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Everything posted by zotto

  1. zotto


    I wouldnt i used a cheap drgn skimy + rune defender and that works just as well Tested that. SS hits harder. And has same speed.
  2. I'm actually a proper researcher (research biologist). What I learned from Runescape is to cope with the daily grind of doing research. Lots and lots of repetitive work without an immediate reward. In fact you could do a project for a year or more and never see the proper result. Ever since I started playing runescape I started to deal better with this aspect of doing research. I actually noticed that I am nowadays better at this boring work than my colleagues. Of course there is the little conundrum whether I would have learned to deal with the repetition without runescape? Or is it that I actually like the repetition of runescape because that's what I do on a daily basis at work anyway? I will never know.
  3. I never use prayer at aberrant specters any more. I take a terror bird loaded with cheap food (trout or salmon), am loaded myself with the same stuff, have a cheap anti-magic outfit, and do an average task in two or three trips. Carrying a ring of duelling and ring of slayer in your inventory basically means aberrant specters are right next to the bank. praying not needed. I eat 3k in food tops. Probably less on a full task.
  4. As a result of what has been said in this thread on greater demons I tried out the alternatives. First the wildy. No one to be seen of course. I had the place for myself. The only problem is that the greater demons are quite far apart. So I spend a lot of time running. Much more than in Brimhaven dungeon. And then there was the constant interuption of revenants. I had 2 in 10 minutes. Not nice. I then logged in on a PvP world. I saw someone mentioning that there are no revs on PvP. But then I thought: why not go to the decent training spot in you are in PvP. So I went to Brimhaven dungeon. Saw a few people in ardougne but nobody in the dungeon of course. the log in message was interesting though. Apparently I was wearing and holding 1,7million Gp worth of stuff. I was wearing a noob outfit though to minimize the risk. torag lefs, rune platebody, d helm, climbing boots, glory, rune defender, ring of slaying, abyssal whip. I already lost slayer helm and d boots twice this week due to lag. So I played safe. Training is going quite smooth though, although my max hit is considerably lower than normal. No interuption whatsoever. That's probably because only 97 people were logged on on the PvP world when I logged on. The chances of PKers checking out training spots is pretty low. Maybe a new kind of PKer will arise next week: the Skiller Pker. That said. Training is pretty safe. Greater demons isn't a multi zone so you are safe as long as you are attacking something. Maybe the PvP worlds are a good alternative to hopping?
  5. I tried berserker ring. I tried warrior ring. In the end I went back to the cheap RoW because it just gives a better income with slayer.
  6. zotto

    Slayer Sucks

    I did a little test. I thought the figure was way off since I always have a nice steady income with slayer. So I slayed for exactly one hour. I happened to have the task abberant specters. A task often skipped by many slayers because it is slow and not profitable. I used the cheap method. No praying. Just cheap food. I also used a terror bird. Not that it would have made much difference if I didn't because I jump between the slayer tower and castlewar chest with rings of slayer and rings of dueling. I was wearing black d hide legs and body, a slayer helmet, fury, RoW, Climbing boots, a rune defender, rune gloves, and a modest whip. I use 33 trouts (junk food I have in my bank) per trip (12 spaces in the terror bird). One or two doses of super att, def, and str. I loaded up at 20.16 at the castlewar chest. I was back at the castle war chest at 21.15. So it was actually 59 minutes which included putting the gear on, loading up on supplies and once even charging summoning points. I used up: 2 terror bird pouches (GE 652gp) 4 doses super att, def, and str (893, 813, and 4686 gp) And 99 cooked trouts (3069 gp) I also used 3 charges of the ring of duelling and the slayer ring. I didn't put a price on that. Now... what was dropped within that hour. Charms: 3 crimson 4 blue 12 gold 8 green You can't put a price on charms so I won't. Herbs 10 ranarrs - 56070 gp 3 aventoe - 3885 gp 4 cadantine - 4172 gp 4 dwarf weed - 10920 gp 1 landantyme - 1316 gp 4 kwuarm - 13580 gp 4 irit - 5436 gp 5 haralanders ( I didn't pick them all up because I hardly ever do) 3945 gp regular loot mystic robe bottom - 48827 gp - and actually sold for 51300 lava battle staff - 10045 gp Loop half key - 7810 gp 5 uncut sapphire - 2930 gp 2 Uncut emerald - 944 gp Rune full helm - 21094 gp mith kite shield - 1326 gp coins - 640 gp (random event) Seeds 2 aventoe seed - 302 gp 2 irit seed - 474 gp 4 toadflax seed- 1960 gp 1 cadantine seed - 878 gp 2 snapdragonseed - 57818 gp 1 ladantyme seed - 3363 gp 2 kwuarm seed - 16006 gp total costs: A modest 10.113 gp per hour Total gain: A whopping 276.214 gp per hour Total profit: 266.101 gp per hour. Do that for 10 hours and you have 2.5 million gp. Better than Godwars! \ I will keep testing with other tasks when I feel like it, and I actually had no clue what the results would be for this test. I just know that abberrant specters aren't one of my favourite tasks because they don't really drop a superdrop. I do think that your 400k per hour is way off. Maybe that is right for someone with lousy stats and a very very low slayer level doing a silly slayer monster on purpose. And what are the requirements for the aberrant spectre? 60 slayer. A level you can reach easily within a short time. slayer rocks. ps. I didn't record my experience gain. [/hide] One monster over a very short period of time proves ABSOLULTLY nothing. I got 60 steel dragons for a task; I spent 5 hours killing them, and spent 40k on prayer potions and averaged less then 10k xp per hour. So does that means slayer is 10k XP per hour and -10k profit? NO! The only way you can really get a number is if you test ALL slayer monsters for several hours with standard equipment and armor, then average the results based on the probability and amount given by slayer masters. Until then, I'll take Zarfot's number of 50-75k per hour. Steel dragons should be blocked or skipped. I suggest you read a slayer guide. And, moreover, it is an ongoing experiment. I now have kalphites. Definitely a costly task. I will keep recording. This first experiment showed a few things though. 1. Low level slayer monsters are highly profitable. 2. Simple tasks have the potential to cover the costs of expensive tasks. I'd rather trust my own figures than those of someone who hates slayer for no good reason. Hence I actually started testing the income figures with slayer. I actually gained at least 4 million gp in the last 10 hours (2 whips). That is way off of the 400k mentioned. So I was extremely lucky, or the 400k figure is made up by someone who wasn't careful. Even if I would detract the value of two whips I would still end up with a gain of close to 2 million. Still way off the 400k mark mentioned. My initial test shows that my skeptical notion of the 400k figure could be based on reality. I haven't trained slayer yet today, so no update. And I very much doubt that you did any serious testing yourself. That is, actually recorded any activity in detail for more than an hour. You can prove anything with figures, but real figures are usually more informative than made up ones.
  7. zotto

    Slayer Sucks

    I did a little test. I thought the figure was way off since I always have a nice steady income with slayer. So I slayed for exactly one hour. I happened to have the task abberant specters. A task often skipped by many slayers because it is slow and not profitable. I used the cheap method. No praying. Just cheap food. I also used a terror bird. Not that it would have made much difference if I didn't because I jump between the slayer tower and castlewar chest with rings of slayer and rings of dueling. I was wearing black d hide legs and body, a slayer helmet, fury, RoW, Climbing boots, a rune defender, rune gloves, and a modest whip. I use 33 trouts (junk food I have in my bank) per trip (12 spaces in the terror bird). One or two doses of super att, def, and str. I loaded up at 20.16 at the castlewar chest. I was back at the castle war chest at 21.15. So it was actually 59 minutes which included putting the gear on, loading up on supplies and once even charging summoning points. I used up: 2 terror bird pouches (GE 652gp) 4 doses super att, def, and str (893, 813, and 4686 gp) And 99 cooked trouts (3069 gp) I also used 3 charges of the ring of duelling and the slayer ring. I didn't put a price on that. Now... what was dropped within that hour. Charms: 3 crimson 4 blue 12 gold 8 green You can't put a price on charms so I won't. Herbs 10 ranarrs - 56070 gp 3 aventoe - 3885 gp 4 cadantine - 4172 gp 4 dwarf weed - 10920 gp 1 landantyme - 1316 gp 4 kwuarm - 13580 gp 4 irit - 5436 gp 5 haralanders ( I didn't pick them all up because I hardly ever do) 3945 gp regular loot mystic robe bottom - 48827 gp - and actually sold for 51300 lava battle staff - 10045 gp Loop half key - 7810 gp 5 uncut sapphire - 2930 gp 2 Uncut emerald - 944 gp Rune full helm - 21094 gp mith kite shield - 1326 gp coins - 640 gp (random event) Seeds 2 aventoe seed - 302 gp 2 irit seed - 474 gp 4 toadflax seed- 1960 gp 1 cadantine seed - 878 gp 2 snapdragonseed - 57818 gp 1 ladantyme seed - 3363 gp 2 kwuarm seed - 16006 gp total costs: A modest 10.113 gp per hour Total gain: A whopping 276.214 gp per hour Total profit: 266.101 gp per hour. Do that for 10 hours and you have 2.5 million gp. Better than Godwars! \ I will keep testing with other tasks when I feel like it, and I actually had no clue what the results would be for this test. I just know that abberrant specters aren't one of my favourite tasks because they don't really drop a superdrop. I do think that your 400k per hour is way off. Maybe that is right for someone with lousy stats and a very very low slayer level doing a silly slayer monster on purpose. And what are the requirements for the aberrant spectre? 60 slayer. A level you can reach easily within a short time. slayer rocks. ps. I didn't record my experience gain.
  8. zotto

    Slayer Sucks

    I have 91 slayer. Needless to say I think that slayer does not suck. I did try the Zombie monkey thing once. I got utterly bored after 30 minutes. They don't drop anything. And the prospect of doing monkeys for several days drove me mad. Zombie monkeys do indeed suck. I tried soloing Godwars. I have the stats, but it is not my kind of thing. In fact, godwars sucks for me, other than going to the Zamorak side to do spiritual mages for slayer. Slayer has several things going for it: 1. It gives you a diverse range of targets. 2. It gives you short overseeable tasks. A sense of achievement is reached within a short timeframe: after completing each task. 3. It gives you a wide range of drops that can be used for many different purposes: charms, drops, herbs, herb seeds, coins, pure essence, runes, big loot (whips, rune items, D boots). 4. It gives you experience in how to handle different monsters. 5. It gives you combat skill experience. 6. It gives me an incentive to raise other skills (such as crafting for slayer rings). No. 3 is very important. I got so many herb seed drops that I could easily raise herblore myself without going into high costs. I get so much pure essence I can easily satisfy my personal needs. I get so many charms I can easily raise summoning. I get so much loot I can easily afford to raise other skills (for instance crafting to get to 75 so I can make sayer rings). No. 6 is also important. Slayer stimulates other skills in many different ways. And then there is the respect. With 91 slayer I am easily within the top 10.000 of this skill. With 99 defense I am not even close to that. I'm aiming for 99 slayer, but I am not sure I will ever get it. It doesn't matter. I enjoy doing slayer and that is all there is too it. The fact that I enjoy doing slayer prevents it from sucking.
  9. I'm getting a drop rate of about 1:200 for d boots at the spiritual mages. That's for about 10 tasks of 160+. That said, I didn't have a whip for 10 tasks in a row either. That's 1600+ abyssal demons without a whip.
  10. Previously i was a dark skinned male with a beard and [bleep]ey hair wielding a shield and whip. I can assure you that looks nothing like the real me. Now I am a female with no beard and a bit of [bleep]ey hair. Looks nothing like the real me either. What are we discussing here actually? Would you not be allowed to take the shape of a Ogre (of that was possible) either because it isn't similar to you? I also don't have a terror bird in real life. Does that mean I can't walk around with one in Runescape? Isn't this a role playing game where reality is not an issue?
  11. You don't really loose that much money doing green d hide bodies, and later blue ones. I probably blow more money doing a few dagganoth cannon tasks.
  12. I'm level 126, and only have rune gloves. I have no interest in finishing RFD. I don't want to do desert treasure for instance. Maybe if I have way too much time one day. I don't particularly enjoy doing quests.
  13. The player house gilded altar already made it 'easy'. You still need to stock up on buckets of ecto, and mix them all together with your grounded bone at the ectothingie.
  14. Slayer keeps me going and even stimulates me to raise other skills. Such as high enough crafting for slayer rings, etc.
  15. I have skeletal wyverns, Hellhounds and gargoyles blocked. The skellies just take too long. Hellhounds are ok, were it not for the stiff competition. And I can't stand the jumping of the gargoyles. They would be better though if they would automatically die if you have a rockhammer in your inventory. But they don't. But these are not necessarily the worst slayer tasks. I had a streak of 10 abyssal demon tasks without any whip drops. That's a pretty bad experience task wise. I started even doubting my RoW. Took it off. And...guess what: next task a whip.
  16. Abberrant specters drop the occasional blue charm, but the problem is that they don't really drop charms regularly. Of any type. So you end up with only a few blue charms after doing many.
  17. Last task I had 120k in alched stuff + coin pickups. A d med (!) (sold on GE for 61+K). 3 rannars. And some other high level herbs. And I used 10 prayer pots. And a few superpots. And this was without a RoW. Previous task I had 200k in coins in my inventory after finishing it. I never lost money on black Demons. Flash pray a bit if you must, and when you get bored, just put prayer on and surf a bit. If it goes all pearshaped I end up even. Best charm dropper it seems though, if you do them in the chaos tunnels.
  18. Iron drags always pay for themselves in my experience. So many rune drops (as in Rune weapons, armour). You are bound to end up having alched up enough money to pay for prayer pots. And if you flash prayer it is even more economical.
  19. I used to Dharok Black demons. I would let my HP sink to under 10 (very dangerous at the black demons, but a nice thrill) put on the prayer, and drink super strength and attack and hit away. Got very nice high hits. Then I realized that by using the whip I was just as fast. No risk needed. And I could use prayer boosting equipment, giving more duration to my prayer pots. So basically Dhorakking is fun, but not that fast. It does train strenght though. If you would care about that. I would go for guthan. It's more versatile. You can use parts of it for any defense orientated outfit, and you can also use the special in almost any situation, barring the likes of dragons and abberant specters.
  20. I didn't even have a guthan till I hit slayer 80. I didn't use a cannon till I hit 88. I still don't have 68 summoning at 90 slayer (soon 91). Just pick up everything of value and alch what is alchable when you are doing your task. I.e. everything above the nature rune value. Actually, after a few slayer tasks you usually end up with more nats than you started. Try it. Put 100 nats in your inventory and 500 fires. Never remove them. See how many you have after 10 tasks. I usually have a lot more. Despite alching more than is dropped on some tasks. It all adds up. Slayer task assignments are a tricky business. Sometimes you keep getting the same lousy tasks. But don't despair. The bad streak will end. The drops during slayer generally pay for everything, unless you use expensive equipment such as a cannon. It's easy to blow away a few million with a cannon. And once you can hit abberrant specters or even better, nechryaels you are home free. The last ones drop a lot of seeds. I have 500 super restore pots still in my bank from their seed drops. Make sure you have a Holy Wrench in your inventory during pray tasks. And try out flashing prayer. It's quite easy in most cases. Sometimes they hit you, and you stop for a while if the food runs out. But once your HP is back up again you start flashing again. I pray the following tasks: Black demons Metal dragons (I melee them) Abberant specters sometimes (I actually just use food nowadays and black d-hide. I hop between castlewars and the slayer tower with slayer ring and duelling ring, banking the herbs and getting new low-level food). Spiritual mages.
  21. I just alch the bodies. You lose a bit of money, but it isn't that bad. I also run my own d -hides. I switched to blue hides when I could make the bodies, because it is just a little bit faster experience. I have a huge amount of superenergy pots from herblore, and nowadays I also have a huge amount of terror bird pouches which I would use instead. (and the scroll of course)
  22. I like it when they diversify skills by making an certain action only possible with the combination of certain skills. So you need crafting, slayer and slayer points to be able to make Slayer rings for instance. That's good stuff. Additions that need the combination of several skills. I would also like to see slayer only equipment. Good hardhitting stuff that can only be worn by high level slayer players. Like a 'whip' for slayers only, but then not a whip. So it pays off to go past 85 slayer if that particlular weapon can only be wielded with 88 slayer. Or 91, Or whatever. An extension of the broad bolts idea, but then extended to the higher level needs. Why not let high level crafters make the 'large vial'? It can contain 6-8 doses. Maybe they also need high level agility to make the large vial because you need to be very dextrous to make it. There will be a huge market for it. And people with high level crafting will be encouraged to do agility to have a new income source or activity. And of course maybe only high level herblorists with good cooking skills can make large vialed pots. That kind of stuff. Combination skills that lead to new innovations that can be used for others to do their activities in a more satisfying manor.
  23. I also have skelly wyverns and steel dragons blocked, because they just go a tad bit too slow. They aren't difficult. Just too slow to level slayer effectively. I would suggest to just stick with durandel. You will have enough slayer points for a helm and slayer ring in no time really. And actually I went for slayer ring first. I just love the teleport function of that one. With the slayer ring and ring of dueling in my inventory I can bank and re-pot extremely quickly in case I get more loot than expected or I accidently run out of some necessities. I love it.
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