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Shey was here!

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Shey's blog on page 3!


Whats this world coming to lol!


Awesome progess with a bit here and a bit there :lol:


Keep up the great work and thanx for the pic!


P.s friends blog pl0x?

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Early last week, my computer died. :cry:




For the past week I have been on an old computer, that I believe groaned audibly when I tried to open more than two windows at a time.




No screenshot program, no graphics programs, no music, no msn, only a small bit of mIRC, and all my files unavailable. So, yesterday morning, I was at home, and the phone rang. It ws the computer shop telling me my computer was fixed. =D> =D> =D> =D>




Like a bat out of hell I showered dressed and ran out the door. Came home, put my computer back together and yayyyyyyyyyyyyy. I also bought a new mouse, as I think I overworked mine getting my recent capes and it was making very odd noises when I clicked.




So, yes, I made my new siggie finally. The penguins didnt fit very well so I decided to leave them out of that one. But I was also working on another siggie for a friend, and learnt a new trick, so my next siggie is goign to be even better. :-w




Levels over the past week include:




90 Mage (One goal reached)




66, 67 Herblore (only 3 to go)




67 Farming (only 3 to go)




69 Runecrafting (only 1 to go)




(no screenies due to no screenshot program, and opening paint to paste screenies into it the old fashioned way caused me to lag out of game)




I also returned to hunter yesterday and got myself to rank 151 (as of last night).




Today I might do some fishing with Oreo, and maybe some Runecrafting later today. Oh, and some farming, and might go and do an hour of hunting. As I said in my post title hehehehe a bit of this and a bit of that. :XD:


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nose!!! 90 mage! noooo! lol as long that u dont get 99 befor me X) or i will call u a worcoholic for ever =)




allso saw u dansing agen to day..


every time i see shey shes dancing...






Dyslexia lvl 99, Youtube:3D RS, My 3D on Tif, My Runetrack, My Tif Profile

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Yesterday was a bit of a level frenzy, the plan that I had to do a little bit of that and a little bit of that paid off, and I started off by firemaking in Edgy, with Oreo cheering me on I got level 84 Firemaking.






Later I did some farming, and farmed myself 100 kwuarms planted some trees, grew some watermelons, but I didnt level.




I then went on to herblore, I found a seller of kwuarms on the Forums, so I got to work after that. Last night I got 68, 69 herblore and was only about 15k from getting my goal of 70 herblore. So I spent the next hour running around collecting seconds, and I still was about 5k from level. Dusty came to my rescue and gave me some vials, and some herbs, and I did it!!! yayyy. One more skill is over 70. That means I have only got Runecrafting 69, and Farming 67 to go to get all skills to 70+. \'






PS: B 50 2, good to see you are still around. Hope things are going well for you. :)


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