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Everything posted by Lovelydude

  1. That's the point. They go too far. DUH.
  2. Why she he take it down, he didn't do anything wrong. It's clear the teacher's at fault, she needs to understand that.
  3. The execution isn't perfect, but it's pretty well done for the novelty that it is. :D
  4. Shade, thanks for the edit, but I'm keeping it final in that respect. The shading is how I want it, not necessarily for realism, style formost. Also it looks less like me in your edit. I see your point, but it stay as is. ;P Thanks for the comments everyone. :D
  5. Unfortunately I didn't choose the palette, though I must say it's a very good choice. Did you see the fog yesterday morn'? That was awesome. ;P
  6. I have small eyes. They only look high because of their size. D: Don't make fun Ben. ;P I might do the hair if I have time.
  7. Like everyone else has said, don't worry about other people judging you. As long as you don't get too confident (or should I say cocky) you won't look stupid. I've been to many a parties where myself and others were dancing so strangely, that had we been anywhere else the cops would have been phoned. ;P
  8. I was reffering to the belief that carbon dioxide is a major contributor to global warming. ;P Don't get me started about the greenhouse gas stuff. D:
  9. Made for another forum, one hour MSPaint. Hope you like it. Comments and crits appreciated. ;P
  10. Hey, I'm not causing it. I've never cut down a tree in my life. I don't think that global warming doesn't exist, as a matter of fact, I whole heartedly believe that global climate change is very real. I simply do not believe that humans are the culprit, or at least a real contributing factor to global warming. The best scientific results that have been produced showed that international climate change has happened in the last fifty years and will continue in the future. It didn't even specify global warming. (I saw it on the news, so don't quote me) ;P There is no conclusive evidence which leads us to believe global warming is occuring because of human interference and most importantly, carbon dioxide levels. Also, if the polar ice caps were to melt, the ocean's surface (which would be far larger) would absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide, helping to stabilize the gas' levels. (If the problem is CO2.) Silly stuff.
  11. Well features, y'know nose, eyes, mouth, filtrum, bone structure etc. Proportion as in size of facial features and head, distances between features etc. I thought it was pretty clear. :? Yes, announcing errors does help. I didn't think I needed to specify that much. It can be hard for an artist to notice things when they've been working on a piece for a while, so I assumed Princessa would pick up on my remark after being informed. @_@
  12. The friends I skate with. I love them. :D
  13. I don't know about realism so far, unless you're going for a "plastic surgery to make someone look like an anime character" thing. It's very good, no question, but it needs more depth and detail for it to truly be realistic. There are several proportion problems and the features could stand to be more pronounced. Apart from that it's quite nice. :D
  14. I'm suprised, the Gallery used to be a place of constant scrutiny. First off, you're attempting so techniques, but not succeeding too well. Particularly dithering and highlights. Perspective problems are not too bad, but still present. The character doesn't meld with the background, and the setting doesn't really make sense. MOAR CAWNTRAST. You have some potential, but there are several things that need improvement before you can make everything work. D:
  15. My biggest fear is probably alienation. I would hate to be alone. D: Second would have to be surrendering my talents. :(
  16. So, let's assume someone was in a few too many carpenting accidents. :lol:
  17. Back atcha. I see tons of people nowadays who claim to be masters of ps, then I ask them to do some trivial editing task and they're like "BUH". :D
  18. It certainly is a problem, slow reading is for chumps. :( Go see an optometrist, you around the age people start developing vision problems. D:
  19. Wow, I don't have any problems with Americans, but I'm beginning to think differently. You speak for your nation and its government as if you take responsibility for its capabilities. Rebdragon. :\ The Sudanese people need help, think past your government and realise that people are dying, being threatened and injured everyday and fearing for their lives over there. This has nothing to do with America and what other countries think of it. I agree with Defender, wake up and smell the suffering.
  20. Some kids don't consider stupid things they do while under the influence mistakes. D:
  21. Never used cs2, cs for just under two years, ps7 for one. I know the program. :\ I don't use it to make signatures. Perhaps it has a lot more potential than you think? :?
  22. Pmg please learns to understand sarcasm. Of course you didn't use many filters. It's just has a look that screams "Overdone". I've been active in graphics forums and giving critique for over three years. Experience I haves. 8-)
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