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Swallowing Gum


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skatedog, slap yourself in the head, then re-read what was said.


I slapped myself several times, yet I don't get it...?


I read the guys post, then the guy he was quoting, then re-read the topic...eh?




Oh man :lol:


Throw this man a frickin' bone here, please!

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Either way if it was harmfull or not I would rather have people swallow it because most of my school grounds are filled with black spots that used to be gum. Its also extremely annoying if you run it over with your car or step on it.

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skatedog, slap yourself in the head, then re-read what was said.


I slapped myself several times, yet I don't get it...?


I read the guys post, then the guy he was quoting, then re-read the topic...eh?




Oh man :lol:


Throw this man a frickin' bone here, please!




oh lmao, k i get it the third time over-.-

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I was gonna say...




If ya didnt get it it would of come to you by glancing at the title without full concentrating.

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It generally digests as anything else would. However, there was a case a little while ago where a woman had been swallowing gum for years and it cut off part of her large intestine. It got stuck between the knuckle-like projections and piled up until it stretched half way across. My only way of proving this story correct is by telling you to ask my Biology teacher for the news clip. Yes, he saves them.

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I did it every time when I was younger, now I still do it if I feel i'm in a rude situation to go and find a garbage can (such as in a restuarant or going to starbucks with freinds).






How is it disgusting?


Most other things that you put in your mouth you swallow, and it swallows the same way, unless you have a huge blob.

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I was gonna say...




If ya didnt get it it would of come to you by glancing at the title without full concentrating.


How did I know somebody was going to say that? :lol:




Eww. lol




Replace G with C? wtf



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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If you do swallow it try to do it less so it doesn't build up and cause problems. There's a lot of other ways to hide your gum from the teachers if they think you are chewing gum. Try hiding it under your tongue or pretend yawning and spit it in your hand then put it under a desk or something.

Quit RuneScape :)

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erkid"]If you do swallow it try to do it less so it doesn't build up and cause problems. There's a lot of other ways to hide your gum from the teachers if you think you are chewing gum. Try hiding it under your tongue or pretend yawning and spit it in your hand then put it under a desk or something.







Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I know a kid who claims he's been swallowing every piece of gum he's chewed since he was like 7. If what he claims is true, then that CAN'T be healthy. :shock:
If it is in fact true, he could end up like the woman from my other post in this thread... Er, but she had been doing it for like 40 years.
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erkid"]If you do swallow it try to do it less so it doesn't build up and cause problems. There's a lot of other ways to hide your gum from the teachers if you think you are chewing gum. Try hiding it under your tongue or pretend yawning and spit it in your hand then put it under a desk or something.








:cry: .. I was typing fast

Quit RuneScape :)

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Better to spit than swallow.
umm i dont think that saying was intended for gum :?




Yeah their referring to toothpaste in that instance right? .... right? :-w

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swallowing gum is mostly harmless but not recommended.




ingested gum simply passes through your digestive system like any other bit of roughage.




the insoluble gum base, (which gives each stick its chewable properties), prevents gum from being absorbed into your body. Instead, it's simply excreted in a day or two.




It might not stuff up your system, but that doesn't mean it's meant to be eaten :shame: :wink:




HOWEVER... There's a reason this is considered a bad habit: Chewing and swallowing sugarless gum can contribute to abdominal pain, gas, and diarrhea. Yummy :-#



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Better to spit than swallow.






I havent got a dirty mind but rele.... :lol:




If you swallow it...and it got stuck it could probably cuase you to choke to death

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