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How Many In-Game Updates Have You Experienced? Reactions?


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In RSC a box poped up that required closing informing you what kinda of update (Bug, Graphics, whatever) so you knew what was going on




That would be nice to still have :)








I've only been playing 7 months or so, seen well over 10. They're usually between 10pm -1am my time.

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Once or twice every two months, I usuallyt have school when they update :P .


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Once, when i was a newbie. Lol, i had a little fun freaking really new players out by telling them that RS would self-destruct... I'm usually at school whenever the update happens. <.<

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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Updates generally happen in the early hours of the mourning here, so I rarely ever get the message.








I do remember getting it once for a bug fix while shade burning after school.


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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Twice, and that was a long time ago, so it was probably from when they hadn't established the rough time that they usually update at. Updates always happen while I'm asleep.


"We will certainly not be gaining money or members with this update. Instead, we are doing this for the good of the game, which is as dear to our hearts as it is to you."

- JAGEX, December 13, 2007

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20+ for sure.


Thanks to Fally|Thor for the sig :Wub:

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain

3636 to 99 fletching on Katakid1 date unknown

#13,300 to 99 range on April 2nd, 2008

#14,323 to 99 mage on May 18th, 2008

99/99 mage

99/99 range

94/90 hp

75/88 str

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I think maybe I've encountered that... 5-6 times, more or less?




















Updates generally happen in the early hours of the mourning here, so I rarely ever get the message.








I do remember getting it once for a bug fix while shade burning after school.




Typo: Morning, not mourning.

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Changing the title :|








Here's the new one "How Many In-Game Updates Have You Experienced?" :-s








If that doesn't fix your confusion, please post :XD:


Retired as of August 23rd with 91 Firemaking and 6m xp in it.

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Quite a few. Especially a few years ago, when Jagex hadn't quite got their play testing quite right. Normally they'd release their updates at about midday (London time), and then bug fix whatever problems came up at about 3/4pm. I remember one particular time when a dueler figured out that a new tea (Guthix, if I remember correctly) didn't count as food in the arena, and promptly won millions in no food duels. That was probably the quickest set of updates (45 mins, max) i've ever seen.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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About 5 I think, mostly during the holidays.








Most annoying time I got it was during last summers break.




Holiday--->lots of spare time--->do hard quests--->




almost get owned by the system update timer while killing Damis. I was about halfway through the second form(using the poisoning method, I was a poor newb) and BAM, stupid message...




Had a dds spec and some earth blasts left and killed him with about a minute to spare. :D

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Maybe once or twice.








I remember one i was woodcutting late at night and fell asleep. My music was off so it didn't wake me up. Anyway my head landed on the key board so i didn't log out. So i stood there for probably like 2 hours. Then i guess they updated and it logged me off. Since the main page music stays on when you turn it off in the game it blew a giant collum of sound at me and i woke up. It almost gave me a heart attack. :lol:

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