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Weekly Poll: Which Tip.It website feature do you use...


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This week's poll, Which Tip.It website feature do you use the most/find the most useful? is up on the main Tip.It website, please be sure to vote before the poll closes. If you'd like to discuss the poll topic, or talk about the poll results so far, this is the place to do it.

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I would think the databses - especially the Bestiary and Items DB - would be quite popular. Calculators too, as people would be using them repeatedly unlike the Guides and Atlas which might only be visited now and again.








No chance of the staff releasing some site stats about how meach each feature is used? Even relative percentages would be interesting.

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The reason why very few people will choose the maps on Tip.it as the most useful is because they've passed their sell by date a long, long time ago.








I think the maps aspect of Tip.it is the area of the website most in need of repair, really is stupidly difficult to use, especially with Fairy Rings.


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I think that there should have been an option for the Tip.it Times.




It's so unique, and I always love reading it every week. :)

Guide to Everything Fletching XBL: Karmastocracy





* Sits on a mossy rock with a notebook in hand, observing the behavior of the specimens dubbed "Fanboys"


"Even when the odds are against you, even when the chance of victory is bleak and your situation looks hopeless, take a look at the horizon, and think back to what you have learned. You'll be filled with the confidence to take on the world."

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when i do a quest, i look at the quest guide, and i find very usefull the maps,




the quest guide and the monster guide.








when i skill, i use alot the maps (dungeon maps, faery ring adress list), the




bestiary (for slayer) the skill guides, the item database.








i find them all very usefull in equal amounts. i use less the calculators, but i




still use them.








i really can't vote :(

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The reason why very few people will choose the maps on Tip.it as the most useful is because they've passed their sell by date a long, long time ago.








I think the maps aspect of Tip.it is the area of the website most in need of repair, really is stupidly difficult to use, especially with Fairy Rings.








Most of the maps (dungeons etc) are reasonably accurate and easy to use. IMO the Fairy rings map is perfectly OK, however it is time that the world map was dropped, as it gives no real added value over the "Official" map.








As for the poll I have not voted. I wanted to vote for all three databases as I use each one on a very regular basis (although I do try to do Quests without using the database).

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Personally, I can't stand the quest guides that Tip.It makes. I prefer quest guides in single, step-by-step instructions.








For me, I love the calculators. I picked that because it is really what makes Tip.It a good place to visit. They're so easy and helpful to use. I especially like the max hit calculator and combat calculator.








It surprises me how many people voted quest guides to be honest. I don't like having one sentence take five minutes of game-time to complete. I prefer:




1. Talk to some guy




2. Go to this place




3. Talk to this guy guy here




etc. etc. etc. etc.








Tip.It's version would be: Talk to some guy and he'll tell you to go to some place where you'll talk to another guy.








I know that this is just my opinion, but to me this is Tip.Its weak spot. I also know that it would be way to much work to rewrite them into a more user friendly (in my opinion) format.








Thanks for the calculators!


^^ Spreadin' da wurd ^^

I'm old skool baby ;) *looks at join date*

Current amount of years playing Runescape: 5.5 On TIF: 5

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Personally, I can't stand the quest guides that Tip.It makes. I prefer quest guides in single, step-by-step instructions.








For me, I love the calculators. I picked that because it is really what makes Tip.It a good place to visit. They're so easy and helpful to use. I especially like the max hit calculator and combat calculator.








It surprises me how many people voted quest guides to be honest. I don't like having one sentence take five minutes of game-time to complete. I prefer:




1. Talk to some guy




2. Go to this place




3. Talk to this guy guy here




etc. etc. etc. etc.








Tip.It's version would be: Talk to some guy and he'll tell you to go to some place where you'll talk to another guy.








I know that this is just my opinion, but to me this is Tip.Its weak spot. I also know that it would be way to much work to rewrite them into a more user friendly (in my opinion) format.








Thanks for the calculators!




i agree with the quest guides although i still use them.








i picked skill calcs because its always good to know how far away you are from youre goal(and theyre the best ive come accross)

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I use calculaters and planners all the time to see when I am going to get to my goals of 70 mining and smithing. Heh, I will need to do 8k more steel bars after I do my 8k to get to 70 smithing. See! I am a tip.it calculate addict.

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I, too, wanted to vote for more than one thing. I ended up voting for guides, as that is the primary thing I use here, but I also use the maps & the calculators & the bestiary...you get the idea. As for the guides, I use all of them, not just the quest guides.








As for which area should be worked on next, I would have to vote for the maps. At least make the interface on how to find the one you're looking for a little more user-friendly. Personally, I don't actually know what country I'm in half the time, or what continent. What would be really nice is something interactive like the fairy ring map, but instead, you can click on dungeon or quest markers to get the map for those. (Did that make sense? #-o )

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My choice isn't on the list lol.... the forums lol.








After that it's probably the skill guides.








Forums is what I was thinking too... Oh well I guess I'll have to say the clacs which help with training and whatnot. That or quest guides cause I can't solve puzzle to save my life and I'm not huge on questing anyways.








Oh well, I guess I'll have to decide and then vote later.



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I mostly use calculators. They're very useful.








As for guides, I'd prefer to help making them rather than reading and spoiling some fun. For example I have once and for all stopped checking Quest Guides and I don't go there at all unless I want to try to remind myself some quest I did and I don't remember anymore. Using them while doing quests ruins all fun. Other types of guides can be useful sometimes though. There are just some things Jagex won't tell me and you will. :P








Oh, whole site is useful in general anyway. ^^;

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I wish there was a choice called all. Because I use all of the features on a fairly regular basis. The various skill/general guides to help level or work on a quest. The quest guide to make sure I have the right levels/items needed. Maps to figure out where the in the world I need to go. Items/besteriay for the drops/items I want.

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I use the calculator/planner the most.




[spoiler=Stats:]Updated December 22, 2011:


Total level - 1442 - 170M+ XP , Combat level - 115

Combat skills: Attack - 90, Defence - 99 (24.45m+ XP), Strength - 90, Constitution - 99 (16.42M+ XP) Ranged - 99 (13.32M+ XP), Prayer - 60, Magic - 99 (13.25M+ XP)

Non-Combat skills: Cooking - 99 (13.80M+ XP), Woodcutting - 99 (31.95M+ XP), Fishing - 90, Firemaking - 99 (24.82M+), Crafting - 90, Smithing - 90, Mining - 85, Runecrafting - 60, Dungeoneering - 85


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