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NOTE: This topic is not about smoking drugs etc. Please leave that out out this topic.








Smoking has been around for decades. Mankind loves to smoke. Almost every corner I find people smoking. It's kind of disgusting. But before i go on. I'll explain some of the well known pros and cons:








- It helps relieve stress.


- May make you appear cool by being unafraid of such dangers caused by smoking.


- Gives you something to do.




(the last point is true, but not why people smoke.(usually))








- It can cause cancer.


- It can cause heart diseases.


- it damages your senses of smell and taste.


- You can get addicted easily.


- It damages the health of others around you.


- people *may* try to avoid you.




(the last point is what I would do, personally.) (more pros would be appreciated).




I dislike the idea of smoking and don't plan to ever smoke. I think of it as a disgusting and selfish habit. After finishing your cigarette (<- sp?) you breath out the gas for up to one hour later. So anyone you encounter in that hour would be breathing in the gas. So even if they don't smoke, the effects of smoking may happen to them.




Sure, if small amounts are breathed in this way. It would not really affect them. But coming in daily contact with smokers is a different story. As all the gas will build up in your lungs, some forming tar. Other gas particles would be breathed out again. But the effects can still happen to you. It all adds up in the end.




Many will argue that those who get addicted can't stop. They can. They should get nicotine patches and use them for a while. Keep reminding yourself what life would be like without smoking. And why it would be better for you. And, if those techniques don't work. Putting a cigarette in your mouth but not lighting it can help.




Personally, I'm overjoyed with the new public places smoking ban. This should help the recovery of many second hand smokers, who've had to put up with the smokers. This will make more of the population healthier. Cleaner probably as well.




But i would love to see a ban of smoking everywhere. Smoke doesn't go up straight away. It follows the wind for a period of time, then slowly lifts up. All who are in the path of the smoke will breath it in. So second hand smoking will never be erased until smoking is illegal. And after that many will smoke it after the ban.




That's what I think, what about you?

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They cracked down on it pretty good in my state; some Prop passed last year banned public smoking (including bars) and made it punishable by fine. I really don't care if someone smokes (half the family does), just keep it away from me.


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Here in scotland, there is a ban on smoking in public, good thing too, now you can go down the local boozer and not come home smelling of the sweaty truck drivers [bleep]s. Mind you, they all smoke outside the pubs and clubs, so when you want to go in or out you get a lungful of someones second hand smoke <.<

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

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You do realize that the amount of smoke that your car gives out in an hour is equivalent to about a carton of cigarettes, right?
Got a source on that, otherwise I call BS?



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I smoked for a while. It's too expensive for a regular habit, after a while the niccotine hit goes away completely and you stink all the time. So...why bother? It's not a good intoxicant, it's not good in my particular social setting, so I chucked it. Oh yeah, and it's bad for you.



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You do realize that the amount of smoke that your car gives out in an hour is equivalent to about a carton of cigarettes, right?
Got a source on that, otherwise I call BS?
It was a digg article a few weeks ago, it showed the amount of smoke an SUV was giving out in an hour, then a carton of cigarettes all lined up
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You do realize that the amount of smoke that your car gives out in an hour is equivalent to about a carton of cigarettes, right?
Got a source on that, otherwise I call BS?
It was a digg article a few weeks ago, it showed the amount of smoke an SUV was giving out in an hour, then a carton of cigarettes all lined up
Then you can get me a link? I don't know about you but if I was in a small room with a car running for an hour id probably asphyxiate yet I've been in rooms with people smoking non stop and never had more than the odd cough.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I enjoy smoking, I try my best not to get in anyones' way doing it, or upset anyone.




This topic has come up enough on this forum. You get smokers who say "It's my right to smoke, it's legal, bla bla bla.", and you get non-smokers who say "How dare you damage my health, it's selfish to kill yourself that way, bla bla bla.". It's done to death really, and just ends up in nippy little arguements.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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How dare you damage my health, it's selfish to kill yourself that way, bla bla bla



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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How dare you damage my health, it's selfish to kill yourself that way, bla bla bla




It's my right to smoke, it's legal, bla bla bla!!!!

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Reminds me of that southpark episode.. 'equality and tolerance for everyone but not smokers'




I say each their own if you don't like it don't smoke.


There's a law on 1st of June in England to ban all public smoking however smoking has been banned on buses for a long time but i still see people smoking not just cigarettes but weed at the back of a packed bus.




My granddad died of smoking (lung cancer), my other granddad gave up smoking and is still alive he told me how hard it was to let it go.




I Imagen most smokers want to give up but its a hard addiction to let go off.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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I don't know about you but if I was in a small room with a car running for an hour id probably asphyxiate




Well that is how many people kill themselves - by breathing exhaust fumes. It's the carbon monoxide that kills them I believe.

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell,

The reason why I cannot tell;

But this I know, and know full well,

I do not love thee, Dr. Fell.

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I personally don't care if people smoke, yet if I smell it, I don't like it. Don't worry folks, I'm not having a whinge, I'd say there was a change in my brains perception of ciggy smoke due to a rather unfortunate incident.




It involves my dad smoking a few in the house with all doors and windows closed, air-con blaring. Not a nice way to wake up and I'd say after this, second hand smoke is one of the most putrid smells I encounter in my day to day life. My house is now outside smoking only.




But hey, I really don't mind if people smoke nor to I hold it against them.




And @ the bloke above, I remember doing a little paper on CO (carbon monoxide) and I'd say you're spot on there.

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Well we can pretty much cancel out the fact that smoking (or the pokies for that matter) would ever become illegal with governments getting lots of tax off them. They'd never make them illegal. Though I wonder if the big cigarette companies would ever go into bankruptcy because of smoking forever declining.

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I've been smoking for eight years, and last december I stopped. Not for health or money reasons (they're a nice bonus), but just for proving to myself that I can actually stop something. I didn't have any trouble quiting. I don't mind people around me smoking. Only when I'm having dinner.


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You do realize that the amount of smoke that your car gives out in an hour is equivalent to about a carton of cigarettes, right?
Got a source on that, otherwise I call BS?
It was a digg article a few weeks ago, it showed the amount of smoke an SUV was giving out in an hour, then a carton of cigarettes all lined up




It's on the internets, it must be true!!?!1

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I'm an occasional smoker, probably smoke only a few a month, usually just when I am out.




They've banned smoking in bars and things over here too, which is a good thing, especially for the workers. I hated going into clubs when smoking was allowed, they usually have crap ventillation. So when I got home, I stunk and eyes that felt like they were on fire.

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There's nothing against the stench, maybe those "Menthol Cigarettes". For health problems, I think smoking a pipe would be best, you don't inhale the smoke.




As for me, screw smoking. Not everyone is following the law - Thus smoking inside a restaurant whilst I want to enjoy my spaghetti- Oh well, we can always call the cops; but that's just lame.


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I smoked for a few years when i was 17-19.


i did it purely because my friends did it and at the time i didn't know any better than to make my own decision.


my parents, and eldest sister still smoke today. my mum was idagnosed with empysemia(sp?) a few years ago, and it astmatic because of the cig's, yet she still smokes.




i gave it up when i met my boyfriend(now husband of 14 years) who showed me how bad it was and i have never looked back.


sure i still smell the cig burning and want to have one, but i know that if i did i'd be hooked again.


the prices here is disgusting. something like ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã5 for a packet of 20. i honestly don't see how people can afford to smoke.




here on july 1st there is a law that any enclosed space smoking is illegal. good call but i can't see how they will enforce it but heh.

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here on july 1st there is a law that any enclosed space smoking is illegal. good call but i can't see how they will enforce it but heh.




I think the pub owners have to tell them to stop smoking. If:




a) the smoker refuses to stop smoking. I think he will recieve a fine.




B) If the bar owner is not telling him to stop, he will get a fine.




I think that's how it works. Either way, if one doesn't do the right thing. they get a fine. I highly doubt that is how it works because that's just a guess. I doubt they will really put someone in jail because they smoked.




I enjoy smoking, I try my best not to get in anyones' way doing it, or upset anyone.




This topic has come up enough on this forum. You get smokers who say "It's my right to smoke, it's legal, bla bla bla.", and you get non-smokers who say "How dare you damage my health, it's selfish to kill yourself that way, bla bla bla.". It's done to death really, and just ends up in nippy little arguements.




how dare you damage my health, it's selfish to kill yourself that way.




I highly advise not smoking. But err.. :-k .. You can do what you like. You do have the right to smoke since it's not legal.

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The new ban is barely going to be enforced by actual Police Officers but pub and club owners I imagine will enforce it.


The ban doesn't really bother me at all at parties I go outside and smoke because it's polite.


I wouldn't advise trying it because I probably smoke too much as it is and i'll die young but i'll be damned if i'm going to sell the 250g of tobacco I got back from spain.


Many pubs are going to be putting on special facilites for smokers such as heated marquees with a bar etc so it's all good




In conclusion people have the right to smoke if you don't like it don't stand near them or me because I like smoking


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It's a personal decision, cigarrette smoking isn't for me but I don't condemn others for doing it. Admittedly, i'm not fond of the image associated with smoking in Britain at the moment (12 years old, tracksuits, street corner) but that's just me.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I don't have a problem with smokers or people smoking as long as they are considerate towards non-smokers.




At the end of the day as long as it doesn't harm you personally then it's really none of your business what other people do to themselves.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

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