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Everything posted by Deltaer

  1. In the past, during my first clanning stint 5-6 years ago, I was really into the whole clanning thing, and would take on any role to help the clan. Now that I'm back in the clanning world years later, I think I'm okay with just being a regular member.. too busy to really take on any responsibilities, but who knows what will happen in the future.
  2. If you hate training magic as much as I do (whether it be combat or non-combat), try soul wars or pest control.
  3. If I remember correctly, all the strict (and biased) mods that caused havoc on tipit were from The Alliance ('The', Gladz, Blacknights, The Mighty Red Dragons, and Jaguars)... who at the time controlled the top 15, and spread that control onto tipit. So if we want to point fingers at anyone, it's them. :razz:
  4. Here's a little economics lesson for you... cause it's clear you really need one. MV=PY M=amount of currency V=velocity of said currency (how quickly it's traded) P=the price level (% increases in price = % of inflation) Y=output in the economy (we can ignore this) What increases inflation is the increase in the amount of gp into the game (which just happened -- billions and billions of gp being inserted into the game in one day), and the velocity traded of that money, which can be judged to be pretty high because of the surge and sheer size of the money introduced into the game. So M ^ and V ^ which means that P ^ and there we have inflation. Alching should be eliminated from the game.
  5. Magic is by far the most costly combat skill, and thus it should be overpowered in comparison. On a cost-damage basis, the combat triangle is pretty damn even.
  6. LoL, it's nothing? I personally didn't even know I had any climbing boots in my bank, but I had 6, which was a high alch value of about 240k. Nothing really, but when you introduce that gold to most players in the game, it adds up, and it does and will cause massive inflation. Look at the price of bandos armour, godswords, and dragon bones (the lucky ones who benefited from this buying their way to 99 prayer).. they're shooting up like crazy.. and it's not because people are trying to merchant them.
  7. Yup, tip.it used to be the home of the clan world. All the top 10 clans used to post here. Shame that RSC took that role over. Now it seems like there's only a couple of top 20 clans, and the rest are just TWR.
  8. Oh, but you are affected. Essentially, your cash pile will be devaluing in the next few months. E.g. 20M will not be worth 20M in a few months. It could be worth several million GP less. Sure, you may say people are overreacting, but it was a foolish update and it is irritating to deal with further increases in prices.
  9. Don't know about the clan world, but it will cause massive inflation. High alching these boots will cause an influx of money into the economy, and we'll be experiencing pretty heavy inflation for the next few months. But if you're smart, you can use that to your advantage (merchanting).
  10. Sorry I missed it; way too busy this week.. haven't had a chance to log into RS for like two or three days now.
  11. Suggestion #1 -- anything to get TWR clans into more PvP :thumbup: Plus, I think it might get more clans to join the TWR..
  12. Looks like a really close one.. Congrats DW!
  13. lol @ after fight spams: "We got abs" "We don't care" "We have Vanzant" "Who?"
  14. In your (I believe it was yours) other thread, someone suggested MTK. I wouldn't invest in an item, unless it's a discontinued one, but since you have limited funds, hold your gp.
  15. Wow, ownage!! Nicely done DF!! :mrgreen:
  16. In RSC and early on in RS2 I did everything myself, more because I hated having to go to world 2 or wherever to find deals or buyers/sellers. Found it easier to just do it myself. However, now it's kind of stupid and economically inefficient to follow such a method. With the g/e, transaction costs are now practically 0 (no opportunity cost of taking time to find buyers/sellers yourself which could take a while before)... It's called specialization and trade; get up to speed. :P
  17. Well what if Jagex finally gets rid of the idea of rares, and all of a sudden everyone can have them via diango or something. A lot of people have been complaining that the value of rares is not in the spirit of the original idea of rares. Though it is unlikely that jagex would blow up the economy by doing this, it is possible. Those complaints have been there for years, and I can tell you that Jagex would never eliminate items from the game like that (or even worse, give them to every player, makes no sense as they were special holiday items) and if they wanted to, they would have done it years ago.. It would cause mass chaos and anger.. How would you react if your cash value of rares amounted to billions and billions and suddenly Jagex took that away from you? It's suicide. The best they could do to fix their mistake with discontinued items was done - make the new ones untradeable like they did in 2005.
  18. Wrong. If you have money to invest in a discontinued item, you should do so. You are LOSING value in your money by holding onto your gp (because of inflation), while the stability or increase in the value of your money is much more secure in a rare. Why? The supply of rares is always decreasing, and demand is always consistent or growing (and I think it's fair to say the demand is increasing). No, definitely not.. the introduction of another amulet or gem could cause the amulet of fury to crash. No updates could devalue the price of discontinued rares [in the long term]. When quitting, your best option is to buy a discontinued item - if you can't afford it, keep the gp.
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