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Everything posted by elit9

  1. I wasn't even aware it did that if your inventory is full, it's a shame. :| With that said, it's 2008 - even if you didn't play RS it would probably behoove you to improve your typing skills. :P
  2. Well item leasing is a form of capitalism, and capitalism is corrupt, so yes, item leasing is corrupt! OK how is it a form of RWT!? Sure, it allows for unbalanced trade, but suggesting that all unbalanced trades invoke RWT is tantamount to confusing cause and effect. Would Bounty Hunter, which can be seen as another method of swapping disproportionate amounts of wealth, be considered RWT too? Yeah, maybe some people abuse it to RWT, but it's totally wrong to declare that the two are always linked. In that regard it's no different with junk trading - whether it's unethical is debatable, maybe, but it is NOT RWT.
  3. It looks like that because you could not stop for Death, he kindly stopped for you. At least you went down poetically!
  4. Don't really see why this was arranged when we know that a new free-for-all area (allowing for everyone to fight at once with as many as they can pull, like in the past) is due to arrive in a few months, but I guess there's nothing wrong with a little adversity while defending your title! :thumbsup:
  5. Yeah, everyone will want in the channel and a bunch of low level idiots who got their first will fill up the channel early and all the 126s will be trying to get in, plus whoever is leader, their friends will have preference over everyone else. I'll go, but I'll only watch. Maybe the leader can create a secret channel and send a pm to the people who are warring. Or, even better... A new account can be created with all of the names of the people warring and only people on the friends list can join. I once fought in a 3 clans vs. 1 war (I was on the side with 3) and let me tell you, attempting to cut it down to 100 people from maybe 120 total people (all from ORGANIZED clans) was hellaciously difficult - I don't even want to think about what it would be like trying to pick out the best 100 from the hundreds of people who are liable to show up for this. I think controlling access to the CC through the friends list of a new account is a good idea. :thumbup: What we could even do is set up a sort of system that lets people pre-register to get into the CC, perhaps by PMing one of the officials (once a leadership hierarchy is established) here on TIF to get added to the account's friendlist. If we REALLY wanted to get tricky, there could be one of my favorite things in the world - a spreadsheet - with the rsn's, combat lvls, etc. of those who have pre-registered, and the friends list can be adjusted according to that. This is on Labor Day weekend (in America, anyway) so I should be home from school = I might attend this. :P
  6. You're the first person to say something about it, respect! :D
  7. It's human nature and it completely transcends RS. Concerning happy memories, we tend to remember mostly only the very best details about those memories. Thus, when juxtaposed with stark reality, where we're probably observing both the good & bad sides of things more evenly, the good times of the past usually seem to be really great compared to present times. Also, oftentimes in the past many experiences are brand/relatively new, and sort of like adventures - this augments the positive allure of good memories, I think.
  8. The article was "Biased Banning Raises Brows", if you search for Andrew's posts you'll get that as one of the results. I don't think they really have any influence here on a fansite forum. Their rare posts are just interesting novelties that help to legitimatize Tip.it as the premier fansite, that's all. In the end they aren't going to lose any sleep if you rant about them and say potentially offensive/libelous things (well, to an extent) - if they did, they wouldn't have their own Rants section on the official forums. It's all taken with a grain of salt. I think the reason Andrew responded to that one article is because it was part of the Tip.it Times - thus it could be seen as being kinda "endorsed" by tip.it more so than just a random anti-Jagex topic, though I know that's not the case at all (regarding any "endorsement"). Maybe they peruse tip.it to see what people would like to have implemented in RS & get a feel for the pulse of the community, yes. That is more like us influencing them than the other way around, though.
  9. Wow I just completely failed :wall: I'm not even sure wth I was thinking - thanks for clearing that up.
  10. Yes, Jagex foreclosed my player-owned house when I couldn't pay my membership fees! Mime mask should be good enough for RS. \
  11. GJ RR, nice to see some solid turnouts from you guys again.
  12. Although it looks enticing and it's the least Jagex could do (not really, they could've just continued to shaft us :mrgreen: ), I'm not going to get my hopes up until it's actually released. It's good to have something to look forward to, though.
  13. I bought 2k iron ore + 4k coal for 800k, made 2k steel bars, and sold for 1.2m. :D Unfortunately I sold my green mask for 400k as part of my efforts to get the iron + coal in the first place - looking back, that worked out real well. :cry:
  14. Zetaboards is an "upgrade" to InvisionFree, I don't use either one at this point in time though so I can't comment further than that. The clans I've been in are split pretty evenly between IF and IPB - from being an admin of several of those IF boards I can say that while they're pretty simple and straightforward to administer even for those who aren't ultra-tech-savvy, IPB definitely has a myriad of security features and whatnot that are quite nice. I was figuratively born & raised on IF boards, though, so I am still partial to them.
  15. This "union" is an interesting concept in this day & age of clanning, but I don't really see why we'd need a forum dedicated solely to them. Not only are they uncommon as far as I know, but I'm sure the regular Discussions forum would be fine for any general discussion/information regarding your union, and the standard Wars subforum will suffice for any allied fights you might have. You said that the union is trying to expand onto fansite forums from RSB, so I'm not sure if you're completely aware of one of the key differences between those two types of forums. If you're looking for some place to act as a general hub for communication & banter amongst the various component clans, I don't believe a single public thread (like there would be on RSB, if I'm not mistaken) here on tip.it would be appropriate. You might want to consider some sort of master list of clan official MSN information, a union IRC room maybe, or even an offsite forum for communication amongst your fansite clans. The only way Tip.it may be able to help you is by hosting a private forum for your union, as they do for clans; however, there might be some issues if some of the union's clans already have private forums on tip.it, and technically they are private forums for "clans" yet the union isn't a clan. Furthermore, I'm not even sure if tip.it still does this, lol - nevertheless, here is the link for information: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=745367 If that's NOT part of your inquiry at all, then I'm extremely sorry for that lol. Just trying to help. ;)
  16. Nice wins Valhalla, p2p fights are always fun.
  17. GJ Faith, looks like once again levels & organization trumped sheer numbers. :thumbup:
  18. Good job Gladz, didn't know IP f2p warred.
  19. GJ Gladz, looks like a pair of solid victories.
  20. Nice, even one-person disadvantages are pretty tough to overcome in small matched fights like this. Grats RSS.
  21. Good luck. As a suggestion, you may be able to get a more positive response if you provide a Runehead link, so people can see your levels, numbers, etc. Making sure it's up-to-date would also help.
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