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Everything posted by Kalphite

  1. In that case, this isn't as bad as the first one? I think it's funny that they realized how bad the first one was, so they made a new movie with the exact same name...
  2. haha, I remember my big wheel, and Street Sharks rule.
  3. Name Of Song: A Change of Seasons Artist: Dream Theater Album: A Change of Seasons [EP] Such an amazing song. My favorite part of it is at about 15:12, during the lines "I'm sick of all you hypocrites, holding me at bay / I don't need your sympathy to get me through the day / Seasons change and So can I" is so emotional... But the whole song is incredible, and the lyrics aren't standard cheesy as hell Dream theater style, they are really deep IMO and concern the death of Mike Portnoy's mother, if I am interpreting them right. Easily DT's best song, I think.
  4. Care to explain a bit? Just wondering. I've changed my mind about Pink Floyd after listening to The Wall, which was great.
  5. This song blows. It sounds like their trying to redo Iowa/debut stuff, which was some of the worst music I've ever heard. There were a couple decent songs on Vol. 3 , but this song...eww...
  6. Blinded we fall - everything you know. The guy sounds worse than M. Shadows when he sings. It actually sounds like hinder playing metal. The guy's voice is infinitely whiny, and no one in the band can play their instruments. Come to think of it, everything on the CD that came in the June 08 issue of Metal Edge is terrible, except for the Opeth and Testament songs.
  7. Ben (7th- present): Oh wow, I don't know where to start with him. He is nice when you get to know him, but the thing is that pretty much no one at school wants to. he generally is an idiot around most people in public, and if you ever ask why he does something, his response is normally "because I was bored" or "for the sake of doing something". I showed him Dungeons and Dragons one time, and ever since then he has been OBSESSED with it, to the point of not wanting to meet for a school project if it meant missing a session, not wanting to go to my birthday party because he could LARP instead, advertising it to every single person that he met in the hallway, and telling everyone that he was going to grow up to be a "silver [sic] dwagon". He also loves talking with " [sic] impropers grammars", and plurals every word he possibly can for no reason (" [sic] I's gots to goes.") The only thing that is somewhat funny about him is how stupid he can act in class. For example, he tried asking a science teacher once if you could mix red lava and blue lava to get purple lava, and asked the vice principal if he was going to save up to buy a new wife.Although, I kinda feel bad for him; I'm one of his only friends at the school, and before he went here he was beat up and picked on nonstop from 1st-6th grade. I guess that isn't really a story, but I figured I'd share.
  8. I would like to add Pendulum to this list. They may not be the most overrated band ever, but they are certainly boring for all of the praise they receive. I would also say that Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon is overrated. Other overrated bands (to me at least) are Into eternity (I've only heard a couple songs though), Iced Earth, Helloween's Keeper of the Keys Pt. 1, and the aforementioned Rhapsody of Fire and Dragonforce (except Valley of the Damned was decent). Oh, I forgot to say Judas Priest. they had, like, 2 good albums. Everything else that they did is boring, and Rob Halford isn't *that* amazing of a singer, IMO.
  9. Lol. Progressive death = technical death; unless you call Opeth progressive metal. They're both right but personally I think tech death suits them more if I have to categorise. Yeah, that's what I was getting at. Opeth isn't very Death at all. The only element of Death that they really have is growling, and vocals don't make up a genre alone. I think it's dire, and not because of Anette's voice. I like her voice; it's even beautiful at times (Eva, The Poet and the Pendulum); but the music on the album is all dumbed down and just plain boring; it seems like they've almost joined the crowd of bands that tried to copy their sound. Come on, Tuomas. Pull your socks up. I didn't notice that last time I listened to the album, but I'll check out Oceanborn if the vocals aren't wishmaster annoying (which is why I don't like Tarja).
  10. Lol. Anyways, I actually really like Dark Passion Play, and I can't stand their earlier stuff (Tarja annoys me to death). Everything on that list except for Dimmu Borgir is good though. May I recommend Pain of Salvation and Protest the Hero? In particular, the albums Remedy Lane and Fortress, respectively.
  11. I was going to do them, but they have too many live albums for me to bother. (5 official, 4 or 5 "official bootlegs", and I can't stand live albums), not to mention all of their demos and stuff that they sell. Good luck.
  12. I like stuff from most genres of metal that I've listened to, as well as most rock that I've heard. I generally do not listen to rap, but I've found some underground stuff. I've been trying to get into electronica, but I don't know where to start now that my recommendations post is gone.
  13. Do you need to play MGS1-3 to understand the story in this game?
  14. Kalphite

    Rock Band

    Already costs them a lot extra just to make the game for wii. Not to mention that the wii isn't nearly powerful enough of a system that it would be able t do everything that the 360 and PS3 versions can do. And is this any different for the GH3 wii version as well, yet you still will continue with that series? Oh, and about my wave of mutilation comment: I didn't look at the pictures and for some reason assumed that it was on drums, my bad. Same with Perfect Drug and The Hand That feeds. Anyways, I'm really really happy because today I finally passed Run to the Hills on Expert Drums (68%, 3 stars, lol) and I five starred Foreplay/Long time. I'm really close to five starring orange crush and Don't fear the reaper as well, and Outside is the only on-disc song I have left to pass. I forgot to get pictures :(.
  15. Yeah, but no one is submitting anything.
  16. I agree with all of these except Dream Theater, and I haven't heard very much Queen so i can't judge them. Bohemian Rhapsody is defineately overrated though.
  17. Kalphite

    Rock Band

    Dang...I've been trying to Gold Star wave of mutilation for a while, I don't know why but I always get like 2k below the cutoff. Alas, I have ps3, so I can't add you. It really sucks how bad the Wii version is. There is no way that the Rock Band instruments will be compatible with GH4. GH4's drumset has an extra pad, and I think I remember reading about a silver star power fret added onto the guitar somewhere.
  18. Kalphite

    Rock Band

    I know about that, and will probably end up getting it (Dream Theater and At the drive-in). I'm just hoping it won't be an overcharted mess like GH3. As if a Mike Portnoy drum part wouldn't be hard enough already!
  19. Kalphite

    Rock Band

    I don't believe there is a topic on here, so I figured that i might as well start it. Rock Band is, if for some odd reason you don't know, Guitar hero 3's main competitor, featuring guitar and Bass as well as singing and drums. Unlike guitar hero 3, however, it is not overcharted at all, so it's much more fun in my opinion. Also, Rock Band has a much better selection of Downloadable content than Guitar hero 3, getting on average 3 songs a week, sometimes more, compared to Guitar hero's 3 songs a month. Anyways, discuss the game here. I currently play on Expert drums, and have beat almost all of the on disc songs (except Run To the Hills and Outside) with 14 career gold stars (if I remember correctly). I also play Expert guitar, but I am not very good and am stuck on Suffragette City.
  20. Sentenced is great from what I've heard by them (The Cold White Light, which is awesome).
  21. I think it would be awesome if At the Drive-in got back together.
  22. I don't know if anyone remembers my last post, since it got deleted from the rollback. Anyways, it was about how I asked out a best friend of mine, Lauren, and she declined. This happened in early May. Anyways, I just thought I'd post a little update on the subject. It took me a couple of weeks, but I finally got over her rejection, and I realize now that I was really immersed in one-itis during the whole thing, yet even after knowing about what it was, I didn't let myself accept it and was still convinced that I didn't have it. The thing is, now there is some problem between us as friends. We just don't talk as much as we used to, and I think that I screwed this up because I tried walking with her from first hour to second hour every day, and I think that I might have came across badly. Basically, she never seems to want to talk to me anymore, and she almost always talks to someone else over me if she gets the chance. I realize also now that it may have been like this earlier too, but the one-itis stopped me from seeing that clearly. However, before, we actually talked, but now I barely get more out of her than "hey, what's up?". I'm thinking that just giving her some space for a while (now that school is done with) would be the best way to fix this kind of thing. Am I correct? I don't want to lose her as a friend, even though she might actually never have been one of my best.
  23. Kalphite


    About this: This is going to suck badly for me. I was going to buy tickets today, and I learned that nobody in my family wants to go there, and there is no way I can/will go to Detroit by myself to see the concert. So it seems that I won't be seeing three of my favorite bands :(.
  24. Kalphite

    Most played

    Three Days Grace - Never Too Late (154 plays) I used to really love this song. Now I'm sick of it. I don't listen to music on the computer anymore since I got my iPod, and it doesn't sync with my pc, so the listen counts are screwed up. EDIT: Alrright, I guess ever post in this thread except mine got deleted. Fun. Anyways, just post the song with the most plays on your mp3 player/computer here.
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