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??~~??Most Annoying P2P Quest??~~??


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Either Sheep herder (I use a laptop, and touch pad. But I don't have any problems using it? You people are not used to touch pads.) because the sheep always either got caught near the water's shore/or ran away just after I poke them. The evil dave part of RFD was a pain too. My cat caught tons of rats, but they always dropped the spices I didn't need, and when I got the right spice, dave didn't like it. Eventually, I got the correct amount. Three of everything for me. :D

...............___@@@ ___-----weeewoooweeewoooo

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----,o-----GrammarPolice ----@)

----`----(@)=========(@)- `

Skiller: Maurdin, Black(omgracist) pure: Alotofnoobs

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mornings ends 2 definitely. I had the minimum possible agility level when I did the quest, and I failed the ledge 190 times, using tons of food and prayer pots in the process.

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No offense cabbage boy, but you seem to be bumping this topic quite a lot. You don't really need to bump it all the time as it'll be on the front page for at least a day :)



Whips: 3 Dragon Boots: 15


My 99's: Attack & Cooking


Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Goldenjkered

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Yeah please dont bump, if a topics worth staying on the front page it will.




The one I found most annoying was sheep herder! Those sheep would not go where you wanted :evil: What was the point in that quest?!


After that I would probably say One small favour, but that was made easier by teleports I spose, and the reward was worth the effort :D

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Well, i'e done mep2 with 70 agility and it was definetly NOT annoying. Just done one small favor and it isn't not nearly as annoying as rat catchers. Pure annoyance straight from the beggining to the end! I hope the people that haven't voted for it just haven't yet done it. You have to waste time missing the mice, and you can't order your cat until it goes to the mice and back to the spot you ordered it... All over the quest. And the mansion... All this annoyance + forced stealth or you get kicked and must do it again (well, not from the begging, but still).

R.I.P. oO000oO0oO00, RS2 range pure transformed to a maxed PvM char in EoC, ten years of time completely wasted.
Good to be gone :)

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I really hated Tai Bwo Wannai Trio




I agree.




I also liked OSF very much, so I don't know why everyone says it's boring. :|



Jack of all trades, master of thieving. 259th to 99 thieving. All stats 75+

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Out of all the quests, Edgar's Ruse.




I guess Mourning's End 2 got on my nerves, too.




Devious Minds was really annoying because I decided to try souping the extra 6 smithing levels needed to meet the requirements >_> #-o

The OoC: Order of Cabbage. Guardians of 3,600,000+ Cabbages! That a lotta cabbage!


Quest Cape: 249 QP || Skill Total: 1623+ || 88/91 Thieving ||


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