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Everything posted by Powerfrog

  1. There are tons of bots at maples today =/ 3 of them all logged at the exact time so maybe it was a wipeout? Or maybe their bot timer or whatever was timed to logout all at the same time... Meh. The thing that annoys me most by botting is the god damn players discussing bots or pretending they're not botting. I'm sure 75% of conversations on runescape are: "lol im not bot r u?" (Then this guy will go silent for 5 hours after we establish he's not a bot and he feels safe starting up his bot) Everyone. It's why I hate skilling. And skillers.
  2. Well you want to start off w/ smoke until you take damage since there's no point in healing when you could poison instead. Blood's only 2 more damage than smoke too. But yeah, blood all the way unless obstacles/movement are on or you're fighting a guy who's using melee. Jagex officially state "The higher level spells are more likely to fail, but as your Magic ability improves, you will cast spells successfully more of the time." in their wiki. http://services.rune...rswiki/en/Magic I know Jagex are wrong about their game more times than they are right though so it's possible you're not wrong, do we know of any research done on this? Can we start some? Latin did a bunch of tests. I did a few tests on each ancient spell and a few random modern spells. They all had the same accuracy. I think XPW did some tests too at some point. Got any figures or links to figures?
  3. Zammy flames are actually pretty good because if your mage level drops you can no longer use the higher level spells in 07. This is precisely why nobody actually stakes with staves enabled. Mage box blood barrage all the way. So many players think the lower level spells are more accurate enough to be better DPS, or use ice barrage every other hit, or specifically think smoke is most accurate (lolwut?) so you actually have a good advantage over the average player if you just blood barrage, no tricks. Jagex officially state "The higher level spells are more likely to fail, but as your Magic ability improves, you will cast spells successfully more of the time." in their wiki. http://services.runescape.com/m=rswiki/en/Magic I know Jagex are wrong about their game more times than they are right though so it's possible you're not wrong, do we know of any research done on this? Can we start some?
  4. Eh i can see why you'd be upset but personally I feel like I missed a special deal, rather had a bad deal forced upon me. I was oblivious of the free month and happy to pay for this month. Nothing has changed over standard procedure. And it really is a small amount of money. (Somewhere between £4-8?) I've been paying auto so long and it's so insignificant I don't even know :P
  5. Actually cannon is far far MORE efficient than alternative styles at LOWER levels. Think about it. You could have a slightly inaccurate extremely fast weapon that hits 30's... Or an extremely inaccurate weapon that hit's 3's. That said, I disagree with hedge for 07 at the moment. Cannon is only more efficient if you make a lot of money from stuff like nex. But in 07 the best money makers are significantly less, relative to the price of cannon balls. (And in this early stage of the game it'll probably be a while till you can do the best money makers) You could compromise and cannon something profitable such as dragons, but of course the XP would be a lot less. Certainly cannon to 50-70, but after that cheaper methods may become more efficient depending on your money making options.
  6. I'd recommend getting the 1 pray fcapes sooner rather than later because the eat glitch is definitely the kind of thing jagex will fix eventually. And let me tell you, it's not jad you need to worry about, it's the 360s... You can flinch Jad, but flinching 30+ 360s with 1 inventory of food to cover screw ups isn't easy.
  7. I'm still trying to think of a practical way to use the largest wheels... Those things are ginormous and awesome!
  8. It limits inventory space, it's an unnecessary extra cost, its a crowded area, the tele isn't particularly close to the bank, it's not a good spot? You use the teleport, then burn your logs, which will automatically walk you to the west bank. It's for when you don't want to run from the bank or mess with backwards firemaking. It limits inventory space, it's an unnecessary extra cost, its a crowded area, the tele isn't particularly close to the bank, it's not a good spot? :P
  9. It limits inventory space, it's an unnecessary extra cost, its a crowded area, the tele isn't particularly close to the bank, it's not a good spot?
  10. wait, if you let your membership run out it removes you from the hiscores? No, my memberships expired and i'm just using the free march month before re-subbing and i'm still on the OS highscores... Maybe it'l change after the free month though... I dunno what free month means but if you have access to p2p content under the free month then I'm sure that would include hiscores... Which shows nothing if F2P players remain on the highscores.
  11. They'd work really well against the 0 people that stake with prayer enabled. Wait no it wouldn't because the strength is way too high and would be rolled over by opponents with better attack/def. :?
  12. Your prayer levels make your account very bad for staking. A fresh account is required if you're serious about staking for profit. I've seen 70/50/70 builds use just veracs be very successful. But 99% of stakes involving lots of money will be no armour boxing and you should really build your account around that over anything else.
  13. Basically every weapon in the game will have an attack, a defense and a strength training option that are all in the most accurate attack style of the weapon. Then they often have a controlled attack style that is in a less accurate style. The big exception to this is whip, which has attack, defense, and controlled. All slash. Attack style only matters for icefiends (crush weak) and metal dragons (stab weak) everything else either doesn't have weaknesses or strengths to the styles, or their weaknesses are too small to make using another style worth it over the superior raw DPS weapon.
  14. Yes this is correct, completely slipped my mind. I gotta stop thinking of 07 as EOC without the bad parts subconsciously :P
  15. Man i LOVE all of the CIV games, but i think I love them a little too much and would forget about RS... Screw Rs I'm gonna go play Civ III
  16. Regen bracelet is best for training on pures, but as stated, you'd want to use the mith gloves for anything other than very high risk pvp. (And who risks on pures? lol.)
  17. Oh lol. You train attack with both weapons using slash as I said in an earlier post. Stab is only for training controlled (att/str/def at same time) with scimitar and is never really used. You don't need to focus on what attack style enemies are weak to in 07, d scimmy slash is better than dlong stab on ALL enemies (possibly not metal dragons... But that's it.) Scim is much much better. Dlong is garbage.
  18. Well Monkey Madness takes a good 2+ hours for most players (Can technically be done under 1 hour but good luck with that) The DPS is probably realistically 20% less than a scimmy on creatures such as experiments. (You train attack with slash on both weapons FYI) So if 60 to 70 attack takes you more than 10 hours with a longsword it would be better to get the scimmy... Although I think the tokkul sword would be better than a longsword anyway, certainly if you're wealthy and can use a berserker necklace with it (In which case it's better than the scim for killing low def enemies such as experiments!) It's all a rather moot point though, because you can't train strength with the whip anyway, so you'd certainly want the dragon scimitar for strength training unless wealthy as stated above. (Even then I'd like one personally for things like slayer on slightly higher defense enemies where tokkul isn't as good)
  19. You can't advance to the point where you get rides to monkey madness without claiming the rewards, declining them is just a "not right now" instead of "Not ever".
  20. Well honestly any rs vent server you'll find WILL have scumbags looking to mess with your IP for their advantage. Perhaps try out a generic popular vent room and talk about things other than RS while playing?
  21. OMG DDOS because that happens to the majority of players amrite? God people on RS are ridiculous You want some form of community get over your shit and talk to each other. Actually DDOSing is very easy to do and nigh impossible to be detected. With the lack of gravestones, it can be worthwhile to DDOS pretty much anyone at the right time to get some free items, if you're the type of douche to do something like that. (It's RS. They're out there.) I personally just chat to people I know in skype... I don't wish to talk to RS players I don't know because... They're RS players I don't know, I struggle to think of a worse experience.
  22. Huh. You know what we could do... We could artificially manipulate the prices for items in a good way. Whips, for example, once there are more whips in the game than players that can use them and they start crashing hard... Rich players start hoarding whips. Millions of whips. The whip will remain a powerful expensive item, abby demons will remain a good money maker, uber rich get something to hoard. If we decided as a community we were going to do this I don't see any problem with it, you couldn't even exploit it for your favour either, you could personally sell your whips cheaper than the agreed value, but that would just lose you money and before long people would sell the whips they got cheap back to the hoarders, making a small profit from the 1 time stunt but not changing anything long term. Edit: Screw whips, treasure trial items would be better. Clues are never worth doing as is, i think they should at least be somewhat better than whatever your typical money making method is as they're a rare drop diversion that takes some brain power and variation. (And bots can't do them!)
  23. I'm not ignoring any suggestions there are just too many to address... Ahh yes dungeons of dredmor was pretty cool. As is the Sonny series for the flash game enthusiasts. I also really like FTL (Faster than light) I think I'll try some more rouge-like type games, they seem to really suit the purpose, and it's kinda neat to have "Yay i just permanently got 70 strength on my pure" at the same time as you say "Oh no my mage died forever in this rouge-like :(" Any fun DS games people recommend to emulate? I love the pokemon series of course and it's good for this kind of thing, but I recently beat Platinum for the 4th time and I need something new. (OOOH! Advance Wars!) Typing "aloud" helps sometimes :P Arceus... Buddy... You seem to have forgotten to actually write your game's name in your comment, lol.
  24. Actually 3rd age kite had significantly worse stats than the fully charged DFS (stats were in the mid 60's while DFS is mid 70's) And sheesh guys can you please give some sort of explanation for why you think rares are necessary. I don't know for sure that they're not but "Radical statement. imo." isn't really very convincing. Wouldn't it be better to remove the max stack limit (that java is no longer limited by), or use some other kind of currency replacement such as spirit shards?
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