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Why is quitting Runescape so difficult?


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When you join, they come round to your house, and put a drug in your food so your addicted for life. Few have ever fought off the drug completely, and those who have still think about this game anyway

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Many people who use Forums other then the Official forums come back because of the awesome communities. Also, the game is very fun at high a level, and it's impossible to beat.




I really disagree with you.




At a higher level, the game gets really repetetive and dull, and you have basically beaten it.




The only reason i still play is because I like castle wars and mainly playing castle wars with my friends.

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Anything that becomes a big part of your life that you succeed in or that you set goals and meet those goals in is something you want to keep. If you play a lot you get used to it and it becomes a daily routine. It's much easier to stick with that routine (especially the older you get) than it is to find something new to take up all the time you put into RS.

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you feel you wasted too much time and don't wanna just lose all that, you feel all your work will go away, its too big of a part of your life, you'll miss friends, you'll have nothing to do....






yeah thats why I'm back


Doing a little bit of everything

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When people say "Alright, rs is taking over, I'm going to quit NOW!" they usually do that. They can go a few months. But they do eventually come back like you mentioned because they didn't really bore themselves of the game. They just went cold-turkey, if you will. If you just force yourself off the game like that, you'll still have an interest in it, and you'll eventually come back because that interest won't be quenched.




It's not until you've played enough of it and just become bored of it when you log on, slowly log on less and less, until you've just lost interest entirely of it. When people say they quit, they don't mean they've stopped playing the game. They mean they've taken their own intervention from a bad addiction, which they'll most likely go back into sooner or later.




There's no such thing as 'quitting' runescape - it's not a job or anything. It's something that you gradually lose interest in until you've realized you've basically stopped entirely.

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I was force to quit for 3 months Jan to March due to personal issues and I was like no joke "Man, I really want to play runescape" and I was wondering how my friends were leveling up and I wasn't and it made me angry so when I came back I played alot to see if I still had my skillz and I'm doing good now. But it makes me mad when I think what could i have done in those 3 months

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Runescape is like a smoking is addictive, but instead of being a physical addictive its a mental addictive, sense you like runescape and it makes you happy when you play your body wants to play it. Thus making you addicted to it.




If you know some one who smokes you probley know they tryed to quit a few times but they come back, if its one day to even a few months they still come back, same with runescape even though people quit it still brings them back. There is the few people that quit smoking and them are like the few people that quit runescape, because theres a big reason to do so. Maybe loose your wife so you need to quit or going to stay back in school so you need to quit runescape.

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well, its actualy a pretty strange game if you think about it, on 1 side, its like real life and on the other side its totaly NOT. But 1 thing that is realistic is that, u have to earn your items, and i dont think any1 wants to get a gigantic vulcano erupytion on their new decorated house, or leaving it without taking the stuff. and its addictive because, when you are a bit down you can (almost) always meat up with ur friens and do some high alching or something, but it doest use any "bad" stuff to addict you (liek smoking( well, the pc screen is bad for your eyes, but if you dont play it 24/7, a rainy day sitting runescapin (do other things too!) isnt that bad))


if you want to quit, i recomand alching everything in your bank and and give the money to a noob. this wayy you can NEVER get back to the game (well, u can if u play 24/7) and NO i am not dr.Phil




another solution: lay in bed for an hour, think about how long you have played and think what you could have done/gotten in real life in that time, feel free to cry it all out (if ur alone :P) and youl eventualy play less and less

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why would you quit? if you enjoy the game then why stop playing?




Not sure if that was aimed at me, but if it was, I stopped due to computer problems and didn't bother to come back after it. I didn't even bother to log in to tell my friends, I meant to, but never did.




I also know a smoker (he's my friend, told him stop as well) and it seems some smokers don't want to admit that it's a problem for them and won't listen to you when you try to tell them to stop.




I guess that's everything I was going to say then.

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I was force to quit for 3 months Jan to March due to personal issues and I was like no joke "Man, I really want to play runescape" and I was wondering how my friends were leveling up and I wasn't and it made me angry so when I came back I played alot to see if I still had my skillz and I'm doing good now. But it makes me mad when I think what could i have done in those 3 months


Yeah and in five years from now you'll be thinking the same question. Except you'll be wondering what you could have accomplished the past x amount of time in real life instead of playing runescape.

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Until you stop liking the game, it's going to be hard to stop playing. And, as Adam appeared to say, quitting is a process, not an event.




The only reason i still play is because I like castle wars and mainly playing castle wars with my friends.


That's what kept me in it for the last three months. But even Ice Cubes get dull after a long enough period of time.

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Why it's hard to quit.




Many teenagers are baffled nowadays by the mere question?




Do I quit Runescape?




is it really that hard?


the answer is, Yes.








well the answer is simple-its runescape, they always come up with new sh1t in the game so everytime you wanna quit they make something that you want to try out, and while you're trying this "thing" out, something else comes out. So you say, i'll try that next week when im done with this-then the cycle repeats...

I fell to your blade by lack of skill, yet i feel no shame, i feel inspired



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The people at JaGeX are masters of mind control even when we leave their games....




Realistically speaking its kind of hard to leave behind something that has been a part of you for so long, whether it be a close friend or just a game its still hard to leave something you have known for so long.

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When people say "Alright, rs is taking over, I'm going to quit NOW!" they usually do that. They can go a few months. But they do eventually come back like you mentioned because they didn't really bore themselves of the game. They just went cold-turkey, if you will. If you just force yourself off the game like that, you'll still have an interest in it, and you'll eventually come back because that interest won't be quenched.




It's not until you've played enough of it and just become bored of it when you log on, slowly log on less and less, until you've just lost interest entirely of it. When people say they quit, they don't mean they've stopped playing the game. They mean they've taken their own intervention from a bad addiction, which they'll most likely go back into sooner or later.




There's no such thing as 'quitting' runescape - it's not a job or anything. It's something that you gradually lose interest in until you've realized you've basically stopped entirely.




You will probably quit when you find it extremely boring and when you don't have time to sit about playing games all day. Also when you realise there is so much better things to waste your time on :)


Don't think I've properly played in about 2 years.




If you'll notice, these two guys above have been playing the game for years and years. I too have played Runescape for a great long time and yet now that I'm in a university setting I just haven't played. I probably played for about four years straight, all of high school really.




As Phil said I just don't have time for Runescape anymore as there's SO much else to do (Such as work, developing marketable skills, schooling, etc.) I'd say for all of this past Spring Semester I haven't played a minute of Runescape. Just because I've got so much more things to do. But even before that I was beginning to phase out more and more as Adam said. Every time I logged off it was a longer time in between logging back on than the last time.




Here's what I've got to say on quitting. Play the game for as long as you like middle school through high school, fine and dandy but if you're still playing the game the same number of hours with the same "Man I wish I were on RS right now" mentality midway through college then you truly need to reevaluate your situation. Playing once or twice for an hour a week isn't bad at all but pulling all nighters just to beat some quests isn't worth it at all during higher education. So play as much as you want to play now as middle school and high school are going to be very poor years of life (your body's changing, clique's being formed, schema's developing) but when higher education hits you'll phase out and be fine.

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Because its fun .. pure and simple fun




even though you know what can happen .. you never know what will happen




i once found 37k iron arrows just laying on the ground .. 600k in my pocket




ya never know whats gonna happen

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The fact its so damn quick to load as a browser game, you finish one piece of HW, think hmmm 20 mins of RS quick, load it up super speedy and boom, play for hours.




Saying that around my A levels (i.e. uh, now) I've seriously cut down, provided it doesn't get to the point of it takes precedence over the truly important things I don't see it as addictive.

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