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Everything posted by Racheya

  1. Racheya


    Today I'm hopefully going to get some work on my Java project done - it's getting quite hard. Then tonight we're having a few drinks for a friend's birthday and just hanging out for the night. I'm really looking forward to it :D
  2. WHAT DID THE CDC GUY WHISPER TO RICK?! This is what I must know D=
  3. The more important matter is *why* your nose bled. Discussion value goddamnit!
  4. Racheya


    I used to watch Most Haunted as a kid and I believed that but now I've gotten older I've wised up a little. I still somewhat believe, however. My family have had a few small, weird things happen which could have been ghost, could have been nothing. I've done Ouija boards before as a child, again, could have been nothing. I don't think we have enough evidence but I like to think that with enough scientific advancement and research we could get closer to finding an answer. Also I love ghosts & the paranormal, horror movies scare the bajesus out of me but I still love them :P One of my favourite horror films, Grave Encounters, is about a group of TV paranormal investigators :P
  5. ... Yeah... that seriously doesn't give me hope :unsure:
  6. Racheya


    The only animals I've seen here in Manchester are cats and pidgeons :D Why are there so many Chinese type Asians in Manchester? Well once you go behind Picadilly Gardens down towards Oxford road you hit China Town, it's a pretty big area as well. :) Anyway, OT, today I managed to bang my head on the corner of the car door, leaving a nice little lump there. It happened because I was getting in the car but I was distracted because my bf was annoyed at me for being [bleep]y earlier on (to be fair, I was) and pretty much swung the door right in my face :rolleyes: It's still sore but I don't think I did any major damage :P My head is messed up enough as it is :D
  7. Racheya


    The only animals I've seen here in Manchester are cats and pidgeons :D
  8. I understand that things are bound to get harder, it just feels a little like as things have gotten harder I haven't gotten that much better. Sure I'm still doing well but I know I could be doing so much better if I tried. I guess I'm just really good at doing nothing =/
  9. I know exactly how you feel. Going through education until 6th form I was treated like a genius and I felt like one. I came out of secondary with A's and A*'s without any work but going from secondary to 6th form then 6th form to University has made me feel stupider each step. I'm struggling horribly on the maths we're doing atm, I feel like I barely understand half my modules properly and when I talk it's like rubbish streams out of my mouth. I've no idea why I got hired for a placement over other people. I'm just too lazy. I don't want to work, I don't like it. I want to do nothing all day, every day =/
  10. I'm also playing Amalur. Pretty much non-stop since I got it 2 days ago :P Just got it as well, haven't tried it out yet but I assume it's similar to Skyrim in a sense? I have way too many games on backlog now :-| . It's similar in the sense of a large, open world RPG but the art style is very different (very colourful, 'magical'). I prefer Amalur even if Skyrim has more realistic art and probably better lore, the gameplay of Amalur is awesome, as is the class system and the customisation you can do on your character. And Chakrams. Gotta love them Chakrams.
  11. I'm also playing Amalur. Pretty much non-stop since I got it 2 days ago :P
  12. Yeah you say that, but ask me how such a large site is able to control what users upload before it's uploaded, not after as they were previously? Given this line of thinking, YouTube, Facebook, Google... everything should be shut down since it's copyright piracy, plain and simple. Copyright infringement is illegal, in some places, but short of shutting down the internet you can't expect sites to be able to stop ALL infringements from happening.
  13. Racheya


    Today I'm going to spend all day playing Kingdoms of Amalur. I've been looking forward to this for about 2 weeks. ^___^ I'd play all Saturday as well but I'm meeting my mum & brother and going shopping.
  14. That's ridiculous and to me just goes to show how trumped up this whole affair is.
  15. Racheya


    Sorry to hear that, but if it's fairly mild then it probably won't come up much. My mum has epilepsy and has had maybe 5 fits over the last 15 years, most of them being caused by a combination of forgetting meds & high stress. Not being able to drive sucks though =/
  16. Racheya


    Yeah, I say new but I mean new to him - it's 10 years old :P Can't afford a 'new' new car.
  17. Racheya


    Today my boyfriend and I set off on the 3 hour drive to go visit his parents. He hasn't told them he just got a new car and was going to surprise them, only after a few minutes of being on the motorway his car broke and we were stuck driving at no more than 40mph to get to a garage then back home. We're going to have to try again next weekend or the weekend after when it's fixed. It's a real disappointment though, and next weekend we'll both be wanting to play Kingdoms of Amalur :(
  18. Racheya


    I've never had anyone look at my GCSE certificates before so I dunno :unsure: Wat, not even when you went to the university to enroll onto your chosen course? Man, what the hell. I played runescape all day today. Nobody has ever asked to look at my GCSEs or A Level certificates. I passed on my grades through UCAS for Uni and I guess that when A Levels come in UCAS informs the universities since I didn't have to inform them of what I got or anything *shrug*.
  19. Yeah. If a person causes serious harm to another it shouldn't matter what the gender is. And yeah, it's not the most comfortable topic since I'm highly aware of how much I'm in the minority here too.
  20. Do you have any consistent opinion whatsoever on this matter? Maybe she is saying that a bruise isn't as bad as a broken face. What I'm saying is that a hit from a woman doesn't equal a hit from a man. The same amount of harm does. I find this whole topic a bit dodgy, to be honest, when it sprang from discussions of how loads of women pretend they were raped for sympathy.
  21. Racheya


    I've never had anyone look at my GCSE certificates before so I dunno :unsure:
  22. Or, y'know, maybe the developers just have open source ideals and don't want to sell them? There's other free software out there like Linux - are you telling me that an Operating System isn't commercially viable?
  23. I have a few female friends who would say yes. If they get into a fight they want a fight. But I, being a frail midget, have a slightly different view. If a woman caused a man harm then of course I'd want it to be dealt with as severely as the same amount of harm caused to a woman by a man. I'm thinking more of individual cases really, where in general the woman is going to be far less able to retaliate. As for matters of rape I'm not sure what sort of discussion there can be. All kinds of people get raped, no matter what their gender, and all cases should be treated seriously. Some people may lie, but that doesn't seem like a factor to me, I don't see it as a gender thing or a double standards thing.
  24. Does elucidating your preferences somehow change the truth value of the claim? It does occur, and it's not uncommon. It's exploitation of a judicial system that's very biased for minorities and women. Of course it occurs, people of both genders will lie about all sorts of things to get sympathy and attention. The fact of the matter though in cases such as rape and domestic violence, men are often physically stronger than women. If my boyfriend were to hit me, for example, he could cause serious damage or even kill me. If I were to hit him he'd be lucky to get a bruise. The judicial system mustn't treat the two cases as equal. As for things like lying about rape, the fact that more women are raped than men means that there would also be more women lying about it. This is just a bad topic to have imo =/
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