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Runescape geographical analysis [long]


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All I can say is wow. That is some awesome math/research. But if jagex only used 7% of the space, I doubt the script runescape is written on can hold 14x the land it does now. Rs is already over like 1500 lines of coding. Imagine a 22,000 line javascript.




1. RS uses Java, not Javascript


2. I'd estimate the current number of lines of code for Runescape (client and server combined) to be 150,000 (at least), not 1,500.

Live free or die. First option is exhausted, so guess what remains?

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While your post is theroticaly correct, you also forgot a main point on your statment "Jagex will never run out of room".




If you were to apply your world diagram to the current earths size I would agree with you, however you must remember RuneScape is on a virtual plane and therefor has some limitations.




The limitations is server space. While the RuneScape world may be only 10% of the real world in comparrason, it could be 80% filled with server space, and only have 20 % to grow.




So mathmatically you are correct, but in a real world application your point does have a few flaws.




Regardless my =D> for adding this all up. It is a very intellegent find.




When Runescape first started, it used 1 single server with 500 people playing.




Right now RS uses about 60 servers with 100K people playing.




A game like WoW with 500K people playing uses 300+ servers.




The "server space" problem is solved by... umm... adding more servers?

Live free or die. First option is exhausted, so guess what remains?

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good read, but there's some iffy stuff in there.




Iffy beyond best. The runescape world is very small and its not only pointless but it is impractical to compare it to actual geography.





Live free or die. First option is exhausted, so guess what remains?

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Thank you for great read that these forums could use.

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

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That article (only thing I can use to describe it) was spectacular. This is one of the best things I have ever read on these forums, or any other RS forums for that matter.




Very nice work, job well done.




In any case, a entirely new continent would be nice... it would kind of spread out the max of 2000 players on each world a lot, but it would be nice to explore a giant thing entirely new. There really haven't been any large area updates recently, I hope they make one soon.





Maybe to fix that they could have transfer stations at the edges of the contients where you go and stand there, then have to switch servers to the coordinating server(s) for that contient, that would populate it a bit more I reckon. Would probably also help with some lag issues of having that much information being run on the server.


Quest Cape - 10/18/2006

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kudos that really takes time and dedication expecially all those mathematical problems but i don't really think jagex thinks that people would really care about things like that but i can't imagine runescape being like WoW that takes like 4 hours walking from on side to the other

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Mars has moons? :shock: Huh, go figure. Learn something new everyday I guess.




Good post though. I'm worried you may be taking this game a little too seriously, but I'm impressed. Decent calculations and you made an attempt to actually think, which not many on these forums do.




As for Gleinor (or however it's spelt) being a planet... it's a nice idea, but I doubt. Each time new land is added for an update it's more of an 'ad hoc' nature rather than seriously considered as if it was a planet. I think they just add stuff when they need it, cold stuff in the north, hot stuff in the south...

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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some people are saying that this should ba an article on the main page. i uterly agree with them, but i also think that this should ba added to the archive of wisdom. i dont think that this is a guide, but i do think that it would fit quite nicley in the archive of wizdom.



You see, when a mommy noob and a daddy noob really love each other...
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I salute you, venerable Geographer.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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You have left me speechless, that is all i can say really, awesome find, i honestly have never thought about it :shock: wow, im going to bookmark this and re-read it later on when i can better grasp of what your saying :shock:



^Click Siggy for Blog^

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I read through the entire thing, just awesome. :shock:


Btw, there is a way to make the "ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâò" to replace the km^2 which at some point confuses me. :wall: To make "ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâò", simply go Microsoft word and hold alt then press 0,1,7,8 and enter then "ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâò" should pop out. You can just copy/cut and paste it here.




Hope this helps for better organisation. 10/10 for the work you have done :wink:

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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Seems as though some people have actually learned something from this.




Very interesting to me, due to the fact that I have always felt whilst travelling around RS I should be travelling vast distances, climbing huge mountains with spectacular views and generally walking for far longer than I actually do. I would like to see the area stretched to about four times the size it is currently and have more realistic geographical features,


but I fear this is asking too much.




The 'discovery' of a whole new continent is a very exciting prospect and, as you stated, is probably Jagex's best bet as opposed to extending existing lands.

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If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator
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Very interesting post, great job. ;) There might just be hope left for general P2P.




My only regret is that your post is too small. After a couple of minutes I've read it and now I have to find a new, interesting topic to read. :cry:

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Great article! :thumbsup: I say this goes in AOW.




Here's something you could add : Try to find the curve of runescape, the horizon line's distance, both ingame (black wall) and mathematicly :)




On a rock chunk that small, that is ROUND, you obviously cant see far from ground, and going up an high enough place would allow you to see far far far away (relatively)

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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While your post is theroticaly correct, you also forgot a main point on your statment "Jagex will never run out of room".




If you were to apply your world diagram to the current earths size I would agree with you, however you must remember RuneScape is on a virtual plane and therefor has some limitations.




The limitations is server space. While the RuneScape world may be only 10% of the real world in comparrason, it could be 80% filled with server space, and only have 20 % to grow.




So mathmatically you are correct, but in a real world application your point does have a few flaws.




Regardless my =D> for adding this all up. It is a very intellegent find.




When Runescape first started, it used 1 single server with 500 people playing.




Right now RS uses about 60 servers with 100K people playing.




A game like WoW with 500K people playing uses 300+ servers.




The "server space" problem is solved by... umm... adding more servers?


and the fact that the technology industry always beats its targets of halfing the sizeof a memory unit but doubling its space available all this is entirely possible.




this has to be one of the most well though out topics i have ever read on any forum.its up thirr with proffesional editorials from websites or newspaper broadsheets.


now that the community has seen a topic of this callibre maybe we should get more users to match it.

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I have a couple of things to add, or ask.




First of all, I have explored alot of the known map of runescape, I like to do that, just wander around. Although not a member anymore I know there are a couple of more measurements that I would like to do, but I cannot. You could easily put this into an easier perspective if you went as far west as you could, used your sextant or compass and measured how many squares the known map is (or you could just walk it counting squares.




Another thing that I thought of that might put it into better perspective is if you matched the iceberg up at 30 degrees below 90N which to me would have things add up a little better, and then see if you need to rotate map to find an equator, keeping the observatory on 0,0. You might have stretch the map a little also to get it to fit correctly, this may make the known world larger.

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:shock: Wow.




You should be given about 100 cookies and stick that on the tip.it times article.




Also, you are indeed correct about Gielinor being a globe, as confirmed in one of the letters:




Although there have always been some who have believed that the world is flat, the general opinion among scholars for the last thousand years has been that it is a sphere. The ancient Menaphite philosophers believed that the world was round for aesthetic reasons, because a sphere is the most perfect shape, but they also pointed out physical evidence for their claim. When a ship sails over the horizon its hull disappears before its sails, as if it was hidden by the curvature of the globe. Sailors also report that the constellations change when they sail far to the south, with the southern constellations rising higher, as if they had travelled part way around a sphere. Furthermore, during a lunar eclipse RuneScape's shadow on the moon is always round, not elliptical as we would expect if the world were flat. All of this has been verified by modern observations.

~ W ~



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there is a little problem about the rs world map though.




As you can see in the map you posted the degree lines are curved, this is because on a far north point of any globe formed planet it would take less distance to walk around the world then on the equator line. instead the runescape map goes as much steps per degrees east and west on that most northern iceberg as it does on the equator.




Therefore your analysis was something really nicely done, but simply can not fit in to the idea of RS as a globe. Why they used degrees to define locations? They don't have to explain, they can do whatever they want in this game, why do penguins dress up as sheep and walk around in lumbridge getting way too hot? :S




So yeah, I admire your work and it shows some real dedication and interesting info, but it just can't be applied to rs. Another factor making it inapplicable is the fact that jagex can extend the RS map as much as they want, turning the current map into not 7% of the max size but an infinitely small % of the max size.




If they would like us to see the RS map as a globe and we would ignore the steps per degree on different altitudes latitudes (dont know which are which) thing then it would be correct though.

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wow...your right...that is turly amazing...maybe when explorers from Jagex tower find the new land we can colonize it :) (not true though but who knows it might make new skills)

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