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Everything posted by Sorator

  1. Random: Remember that you can use your faction token to teleport to grab resources faster than running to the encampment, when farming rebuildathon points.
  2. Well of course not, but that's why I list more than just the best-in-slot equipment, heh. So if for whatever reason you can't get the best, you can see the next-best option, and so on and so forth all the way down to barrows for head/torso/legs, and for everything else, the best cash-only (meaning non-minigame reward, non-quest reward, and minimal level requirements) <200k option which is reasonably obtainable for most players (in this case, obsidian cloak), and sometimes a bit further than that too if there's other common or notable stuff below that (legends cloak, which is the only non-comp cape to have a LP boost, and ardy cloak 3, just to compare to the ardy cloak 4 which is listed further up). It's not like I'm saying everyone needs to or should get the highest listed option in each slot - you should get the highest listed option which is accessible to you in terms of cost and requirements. That's why there's more than one item listed in each slot! And besides - if someone's looking for "the best magic cape," well... that would be the comp cape. To state otherwise would be wrong. (If someone's looking for "the best magic cape that I can easily get", the answer is probably a god cape - again, that's why there's a list to choose from!)
  3. Yeah, someone pointed out I wasn't being consistent with 85 tank armor vs 80 power armor... the power armor is probably better; shuffled things around to match that throughout. I mostly included the hybrid options on the single class pages only where the hybrid option was still competitive in stats with, or significantly more affordable than, the single class options. For example: not including the sixth-age circuit on the single-class pages would be... subpar? unfair? disingenuous? to those who are just looking at the one page for their upgrade options - even though it's a good item for all three, it's also a good item for any class individually, so it gets listed on the single-class pages as well as the hybrid page. Likewise, for those who can't afford Bandos gloves and don't want to deal with the FoG dragon gauntlets, the next best option for melee would be the barrows rfd gloves. They just also happen to be hybrid and work for the other classes as well. And it would be incorrect to state that the best Magic cape, for example, is the god cape, when in fact the comp cape has better stats (and again, happens to hybrid and work for other classes too). I had the initial thought that if I'm going to list a hybrid item on one page, I'd like to also list it on the others, just for easier comparison - since if you already have them for melee, it's nice to see how they compare to the cheapest option for range and mage without having to flip between pages. However, that may be more clutter than its worth; I could definitely remove such options from the single-class pages that they don't really contribute to. I was kinda debating on that myself. (Primary example would be the RFD gloves - magic and ranged both have <1m options with better stats than the barrows gloves; the only reason they're listed on the melee page is because there is no other good <1m option, except the FoG gauntlets which are weird and require playing an abandoned minigame. So, I could just list them on the melee page and not on the others.) I did go back and take out the dragonrider boots/gloves from the single-class pages, though; while they're the easiest to access of the best-in-slot prayer bonus, their other stats are bad enough from being hybrid that they aren't really worth listing in the single class pages, especially since there are more affordable options with better stats (other than prayer, that is). I also took out some of the lower amulets; there's really no excuse for anything below a glory for anyone at this level, except salve (e) for undead tasks (which I left in for that purpose). This should help with those slayer essentials in your siggy, too! (I'd recommend grabbing saradomin's murmur for range before getting drygores, incidentally, unless you're quite close to affording drygores already. It's quite cheap right now - 1.2m. The melee version is much more expensive, and thus probably not worth getting. Also remember that you can right-click>quick switch your ring customizations, so the only real limiting factor there are your tokens to spend; if you can afford it, you can have a melee and a range setup and just switch between them. Tokens are a significantly limiting factor there, though, it's true.) Edit: As Polar pointed out to me in-game, warpriest gloves and boots are worth listing on the single-class pages (better than barrows gloves), made that change.
  4. (for those who want to skip the intro and just get the link: voila!) Since the Evolution of Combat changes, it's been a bit difficult to adjust and learn what is now the "best" equipment available to a player given their levels and cash to spend. I personally have struggled a fair bit in adjusting to the new system, though I do very much like how it was standardized and more consistently structured. Players who left sometime before EoC and later returned often are faced with the challenge of processing an immense amount of new material with little other than raw data to guide them. So, to advance my own knowledge on the matter and to help others in a similar position (especially returning players), I made this: my equipment guide. Its use is simple - it ranks equipment in each slot for each attack style. It is not a comprehensive list of all equipment in the game; rather, it's aimed at players with level 60+ combat stats who just don't know what stuff they "should" be using. I attempted to cover the best equipment for levels 60 and up, and tried to include something in each slot priced below 1mil (since not everyone has max cash stacks to spend), and went up from there all the way to the best equipment in the game. Some folks will disagree with my rankings - that's fine! The rankings are just for those who don't want to delve into the data. But for those who do want to delve into the data, there still aren't any lists or spreadsheets with a comprehensive approach - the wikia has some lists for, say, all the two-handed swords, or all the magic staves, but those lists can be hard to find (I struggled with that while making these spreadsheets) and not every slot has them. They also don't account for comparing different weapon types. That's why, in addition to giving a ranked list of this equipment, I also included all the relevant stats for each item, all in one place. So you can easily look at the data and form your own opinions and rankings. The first page of the document is quick-use info - it's some basic information that explains what the document is for and how to use it. A lot of it is common sense, so if you want, you can probably skip that and get right to the meat of the document, but the Quick-Use Info and In-depth Info tabs are good to refer back to if you're confused about anything. Melee, ranged, and magic each have separate tabs/spreadsheets, accessed at the bottom of the page. There's also my personal equipment planner on the last page, which is mostly for my personal use, but it can also serve as an example of how you might make use of this information. I plan to keep this updated as new equipment comes out, though I may only sporadically update the GE prices of stuff. Knowing me, though, I may or may not actually follow through with that plan - so do check the "Last updated" listing on the first page, and double-check the GE prices on your own before making any purchase plans! Feel free to post any comments or suggestions here. Cookies may be added to the pile on the left. (and in case you missed it: here's that link again) Edit: Title should be 70+, not 60+, my baaaaad. Also, I'm aware that isn't necessarily "high level"; it includes everything from there and up, though, so regardless of where you draw that line, it's covered. As I said above, I had to keep going down in order to find stuff in each slot affordable for not-so-rich folks, which is how I wound up including a lot of tier 60 items. Also: Reddit link on r/runescape - upvotes would be nice to help others find and make use of it, as that's one place where returning players often ask equipment questions. Changelog: 11/4/13 - Initial version completed! 11/7/13 - Initial flurry of edits completed! 11/14/13 - Added the new super barrows equipment! Also updated the arcane/etc. spirit shield stats to account for the patch notes (all 75 def and prayer, instead of some being 75 def and 70 prayer). 3/17/14 - Added new equipment since the last update (WE2, Ports 2.0, Dragon Rider stuff) and updated all the prices. 5/28/14 - Added chaotic spear, top tier of dg necklaces, and crystal amulet. 6/2/14 - Added normal and superior kyzaj, from The Mighty Fall. 8/19/14 - Updated to account for Legacy changes, added the noxious weapons, t90 gloves, special attack descriptions to those weapons that have them, and other misc. changes. 9/8/14 - Updated Hydrix jewelry prices and description (can now be recharged with cut onyxes). 1/9/15 - Added/updated crystal equipment and Tirannwn quivers, as well as death lotus darts and blisterwood stakes. 2/20/15 - Added T85 wildywyrm weapons and ports weapons, minor error-fixing and formatting updates 3/17/15 - Added blood necklaces.
  5. Warning: If you go to world 134 for sinkholes, you're gonna have a bad time.
  6. I can understand why people like the Duke don't count, because they aren't rulers - there's someone over them in charge of that area who just delegates to them. But ones like Cheiftan Brundt (who is the ruler of his area, unless I'm mistaken?) and King Awogei not working is weird.
  7. Woooooot lucky zgs from clover necklace! Ironically, got it while fighting for Sara at BoL.

  8. So I just got this from my 3-leaf necklace at BoL... (screenied after I worldhopped, so it doesn't show the message, but that's how I got it!)
  9. Tokkul-Zo to the Fight Caves, and it's just a few steps north. Tokkul-Zo is pretty much always the fastest way to a faerie ring. If you don't have that yet, then I think the fastest free way is home port to Edgeville and run east across the bridge, then south. Alternatively, set your Varrock teleport point to the GE and use teletabs, or you could teleport with runes or duel ring to MA and take the spirit tree to the GE.
  10. Watching through the old Yu-Gi-Oh television series... Joey and Tristan are totally lovers.

  11. Yeah I went to a f2p world recently and the low-mid level community seems a lot better there, so perhaps they're spending most of their time in f2p and leveling up before transitioning in to p2p. That actually makes a lot of sense to me, to do low levels in f2p before becoming a member. It lets you get a feel for the game and make sure the cash investment is worthwhile (especially if you go for one of the long-term membership packages instead of paying by month). But yeah, they should still definitely work on making life easier as a nub.
  12. Do I think 07scape will be around for as long as live? Lolno. (Props to Jagex for investing a lot of resources into making something happen for those who have massive nostalgia, and more power to those who are playing it, but I really don't expect many new players to get involved, and I doubt I'll even log on myself.) Do I think it's massively divided the community? Also lolno.
  13. Well, pmods are always players first, mods second, so it's never absolutely necessary, and mods are never required to act. Also, it's entirely our choice what to focus on - bots, RWTing, or whatever - so long as we stay within the bounds Jagex has given us regarding what they do and do not consider to be rulebreaking. (and I think most of us just play the game and deal with what we run across, rather than actively policing anything in lieu of actually playing the game.) For one, as you noted, there's an auto-mute filter in place right now that's causing most of the ruckus, though I'm sure some pmods are also muting for similar phrases that aren't caught by the filter (though that also gets into the issue of "is it disruptive spamming?" in which case the mute is unquestionably valid, since spamming has long been against the rules). For another, since mods are never required to take action, it's almost impossible for the responsibility for punishing a rule break to be put on pmods. And again, I must point out that the "consequences" players are suffering consist of a two-day mute, which is not permanent damage and can indeed function as a warning in and of itself. (Could Jagex be more clear, and should they have been? Definitely. But I think the consequences of how they chose to do it are being overstated just a bit, especially considering the BtS note and past game changes discouraging gambling in all forms.)
  14. I have the proof of people being instantly muted for typing a phrase associated with nothing other than gambling. Seems strong enough to me. *shrug* It wouldn't surprise me if they included as a form of scamming.
  15. No. GP does not have a clear real-world monetary value, because everyone who sells it is committing fraud by selling something that does not belong to them - the game, and all within it, are property of Jagex if you read the terms of service closely enough. (And even if that weren't the case, it'd be tricky to enforce it because it's online, based in the UK, not in the US.) So maybe you should consider the constant mutes a statement that it is against the rules? It seems pretty clear, to me. And again, I don't think you have grounds to be that pissed off about being temp muted, because that's a pretty clear and strong warning to stop what you're doing, after having already gotten the general warnings they've done over time (the change to the toy horse lines, removal/reworking of several past gambling methods, and the announcements on the subject).
  16. Flooding the chat is considered offensive language, which is technically what hosts do when they do the h/c x2 styled spam. Allegedly though you claim you were banned for saying you were a rank. Maybe you'd want to check and see if you spammed your game's description before or after saying you were a rank before being certain that it was the reason for your mute. It's actually categorized as disruptive behavior, not offensive language, if I'm not mistaken. And we are entitled to our opinion - namely, thinking you're a sillyhead. (We're also entitled to not listen to your opinion, just as you can ignore ours.) Except that Runescape is not the real world. Runescape is a game, made of code, and is much, much, much more controlled than real life. We're not talking about eliminating gambling from the world - just from Runescape. And that's quite different, and much more manageable. I agree that a courtesy warning would've been nice, if they're punishing for gambling/hosting period. If they're just enforcing their existing rules against spam onto a group that has previously gotten away with it, though, there's nothing wrong with that. And if they've taken a new look at the rules and decided that gambling is actually against one of the standing rules, then the same thought applies - though again, a courtesy warning wouldn't be amiss. Regardless, I'm rather excited to see Jagex finally really addressing this matter, and I hope they continue to do so. Oh, and also, I think some of you are looking at this the wrong way: Punishment for the sake of punishment is silly; it's not that you earn or deserve a mute because you've been bad. A mute prevents you from continuing to have a negative impact on the experience of others, and encourages you to change your behavior in the future. I wouldn't even call it a punishment, really. And considering that being muted doesn't have a permanent effect (as opposed to being banned), you really can just consider that to be your warning, can't you? Sure, it's an inconvenience, and I do agree that an announcement wouldn't have been amiss, but it's not like you can't keep playing normally once the mute expires in two days. No real harm done, neh? (I've been playing a fair bit of League of Legends lately, and delving into the reasoning behind their own system of player support, and that's given me a new perspective on player behavior as a whole.)
  17. Also, hey, your account didn't get hacked, as old pseudo-abandoned accounts often do, so that's another plus!
  18. I'm excited, largely about solo DG xp. Not because I find it difficult to find teams or whatnot, but because Runescape has always been my place to go solo. My stats are dependent on nothing and no one other than myself, and if I want to turn chat off and interact with nobody, I can do that. Generally I spend my time in a wonderful friends & clan chat, but I don't have to. If I want a high-teamwork gaming experience, I go play LoL. But for me, Runescape has never been the place for that. I have no problem with others getting better xp rates than I do if they choose to do it in a group, for all the reasons that have been mentioned - I think it's a cool opportunity, even if I don't use it myself. I just want to be able to play Runescape solo, like I have from the beginning, and still be able to get half-decent XP rates. *shrug*
  19. Eh, I'm not terribly upset over their change (and what I dislike is really just that they went back on their word in two different ways), but I would rather have the charm drops doubled than the experience doubled for summoning. I think it makes more sense for the skill, for the exact same reasons that Jagex gave for not giving it the 2x bonus on their previous BXPWs.
  20. "about silly things like pixels" THIS type of argument really irritates me. You do know we spend HOURS upon HOURS on "silly pixels". We 'enjoy' it and you can't judge on what we consider fun or not. Time IS money. What don't people get about that. Instead of playing runescape, if you get a part time job then your EARNING MONEY. And YOU already chose to spend your time on pixels, not on jobs. And then YOU chose to give those pixels to someone else, hoping they would do what you wanted with them, but with zero guarantees. And when they come back with a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why they won't be accomplishing that goal you donated towards, YOU chose to get upset, and to complain about it here, and to get upset at us as well when we pointed out that maybe you didn't think things through when you donated all that cash (if you did; if you didn't then why are we even talking about it?). I've put several years into my Runescape account, and I value it a fair deal. It is more than just pixels, yes. But I don't just give away my precious pixels to anyone who asks - and if I do, I don't complain about it afterward. Edit: Likewise, I value my art. I don't just give it away to random people either. And if I do, so long as they don't shred it in front of me and treat it with some degree of respect, I don't complain about whether they hang it on their fridge or give it to their kindergartener. SUOMI made progress. He also provided perfectly valid reasons (in my eyes, at least) as to why he won't be finishing. I don't see that anyone has cause to be upset about him wasting their cash.
  21. I wouldn't put it higher than 40% & 60%, and if you really believe your numbers, I don't understand why you play this game at all. Sure it is. Everyone who gets to play that new quest with the 80 agility requirement had to train their agility to 80. What's not fair is for someone to skip the work that everyone else put in because they feel entitled to do so. You get mad at people who randomly cut in line in front of you, right? Not a perfect analogy, since someone else doing a quest doesn't necessarily delay you from doing the same quest, but it's similar. Yes. You're playing Runescape, instead of WoW. It's a different game, it works differently, and there's nothing wrong with that. If you want to play something more like WoW, try playing more WoW. (And the same applies to anyone coming in from another game and justifying their botting on Runescape by saying that other games aren't as much work.) But those options are pretty much equally available to everyone (without getting into issues of how much income you have to spend on Runescape). Bots aren't, not really. I can't say I have any experience with it myself, but I'm guessing that the bots which actually work are probably run by a small group (in comparison to all Runescape players), and you have to be "in" in order to make use of them. Also, because they aren't being run by companies, with all the safety networks companies provide, you really don't know if you're getting what you pay bot-makers for, or if you're potentially getting malware or the like, and you have little to no avenue of recourse if it steals your account and/or breaks your computer (as opposed to a legit company, where you could contact customer support and/or file lawsuits). And that point is when I will flip a table in anger, if they start directly selling items that provide significant in-game benefits. We haven't gotten there yet, and I still hope that we won't ever. Again, I'm still hoping we won't get there. You also can't make money as a production-style skiller, because the bots are undercutting you all over the place. Or, more likely, more bots will come in and fill the extra space, just as they have done already. And if you start making botting permissible, you'll have a ton of massively high level accounts that have no actual investment in the game itself, and a massive turnover rate of new players when they see that no one actually plays the game until they've botted their way to all 99s, and everyone who actually does that then quits because there's nothing fun to do anymore. A major draw of Runescape, and other games like it, is that you get to make slow progress towards some massive goals - this is rather enjoyable, even if you don't always reach them. If you can just shell out $20 for a program to do it all for you, that kind of ruins the point, don't you think? That is why I actively dislike bots.
  22. It's his life, and his choice, and while everyone has the right to free speech, everyone also has the right to look at someone else and call them an idiot for the way they choose to use it. Also, you don't have any such right for your free speech to be heard (or read). I'm rather surprised that people are seriously complaining about their donations going to waste. You made that donation hoping, even expecting, him to get 5b, but you knew (or at least should have known) that for whatever reasons, he might not get there. So if you're really getting that upset over it, expect nothing more than for folks like me to laugh at you for being upset about silly things. (Also on the note of RS gp having RL cash value - you do remember that selling gold is illegal, right? It's worth something to you, yes, but probably not in terms of cash, more in terms of the time it took to get it.)
  23. Farming skill crates are officially pathetic. Thanks so much for the 9 cad seeds & supercompost. Shoulda taken the 60k. -.-

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