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How Generous are You?


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i have probably given out over 5-6million to various people during my two years of playing rs, most of those people i gave money or items out too were people i didnt even know. One example was my dear now very good friend ants412, i meet him in fallador and we started talking about stuff and i found out that he got lured in the mole hole for 45k, I emediatly started to offer him the money he had lost but he regected all the time (he was lv 52) but we keep on talking and it ends up with him following me to catherby to fish and i really start thinking that this guy is a honest none begging hard working guy, so i tell him "brb". I teleport to varrock and change to world 1...i buy some stuff and i come back, i trade him and offer him a rune set for free, but he declines :shock:. I try to convince him to accept the rune since i had alot of extra money and that i really think he deserves it but he keeps saying no i cant take it, it's tooo much sorry i really appreciate it... But i didnt give up so i told him that i dropped the rune on the ground, he fast replies..dont someone might take it, and im like..then you better be fast picking it up ;) and i logg out. I logg in and i see him wearing it :D made me feel happy =P he keeps thanking me like a 100 times... Ants412 is now lv 88 combat and he has a dragon chain, whip and other expensive items, he payed me back and we are now best friends <3:

Gabbie d in the making

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I'm not so much generous as helpful. If anyone, ever asks anything of me ingame that doesn't require me giving things away, I pretty much always take the time to help them. Helping people is a big part of RS for me.


Making them armour, taking them all over, answering 50 questions a day from my regular newbies ^^




Actually, I've given away a [bleep]ing lot now I think about it, but never if they directly ask for it. Say someone asks me 'where can i buy armour?' I will tell them/take them but if they end up having not enough money I'll either buy or make them the rest. :)

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My most generous time was giving somebody on my friend's list a Rune platebody after he finished Dragon Slayer. He didn't have enough money so he exchanged it for a large pile of cow hides so that I can train my crafting. This was also to complete his full Rune. About an hour after I gave him the Rune platebody, somebody scams him for his full run, supposedly paying him 1M gp for the set but instead only paying 100k gp or some other low amount.




So, obviously, he PMs me and begs me to get him another Rune platebody because he was scammed. I told him that I can't because the Rune platebody that I just gave him heavily drained my cash. I had no choice but to tell him that he should have been paying more attention to the trade screen and to not let his greed blind him next time. After that scam incident, the poor sap has since stopped playing and I haven't seen him for months.




C'est la vie. You can be generous to a certain point. After that, the leeches will stick to you and try to bleed you dry.



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Ive given some minor things to people, but my generosity gets thrown back in my face, so i don't give things away anymore...




I feel that. I find it a lot different in members but in F2P every time I would try and do something nice for someone they seemed to take it as me being a pushover and harass me continously for free stuff. :(


Makes you wanna say, "[bleep] you then, get your own damn [cabbage]" lol

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I do often give people stuff I really don't need or they'd be able to use much better but I do not give to people who ask for phr33 st0ff.
Same here. The guy I gave the full rune to had just defeated Elvarg wearing full adamant, so I congratulated him and prceeded to hand over my old armor.
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I don't that person is here and if he want me to talk about it. But I just feel so good after doing it. He gave me 6 mil for 6k iron (yes, that's 1000 each!). I give him back the money. I remember giving a free rune scimmy to one of my friend too. And I am just having 30k at that time... 8-)

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I don't think I'm that generous. I'll give items to my friends if I have them, and I'll try to get them what they need, but if some random person comes up to me and asks me for stuff, even nicely, I'll turn them away. Thats just me :thumbsup:


Retired from runescape. I will be on every now and then though. :)

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I gave full rune (g) to my sister.


i gave away most of my member stuff thru a small series of quizes


dropped a trail of cut sappires





Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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I once gave a person who was doing gertrude's cat 100k once.




I had just been lured and lost... er, think it was about 600k, so I figured, eh, he's not asking for money and asked nicely for help, why not help him a bit more?




Of course later when I decided I wanted to carry on with RS, I slightly regretted it. But ah well, I'm rich again! Woohoo!




Judge me as you will.


Main Goal; To have all skills 50+


My avatar is: The Shins- Oh Inverted World

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Ah nothing beats a "look how good I am thread!" [sarcasm]




Well to jump on the band wagon and to boost my internet ego (really I'm passed joking), I've given away about 3 mill over my rs career ( << I can't believe I just used those 2 words together in the same sentence - yikes!) About 50 % of that to friends the remainder to unsuspecting "newbies" who ended up in Lumbridge around the time I was there.




Oh I hope I make the generous people list! :pray: -.-

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Spent 12M to get 72 construction and build a Guilded Alter and other things so others could use it. Also have to buy the marrentils 400 each. :)




Lent out 3.1M to Sdn30 so he could finnish his rockin' outfit Never got it back :(




Hosted a 5M drop party.


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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I have had 2 big drops parties, and like 10 smaller ones. In total about 3-4M gp dropped. I'm pretty rich, so I can afford that. But I'm still F2P and I have never had more than 7M, so I think I'm very genouros. Also I uses to give away stuff to noobs (Like cash, steel armour, weapons, food and runes) and help them with diffrent things.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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umm i dont give anything free to people who jsut ask for it! i think people should work for their money/items and not ask it from others tho best thing i have given away was a fury but it was to a friend who realy realy needed to prove someone he has it and he was generous to me when i was a newb so i agreed to give it to him


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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