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Everything posted by Lovelydude

  1. Too much unnecessary and badly done dithering.
  2. Reddawn, I hope you realise some could interpret your first sentence as, "I'm joining the conversation, so it's about to get a whole lot stupider!". As for the pixel, the anatomy is very incorrect, so instead of ignoring critique, perhaps agree, and then fix or don't at your discretion. Just don't act defensively because someone finds a flaw in your artwork. Most of the major problems have been listed, so I won't go through them all again, but perhaps read through all the replies and keep them in mind. No-one is going to give praise where it is not due. Blergh.
  3. Of course I wanted you to feel a bit of remorse, that way you might be pressured to come back and make this work. It's not as if I waited till the last minute to say that, I just don't have the time to come here whenever to check if someone has made a post.
  4. I was going to see if we could all think of ways to intergrate your sock puppet into the top four squares, but I guess stubbornness wins. Bye.
  5. Oh dear. I lurv Australia stereotypes. Now that art, amazing. You chose I nice eye to begin with, quite large. Only crit is perhaps there could be less white on the iris.
  6. Thanks for the edit terr, I was gonna do something similar with the tentacle thing, but I didn't want to intrude on other squares ;P Oh and Fortress, thanks for being such a good sport ;D
  7. I understand you've gotten this a lot already, but congratulations on being featured ;D Your work is all very nice, though it looks pretty brushed, and could stand to have higher contrast, exceptions being your newer pieces. I'm looking forward to seeing new stuff!
  8. Please, change it back. I would appreciate my opinion considered before you decide to change my tiles at your discretion. Thankyou.
  9. I think it's a galardo, or a murcielago... nfsu2 addict :3> I'm pretty sure it's a 360 modena. Anyways, I don't think dithering is the way to go. Anti-alias it, and bring up the contrast, it should look more metally.
  10. Lovelydude

    A W.I.P.

    Hello ;D Anatomy >_< Colour choice seems good so far, keep going with it.
  11. Lovelydude


    ^ Yeah down here it's called that. I agree with the politicians, strangely. The name Bully doesn't elaborate at all, and makes the gameplay seems very shallow.
  12. Firstly, the outline is very messy, clean that up ;P The Blue is only used in like eight pixels. Use it somewhere else, you've done a pretty good job of colour conservation, now just finish it off by using the blue, and perhaps the yellow a little bit more. I fail to see this "amazing dithering" it's mostly but 50:50 dither, but it's quite well placed. Yus, quite nice.
  13. Your tiles can't be added until they're finished. :| Also Fortress, perhaps you could 'spruce' up your tiles somewhat.
  14. I feel so proud for starting the mysterious black creature thing ;P I'm gonna do 11 + 12, because the person would asked for them still would have two squares remaining, and they haven't posted in an age. Edit: I lied, I only did 12. TENNIS COURT!
  15. Ooh top 10 ;D I must admit, Sydney's a pretty awesome city to live in. I'm not suprised by the results though.
  16. I read it! ;@ I think you should do a something different, like try a different style, or delve a little deeper into realism.
  17. As a child brought up with fairly wealthy parents, and more benefits then most children recieve, I feel I have a bit of "expertise" to offer. I have come to the conclusion, that when in comes to your childhood, how you're raised is far more important than how much money fuels it. Parents who value intelligence are more likely to have intelligent children, in my experience. Although money can help, having good parents, a good, safe place to live and good friends make a better life then money can offer. I must admit, money has improved my life in a few aspects, but without it, I would still be very satisfied with myself. It is a factor, but there are far more contributing ones.
  18. It looks pretty good ;P Upping the contrast would help define his facial form, which is very elaborate in this character. The eyes could be AA'd a tad.
  19. RuneHQ has me, Kitten and Millennin. Okay. Point taken. ;P
  20. Well, on your new signature, the robes don't look very ghostly. Light falls differentely on transparent objects differentely to opaque ones, so perhaps experiment with shading the robes ;O
  21. I was quite sure you understood the concept of anti-aliasing, just an idea ;P I'm looking forward to seeing some progress.
  22. Thanks :D I edited one of the ice bits to show you how much smoother the edges look with AA. Decidedly, not much smoother. Hehe, It's the one with the arrow pointing to it :P
  23. I noticed someone didn't like the thick lines in the ice, so why not AA them with the lighter shades? You wouldn't have to add any colours, the ice would look better, and the lines would look thinner. :D The anatomy is off, but I can see it's more your style then bad anatomy. CHECK OUT MY NEW TIP.IT SIZED FADATAR ;O
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