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Would Wilderness Team Capes be more beneficial if F2P?


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Then why are you posting here?


i have done guild pk smart one,. better Q, y r u spamming here?




It doesn't seem like you even read the first post, as it's about whether wilderness capes would benefit F2P, not about whether F2P needs/deserves them. Perhaps you just wanted to rant about F2Ps.




1) This first point isn't valid as it has nothing to do with the argument.




2) It's called accidents. Everybody makes mistakes, and sometimes that one accidental hit can make all the difference later on.




3) You're welcome to answer this, and I don't think using debate terms will help you.


EVERYTHING benefits f2p cept nerfs, would dragon items benefit f2p.... yeah, would [bleep]e armour benefit f2p.... yeah, would champs guild basement benefit f2p..... yeah, benefits are too broad




and i never did debate XD could speak like them if u paid me.... or could i :-k




Pking is much more of a f2p activity than p2p, because members generaly don't make pures. Freeplayers have nothing much to do, so many of them pk way more than members. So therefore the answer to this topics question is "yes".


come back when u've actually tried members




I know you probably will hate me for saying this but, can you please not writing in italics? The purpose of italics and bolding is to draw empahsis(sp?) to a word or a group of words. Making the entire thing bolded or italicied does nothing, just like making everything in green 20 font.








1) Adding something would be a lot more work than just changing something in the script (although, I know nothing about JavaScript, but its just a small tweak that makes it go from members to nonmembers, right? (some of you now are like, wrong!)). So if Jagex was willing to do all that work just to make people who complain about getting scammed, hacked, etc. to shut up (bad word of the day Dancing ), they should be able to make a small adjustment to make members happier.




2) Something like this happened to me. I accidentally attacked my friend (didn't die) and he never trusted me again. Point is, a lot can go wrong between friends.




3) Oh yeah? You think your good, well, feather! Owned....




i h8 u =; im so important all my words are italicized








1) besides making it non members jagex would also have to make the npc's appear




2) ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅSomeone who trusts can never be betrayed, only mistaken.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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  • 1 month later...

So sue me for bring back a dead thread.




I'm going to have to ask that you don't post here with pointless arguments, that have absolutely no reason in them...




Keep the debate going.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I say f2p team capes would be very helpful in the wild. i go guild pking sometimes and i can't remember how many times someone on my team accidentally attacked me when trying to right after a hard battle.

Why is it in every thread i post in it dies?


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  • 3 weeks later...
Definatly think that making team capes non-members would be benificial.




I'm p2p, but not all my friends have parents that let them be memebrs;, and I love pking with them, the problem comes when I accidentally kill them in the heat of a battle!




on topic now i doubt anyone would quit member just cause f2p gets wildy cape think about i mean members get all these skills monster updates


skill capes we need a good cape

But seriously, I will kill you all

I am back for realz this time I promise now that I am a member :p

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I believe that F2P could have the Wilderness capes, but the problem is, a few of the cape sellers are in the Members Only part of the Wilderness. So Jagex would have to move them to the other side of the fence. But it does seem like a reasonable proposal. Considering what is spoken about how most Clan Wars are held on F2P, it would make it easier to put those capes on F2P as well.




I'd support the idea. :)

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F2P wouldn't require all of the team capes. They could very well do with just the capes from NCP's that are in non-member areas. A wider selection of the skill capes would be a bonus for getting members, if Jagex is so worried that doing this will take suscribers away.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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  • 3 months later...

yes i think f2p would benifit, then they could identify groupd who are working together. Not a big thing, p2pers would hardly have anything to complain about.




Quite a good idea overall. Well done

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There is already a suggstion topic like this. And the title is basically the same. If someone already brought this up, then sorry.




OT: I think F2P would benefit quite a bit from Wilderness capes. P2p'ers would complain a lot, although i dont see why. Its not like the capes have any bonus or anything, they are there soley (sp?) for the purpose of seeing who is on whose team.

I engineered this thread with precise variables that I know would cause lul-worthy flames.


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I'm not sure if I answered to this topic yet.


But definitively, I think it would help them a lot. I dont think members would be upset over such a small thing.

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Jagex is working on clan support, in case you were unaware, Gidion.




Really? Great!




Where have they said this?




And are they 'working on it' like they were 'working on' POH?






Retrospectively, this is a very funny statement.


Also, since the general consensus is that this is such a no-brainer, why in all the unholy hell of Zamorak's poh (goh?) han't Jagex gotten their butts in gear and implemented it yet? They've been so gung-[garden tool] recently about making tweaks players have been demanding; you'd have thought this would be near the top (if not #1) of the list.


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Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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I think f2p would benefit from this kind of update. When I was in charge of a clan (no longer functioning) all of our wars were on f2p, it would have been a huge help to have team capes. I'm usually against f2p updates, but I would have no problem at all if team capes were made available to f2p, I would actually jump for joy because it's actually a necessity for all clans.



I've killed over 20,000 dust devils while training to 99 attack and have still not gotten a dragon chain.

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Of course!


The benefits of Wilderness capes in F2P are many, like (as many people have already said) P2Pers and F2Pers being able to work as a team more efficiently, or like preventing teammates from accidentally attacking each other.

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[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.


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