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Shadow MC

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Everything posted by Shadow MC

  1. Basically what he/she said, except craft in Al Kharid, not Falador. Ah yes, Al-Kharid's furnace is closer to a bank. I'm a "he" btw ;)
  2. If you can mine silver I'd advise you mine silver either from the Chasm Mine or South-West Varrock Mine and craft Tiara's. If you use the Varrock mine bank your ore at the Varrock bank and then once you have collected enough ore go to Falador and craft the tiara's there. If you use the Chasm Mine you can just smith them straight into tiara's at the Al-Kharid furnace. If you can't mine silver then you could try killing cows for their hides, tanning them and crafting the leather. Kill the cows at Lumbridge, take the hides to Al-Kharid to get them tanned, craft them using your needle and thread, bank the hides and repeat.
  3. I would say that Gears of War is ranked in some of the better more recent games. I don't think I could call it "the new Halo" or "game of the century" but I certainly think it's a great game. Campaign aspect of it was pretty good, although it could be easily completed in a day on the easiest difficuly but turn it on to Insane difficulty without going on co-op and you're definitely in for a long, bumpy ride. Now, the main reason I believe this game is so popular is because of the online play. People like to get the achievements for this game but many still go back to it even after obtaining all of them, including myself : . Even though there are only 4 game-types, the re-play value far surpasses the need for more game-types (in my opinion). Gears of War online is just a fun and even very addictive game. If you just start playing this game I'd say it would definitely take a while before you got bored of it. Don't get me wrong though, this game is definitely not without its flaws, glitching being a big one. One thing I don't understand is why people would expect a world devestated by war to be so vibrant with colour. There could hardly be bright blue skies without a cloud to be seen if the right mood is to be conveyed. With this kind of game I would have thought more people than not would have expected a dark outlook from any perspective. On a side note, there are 5 Acts to complete in the campaign mode with each act consisting of a number of different chapters.
  4. You can fight them in the Smoke Dungeon or in the Chaos Tunnels. The Chaos Tunnels are probably easier as there are no requirements to enter.
  5. I really hate it when I get stuck on a game boss or level because of the sheer difficulty of it. Don't get me wrong I like a challenge but I just really hate when I've been playing the same level/boss for over 5 hours :x For example, I have been stuck on the final boss on Ninja Gaiden 2 since last night -.-
  6. Even though many people believe Halo is over-rated, I still found that the Halo game series sucked me in. Not necessarily new games but I also got sucked in by the God of War games, the Ninja Gaiden games (playing through 2 at the moment), Bioshock, the Tekken games, Gears of War, Call of Duty 4 and probably some others that I can't think of right now.
  7. A card and a dvd box set of The Sopranos :mrgreen:
  8. Locked. This is the second time that you have created a duplicate topic, please do not do this again and just continue to use the original thread that was created here. Please be patient and wait for a reply, it takes time for some topics to be answered. Thanks. -->Dragon_R
  9. "If you lose a monkey greegree or monkey speak amulet, the only way to get it back is to get it again by following all of the steps that you did originally". This is according to the tip.it quest guide on monkey madness. Maybe you've missed something out?
  10. I'm not 100% sure if you can do this in human form but you can buy more greegrees from the general store at Ape Atoll. I've forgotten the price of them but they don't cost very much. If this was possible you might need a monkey speak amulet aswell.
  11. Locked. Please do not create duplicate threads of the same topic and stick to the original thread that was created here; http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=730909. Thanks. -->Dragon_R
  12. Locked. The discussion of 3rd party clients is prohibited on the Tip.it forums. -->Dragon_R
  13. Closed on authors request. -->Dragon_R
  14. I read about that story in the newspaper and to be honest it was pretty disturbing. I just thought he cooked her because he was angry in some sick kind of way, I didn't know he was actually a cannibal aswell :uhh: On a different note I did get kinda angry with my ex-girlfriend in that she hardly ever spoke around me and acted shy all the time but whenever she was around other boys she would be laughing and joking all the time. I guess I was kind of jealous at the time but things didn't look good between us anyways which was probably why she ended it. That part made me laugh : chicken in cheese sauce, randomness for the win :XD:
  15. Locked. Please use the original thread you created for this and refrain from posting duplicate threads in the future. Thanks. -->Dragon_R
  16. Locked on authors request. -->Dragon_R
  17. Locked on authors request. -->Dragon_R
  18. Locked. This thread is going way off-topic. -->Dragon_R
  19. Locked. This topic is starting to turn into a flame fest which is why I've decided to lock it. -->Dragon_R
  20. Locked on authors request. -->Dragon_R
  21. If I understood the update correctly, only items with a value of 3k or less will appear to other players.
  22. Locked. Question answered. -->Dragon_R
  23. Locked. Seeing as this thread is four years old I believe the poster has learned all they need on this subject. -->Dragon_R
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