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Everything posted by elit9

  1. I always wore leather boots since I was always a hybrid, but I'd rock the colorful boots whenever I had an excuse to do so.
  2. So if my math is correct you guys only lost 2 people? :shock: That's especially good considering this was an team fight. Congrats.
  3. You're forgetting Pure Community. I'm sure Pure Community won't be such a big obstacle like Zybez is right? And like Lord_Toryus said, do these pures even have 5 defence for steel armour? With everyone in steel armor, at best, people are going to get hit badly no matter what; of course the low defense is somewhat of a disadvantage, but what about all the things they've got going for them? Pound for pound, PC is by far the most pvp-oriented of all the fansites participating so I'd be willing to bet that they will have the best organization. On the offensive side, all those melee pures with high attack and strength are just as effective as most of the people who will be participating for the other fansites. To be honest last year I think RSC felt that they just had to show up, and they'd take away another win; obviously we didn't allow that to happen. PC isn't going to do the same thing as RSC, though - if anything they've got a chip on their shoulder, since many of us "mains" tend to randomly hate on pures (even if it's pretty much all undeserved) from time to time. The main thing going against the pures (besides def levels, maybe) is that they'll be the lowest levels there - and most people have a natural inclination to pile the lowest levels first. I actually think that that factor, more so than anything else, will be the single biggest roadblock for PC.
  4. I also think this is what will happen in the short term; it's "buying the rumor and selling the news". In the long run, though, there will be increased demand if the updates are decent so the price should go up by some amount over time, I suppose.
  5. elit9

    Yeah, REAL quick.

    Well I guess "quick" is kind of misleading, but it is flashier than "muted people and easy spam" chat. Just try to learn the hotkeys for the different categories if you plan on using it extensively.
  6. Haha, can you imagine the cries of "SAFER!1!" if you were to get lucky and eat a bunch of 30-hp kebabs in a row? :lol: I think it's pretty obvious that kebabs aren't a very good option if you're pking "for real", but if you're extremely poor or are one of those people who, for some reason, take salmon/tuna while pking, I guess this could be considered an upgrade.
  7. That is such a sick picture. 8-) RIP Faith, I've always liked you guys so it's sad to see you go.
  8. Gratz Cor, looks like another solid victory.
  9. Replace the U.S. House with Jagex's staff and get communist Russia and China? Is that what you want? Don't you know that Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were famous for deregulating the American and UK's economies respectively...Thus bringing about great economic spurts? The world has swung from that of a free market stance to a command economy stance and finally back to a free market stance once again albeit with a mixture of government intervention this time around. The free market came to a halt with the Great Depression but after a few decades the fall of the Berlin Wall just close to 2 decades ago signified the return of the free market but this time in the form of a mixed economy. The world has seen how both the free economy and command economy have failed and thus many feel that the mixed economy is the right way to go. However the bigger question is THE EXTENT to which governments should interfere in the free market...if Jagex ran the US economy, there will be so much regulation and State Owned Enterprises which have no profit incentive of motive that it will result in great inefficiency and a failed economy. I'm not saying that the current US leaders are good either...many people blame Alan Greenspan for his lack of regulation because he kept interest rates at low levels allowing easy credit to form and thus the housing bubble to emerge. The current sub-prime crisis is the result of much greed among Americans both home-owners and people on Wall Street. I loved seeing how America fell...they really deserve it...look at their humongous trade deficit with the rest of the world and you will see the reason why they have been able to enjoy such high standards of living in recent years while the majority of the world slogged away in poverty. America preached about the need for transparency and regulation but the hypocrites practiced none of that themselves. A decade ago during the Asian financial crisis, countries such as Korea (one of the worst hit countries of the crisis) were cornered, bullied and bashed up with the many strict pre-conditions before the US would offer any form of aid to them...this time round the tables have turned and the Korean Development Bank (KDB) left Lehman in the lurch without bailing them out =D> Okay, first off Id like to point out the fact that my RL reference was a throwaway comment referring to the fact that Jagex is indeed doing something with their economy, instead of just sitting there and waffling like the U.S. congress has done with the bailout bill. By no stretch of the imagination do I think we should implement a command economy, set price controls, or do anything crazy like that. At first glance I was going to leave it at that and congratulate you on taking the time to make a nice, well-thought-out post anyway, but after reaching the end I realized it actually wasn't quite that. Seriously, if you somehow feel better about your own situation due to the financial crisis, you clearly do not understand the full scope of this problem; this truly is a global issue. Even if you live someplace thats been lucky enough to somehow escape (for the most part) the effects of the downturn of markets across the globe, the effects will inevitably be felt when the credit market freezes over. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the financial situation of Korea back in the day, but I do know some things about the nearby nation of China. The U.S. government already effectively bailed out a nice portion of China, since the equivalent of over 10% of that nation's GDP is still invested in the recently-saved Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. It's not like we just randomly hate that corner of the world, lol. Lehman's failed rescue by KDB is just a coincidence, and it's not like anyone ever thought every single company was going to make it out of this thing alive, anyway. Additionally, I dont really see how you can criticize the standards of living in the U.S. - I mean yeah, I do see your point, but it doesn't make much sense to use this discussion as a platform to propagate this viewpoint. You're doing this in spite of the fact you seem to live in a place with at least the freedom and opportunity to indulge in activities like accessing the internet to play MMORPGs and post on online forums. In the end, that kind of amenity connotes a standard of living that is much closer to that which many Americans enjoy than it is to the way MOST people live, Im afraid. :) The assertion that the world has "slogged" in poverty is somewhat fallacious, too. In fact, the total amount of money held in securities throughout the world has DOUBLED in the past decade, largely in part due to the advancement of a myriad of countries across the planet. As it would turn out, they sent lots of goods to the United States and made bank; did you consider the recipients of all that money the U.S. was throwing around while increasing that trade deficit? Interestingly enough, this is also tied into the point you brought up about Greenspan; his keeping the interest rates low not only opened the door for easy credit, but it also encouraged all the people with some vested interest in that newly doubled amount of money to put their cash in some asset other than U.S. treasury bonds, the traditional ultra-safe investment utilized in this situation. One of the chief investment vehicles which was instead used turned out to be these great things called Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs), which are basically shares of packages of thousands of home mortgages. Needless to say, as the housing bubble burst (for a variety of reasons), the value of these securities tanked, and that is part of the reason as to why were at the point we are today. Of course, in the previous paragraph I didnt discuss the disparity of wealth that could espouse poverty among significant parts of the population. However, going into that would open up a whole new can of worms, Im afraid. :) As it is I can barely even remember what this topic was originally about, so if I still feel like saying something after I remember then I might add something to the "actual" topic at hand. 8-)
  10. Anyone else want to replace the entire U.S. House with Jagex's staff? They at least understand how to fix their economy! (I've never really had much of an opinion on GE price manipulation, but that might be because I stopped playing before the heyday of this "manipulation".)
  11. but manipulating the grand exchange isn't against the rules, bartering was already a popular way of making money and if you think this is incredibly unfair and makes no sense then maybe you should look into how the stock market (what the GE is based on) works. Oh? We should base it on the American stock market? Sound familiar? EDIT: SEC- securites exchange commission - http://www.sec.gov/about/laws.shtml activity or rumours to drive the price of a security up This part is particularly relevant to rs. With the spread of rumours of the activity by cartels, it causes the general rs public to panic, helping the initial drop of the "stock". By the cartel working together, they cause high activity and spread rumours to effect the price of the item being manipulated. I can myself generally conclude that activity like this occurring in real life WOULD be persecuted. This is now the FOURTH time I've posted this. Fo' SHO! I'm glad to see that I'm not crazy after all. If Jagex tries to take sweeping actions in an attempt to protect us from this danger, though, you know people are just going to take to the streets and start mindlessly rioting due to their complete incomprehension of the topic at hand. O hai I'm not even referring to the wilderness-removal updates!
  12. Well, it's never been possible to completely stop RWT (short of removing all item-transfer aspects of PVP) and Jagex knows this. They didn't try to completely kill off RWT, but rather decelerate the process to such a level that the massive RWT organizations wouldn't be able to make enough money with their p2p memberships off stolen credit cards (which was costing Jagex $$$). If these groups have decided that they can turn a sufficient profit transferring items only through BH, though, I would think we could have a problem on our hands once again. HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUppose that if the irl economy keeps tanking there won't be any more credit cards to steal in the first place. Success. :thumbsup:
  13. I think my first clan met at the White Knights' castle in Falador, lol. After that I think the standard meeting place would be Edgeville bank or the monastery when the wilderness was around, or BH bank after those updates. My all-time favorite, though, has to be the "batcave". Any other batcave veterans out there? :mrgreen:
  14. It's kinda hard to have legitimate rivalries these days, since you can't really hunt opponents while they're out on random pk's like you used to be able to. Having a few highly contested wars or planned pkri's can engender a rivalry, maybe, but it isn't the same. Just another reason to be optimistic about all-pvp worlds. =P~ When I led CF, there weren't that many clans that we would fight regularly; of those which we did, we pretty much dominated them all. I don't know if it's really a rivalry if it's too one-sided. 8-)
  15. What days were those? Did you get to play beta or something?? :lol: I remember the days when you could buy a santa in exchange for a couple of hours' worth of work - it's shame I didn't understand economics back then.
  16. Adults tend to have more expenses than kids, though; they need to decide whether to spend their hard-earned money on RS stuff, or things such as rent, food, and clothes that kids' parents would otherwise provide for them. Also, there are a lot more kids playing than adults, so it wouldn't really balance out. Regarding the topic at hand: for one, I think demand would be extremely elastic, and secondly this would open up a whole new front for gp selling. Think about it: "You transfer me a mil, and I'll buy you $5 worth of cash shop items". This already goes on with p2p pins, but those are more or less required as part of Jagex's myriad of ways to purchase p2p. I don't think Jagex would want to introduce a non-essential feature that would give people reason to conduct rl trades.
  17. You, sir, have potential. In all of the several major warring clans I've been in, there's been a distinct hierarchy with leaders (usually three) at the top and a competent council right below them. Then you've got warlords, chat/forum mods, and possibly event/admissions people. Division of power is good; leaders overtaxing themselves is bad.
  18. Eh, since most other things in the game have distinct sounds, you do have a point with your rant. I don't see why these random events wouldn't have some kind of associated sounds, if others do. It does help to pay attention though. :P
  19. RS is on tv now, great. :wall: Anyone want to provide a translation of what the ad is saying? :shock:
  20. They are programs that allow you to talk (ie. literally using your voice) to other people over the internet. It's like doing a huge conference call over the phone, except you use your computer. People use them when communicating by typing is too slow/difficult due to being preoccupied in-game; the main group of 'scapers that use these programs is people who participate in clans. I've personally used TS in every clan I have been in, although I know of quite a few people who swear Vent is better.
  21. I tried to fight in the clan wars arena twice without prayer - I guess being able to go in, exit, and go back in again to recharge prayer had made me complacent. There really isn't any excuse at all for that, though. :wall:
  22. Interesting matchup. :P Good job Gladz.
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