, encase you lower something so low that it can't go lower. Like if fighting a low def type person or opponent, it will lower the next stat that is stated. If you hit a 400, and they have 30 def it lowers def to 0 then 10 from what the next skill is. I'm not to sure, but thats how i perceive it anyway.
  16. I still say its worth it at Mut Velds, as they don't have a range/mage attack that can hit you. With dags/spectres you can have 6+ monsters attacking at once, while at velds only 3-4 can fight around you less if you position yourself near a wall or table.
  17. I don't see how thats possible, it should all be the same as before. Nothing much has changed, if at all. Also the Tip.it guide under Monster Hunting seems to do pretty well for me when i went DKing.
  18. If you can sell off the junk, then yes you essentially only pay the market price for the junk. But there is a reason its junk, and thats because junk doesn't sell right away. Some items will sell, but only over time and then you could have lost some money on them. So instead of the 8.3m you though you could pay after selling junk, it might actually go to 10m including the time it takes for the junk you bought to actually sell. Depends on what the item is, how much of it you have and how useful that item is.
  19. Plant herb seeds, go make money some other way for 90 mins then come back and pick the herbs. Then sell the herbs on the GE for profit.
  20. You have decent melee stats. You can always go kill green dragons and sell the hides and bones they drops to help buy another. If you had a decent familiar you can easily get the money back in a few hours.
  21. King Black Dragon Guide I'm no expert on this monster, but i have heard that there is no need to have mage defense armor on. Better yet would be to have either prayer armor, such as proselyte, defensive armor, such as Bandos or Barrows, or a combination of both, such as Veracs. Also adding a guide that includes the use of super anti-fire potions and a Zamorakian Spear or a Godsword might be something useful to have. I don't have the herblore level so i can't be of much help. Maybe also adding in summonings would be nice to have. But with the release of Dungeoneering, I doubt many of y'all have time to put a guide together. Its just a suggestion as to what would be nice to see added.
  22. Stats would be good, also a list of what you enjoy to do would be nice. If that image in your sig is suppose to be a stat sig, it isn't working.
  23. No, i done tests and have some friends who have maxed farming and still farmed and gotten averages of 7 or so. Some times a little more then 7.
  24. Average is actually about 7, especially if you use My Arm's patch. Using super compost and the magic secateurs.
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