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Everything posted by l33thunt3r

  1. It's going to be bad. Metallica's more of a name than a real band, they change members so much. :?
  2. Like why are there no Holy Hand Grenades? Because Jagex is too busy petting their poodles.
  3. Pink Cape made from pink dye. Not the lame Fremnick ones.
  4. Being cool on RS. What has this become? :?
  5. The port's gonna use DX10. More physics. OK?!?!?!??! MORE BOOM.
  6. I've played electric guitar for 3 years too, and I'm also in a band. I took a look at Guitar Hero, and LAUGHED. I know it's a game, but little kids who "own" at Guitar Hero automatically think they can play a guitar, and that's bad. Anyways, guitars are cool. \
  7. Painkiller. Awesome game. Also Day Of Defeat.
  8. Excellent guide! Now to start playing RS and getting P2P.
  9. It's bad for shows, because RuneScape has such a bad reputation.
  10. Woot! Let's pwn some nubbehs! :D BTW, we need a new ventrilo server. :oops:
  11. Uh, during one of our CS 1.6 scrims vs a pretty good clan (reoG), we were tied at 10 - 10, and it was 5 v 5. The 21'th round, I was left alone vs 4 of them. I had an AK and a flash, so I knew I was going to die. I manage to headshot two of them looking for me, and flash the lower tunnel, and spamming the wall to get the second-to-last. I finished up with planting the bomb, and camping it. :) We went on to lose, but my heart's never been like that before, lol.
  12. Sad, cause this is happening in RS, but people pour so much of their lives into WoW they just might kill themselves. (They should.)
  13. I agree with the graphics, but the physics on the dead bodies usually end up being visible by you only. I'm pretty sure there's more players playing 1.6.
  14. Do you guys know Buddybear200? The PMOD? He made a post just like this. I'd be glad to add you, but I've quit rs. Add: I Kthxbai I for the sake of +1 friend. :)
  15. It's also a better idea to do it at Yanille because of less newbies, less people in general, and I multitask and buy runes for cheap every few loads.
  16. They're upgrading every city just to get more people anyways.
  17. Wow. These guys brought me into the rock world. Look at them now. :|
  18. The old singer, (name I've forgotten, on the TIPS OF PORES on my tongue), carried the band. The guitars weren't too great, it was the uniqueness of the vocals that appeals to me and many others, I guess.
  19. A Bid Farewell - Killswitch Engage. (headbang emote, but too bad TIF has none).
  20. Saving Private Ryan. Enemy At The Gates. Letters From Iwo Jima ( :| ).
  21. spurn the beat of spouse. :shock:
  22. Good guide, now post some different ways to make it fun?
  23. Worst: Hayden Christensen (sp?), Anakin in his older form/before Vader. His soap opera days REALLY show in his acting. Horrible. Best: Charlie Chaplin, his actions were his words, and he was a master of portraying emotions. Also Pam Anderson. :anxious: :anxious:
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