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What's the story behind your RS name?


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my name was set out liek this-




skat:[supposed to be skate but would not fit in name] cause i enjoy skateboarding when it is nice outside




rider:this i think came from a friend casuse i also ride dirtbieks and quads in my free time




234:was jsut a random number that i put in my name i guess

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Sorta short story:


I picked my name because the night before i had watched the movie monty python and the holy grail, and i thought that the evil bunny was hilarious. But evil bunny was taken, so i did demonbunny, which was also taken, so I added a 5 (idk why) and there you have it ^_^

Some1 help me do a sig. Im totally lost >.

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My original account has a very uncreative name and I wanted a creative name with no numbers. So I tried and tried and finally I found Mineorama wasn't taken. I tired Mineorama since I love the show Futurama and my favorite skill is mining, so I combined them and got Mineorama :)

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The name came from when I got my first "REAL" computer and my cousin built it for me. I requested a black computer, and this was back when most computers were those ugly gray/white color and very very ugly. Black was the color of a gaming machine. The computer ran windows XP and thus my cousin named it BlackXP. I had always looked for a gamming name and this was before 2004 When i joined into runescape. My friend had Hells Exile, and Blind Ghost, all amazing names to me. I wanted a name to define me and that no one else would take. To be used for all my games, so ppl will always know it is me.




I used Blackxp took out the caps on XP and made it a simple, no numbers, short, and great defining name for me.




I use it for every game I play and have made a name for myself with it and will continue to use it as my psudo name for anything I do.




Although I quit Blackxp a while back, he is still my main and signature account. (he is lvl 92)




I now play on Black_Firexp which is my skiller and my technical "main" account. Although blackxp will always be that main account.




Black_Firexp came from many of my other account names, I had xxbluefirexx, xxzamorakxx, and many other names of the sort. What i called "cool". But most dealt w ith the elements and a name. and "xp" will always be my signature ending to my main names.




"color" + "xp" usualy signifies one of my accounts.




Although, Blackxp, Black_Firexp, and Sanguinexp (sanguine is the color of blood) are all my main account and basicly follow the principle.




But if u see Blackxp in COD2 CODUO COH BF2142 (its blackexp there, i own blackxp but it was a mess up) That is usualy me.




Well thats my story XD

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My RS name (Black Paige) was created after making a noob account that included numbers. when i fist saw dialogue on tutorial island i saw that all the npcs called my by my user so i though i dont wanna be called this in rs so i made a new account.




at first i tried black knight...taken


then i tried black squire...taken


so finally at the lowest level of knighthood i chose black page, but at the time i spelt it differently so thats how it came to be....my real name isnt paige btw

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At the time when I was deciding on my first account, I really liked astronomy. My teacher also told me of a possible 10th planet, obviously, and I liked the name of it. Planet X. Original and simple :wink:

Proud Fire Cape Owner March 9, 2007

Owner of 2/24 Capes of Achievement



When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, then throw it in their faces and ask for the oranges you originally asked for.

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I was slightly obsessed with Roger Zelazny's Amber series at the time, and Frakir was the name of a magical sentient bracelet one character had. I thought that was cool, so I stole it. The other half is what fits of 'Staerinth', the name of the imaginary royal house I belong to.


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man sleepy and blind in the eyes.

Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!

If it's the thought that counts, why aren't humans innately telepathic?

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My nickname is based upon Quanyan in Elvish o.0




I still like it although you may find me a freak :D




Edhil = Elf


Thoniel = Kindler.




So basically I'm the kindler of Elves!




By the way: it's pronounced as Edheelfoenee-el



Unable to finish what he started. Now he started again ^^

All right! That does it! Where did you hide my pink skirt!
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The Character "Rrot" was originally created by one of my friends as a Pker account, so I have no idea what the name means lol. When I lost my original account "The Kuniva" I just started using Rrot since my friend no longer played and it meant i didn't start off again with level 1 melee stats. In looking back, I kinda wished I's started from scratch, as I would have liked to have used one of the better account names that I'd come up with....




My original account "The Kuniva" is simply the name of one of the members on D12.

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theres quite a bit of story behind my RSN. my real nickname is "a freak" which started back when i created my first FPS acc name. I was trying to be funny by saying what the killing message would sound like. i was going for something like "you were killed by a freak". well as i discovered RS i wanted the same name i had carried with me for two years. However the closeest thing to "a freak" i could get was "afreak...with a ton of tacked on numbers" I didn't want a lot of numbers in my name, cause thats hard to say in real life. so i decided to combine my love of Rpg's and Fps's. Mostly my favorite weapons in shooters are the Really Big Guns. this includes stuff like miniguns, rocket launchers, and grenade launchers. Then i cam up with RPG gamer1. a symbol for my love of role playing games and rocket propelled grenade launchers. as seen in my sig




thats my story :wink:




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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It sounds cool, has no numbers and wasn't taken. I made it a long, long time ago acctually,sometime in 2003, and just yesterday decided to acctually play because my mate from school got me into it.

Shun the non-believers, Charlie! Shhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuunna!
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I am not going to say what my RS name is, but I will say that it includes the word "Entropy," like nearly all my other accounts on anything. The story is that if I controlled entropy, I would control aging, energy, heat, decomposition, and much more, but few people know it, and it's really cool when I run into someone who does know what it means, because it means they are really smart (or a master of trivia, or just really good with science).

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I break it down.


Sir=Knighthood, and the classic Monty Python and the Holy Grail!


Marth=My favorite character on Super Smash Bros. Melee. I hope he's on Brawl...


01=First tried 1...nope. Then I tried 01, being that #1 stands for the best is why I kept with 1, and it worked!


So, SirMarth01 was created!


But of course I have other accounts!


SirRoy01=Quite obvious, it's the same as my main only my second favorite character instead of my favorite.


WereLink01=I stook with 01, but just took the idea of Link turning into a werewolf or whatever...


99blakknight=The Black Knight always triumphs! (Monty Python and the Holy Grail!) I just had trouble getting it, so I tried it this way...and you can tell what the outcome was...


But don't be surprised when I'm only on 99blakknight or SirMarth01, though mainly 99blakknight (Of course I would, that account has RUNE ARMOR!)

Wish I could show my sig, too bad it's a bit too large to fit...

99blakknight: My new main. But please refer to me as SirMarth01 here, please...I prefer it.


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It all started back when i was 12 years old. (Back then the minimum age of starting to play was 7 :XD: )


My friend was playing rs on his acc when i see a person in robes that were invisable!


I said to my friend: "Can you tell me how to make an acc and get me those robes?"


He replied: "I think they are for members only."


I get a little sad but all i could think of was to get those soo i went home,


made myself an acc named "Den Usynlige" which means The Invisable in norwegian.


(I couldnt write english to good back then.)


And thats how i got my acc name. I am happy i picked it since its to long to get numbers behind it. :mrgreen:




Thanks for your time. ::'

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