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Who are your favorite and least favorite US president(s)?


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Simple. Just post your favorite and least favorites.




I'll just list my top 3, so...


Favorites: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Teddy Roosevelt.




Least Favorites: George Bush (son), Bill Clinton, and John Kennedy.


First - Credit to Otbg . Second - Credit to 4be2jue

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Although I am Australian (FTW) I hate all higher authorities and think we should all live in peace, so, I hate them ALL...

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Just out of curiosity, why are those people in your tops or lows =P?


EDIT: I mean why do you like washington, or dislike bush.


Just think that'll make this more interesting.



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favorite: bill clinton




least: richard nixon


Nixon wasn't all that bad. He was just too stupid to agree with his advisor and cover up something stupid that his party-members did. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't good, but there are plenty of presidents whove beaten him to the "Worst Pres.'s" list.




Best president of all time was Lincoln, easily.




Least fav would probably be... Hoover maybe :-k . Or one of the 1960-1980 morons, probably Johnson.

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Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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fav: woodrow wilson, WWI was in my opinion had to have been 10x worse then WWII and he had alot of great ideas that might have stopped WWII from even beginning, stuiped congress




least: Grant, great military leader, terrible president, he just wasn't the man for the job, only won due to popularity

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Yes, Grant is a bad president.




Also, all the democrats of US are pathetic, and I hate all of them. As an overall, Clinton is the worst out of all of them and all the presidents of USA. Kennedy is just a lazy loser, who's only the youngest president and a bad president.


First - Credit to Otbg . Second - Credit to 4be2jue

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What was so bad about Clinton :| ?

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I think the whole world can agree the Roosevelt was the best president in the US ever, if not the world.




Worst, the guy that served before Roosevelt, forgot his name.




Yes, Grant is a bad president.




Also, all the democrats of US are pathetic, and I hate all of them. As an overall, Clinton is the worst out of all of them and all the presidents of USA. Kennedy is just a lazy loser, who's only the youngest president and a bad president.

Kennedy? Are you talking about the same Kennedy that stopped humanity from committing suicide? The same one that was one of the most popular presidents in the countries history both among democrats and republicans?
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I think the whole world can agree the Roosevelt was the best president in the US ever, if not the world.




Worst, the guy that served before Roosevelt, forgot his name.




Best: Kennedy, Jeffersion, and Lincoln




Worst: Bush Junior, Ford, Nixon, Taft, Grant, and I don't like Wilson or Reagan.


Me doing staff.

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I think the whole world can agree the Roosevelt was the best president in the US ever, if not the world.




Worst, the guy that served before Roosevelt, forgot his name.




it was Hoover




Hoover was a great man


just wasn't meant to be president though




he was in the top 3 greatest engineers or something?




Best: Roosevelt


Worst: George Dubya Gush

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I think the whole world can agree the Roosevelt was the best president in the US ever, if not the world.




I'll disagree with that. I don't see why FDR was considered so great of a president, he kept us in the depression a lot longer than needed. It would have lasted even longer if we didn't get involved in WWII. He actually may have known about the Pearl Harbor attack before it happened, but let it happen in order to get the US into WWII, which stimulated the economy out of the depression. All of his economic policies that he put into place got the credit for getting us out of the depression, when they probably caused it to last a lot longer.



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Favourites: Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy. They were all great uniters of their time, and all faced some of the most difficult challenges our country has ever faced with wisdom and eloquence.




Least favourites: George W. Bush (junior) and John Adams. I'm guessing most people know why Bush is in there. :wink: Adams passed the infamous Alien and Sedition acts, essentially curtailing the civil liberties of free speech. Not a good way to score points in a democracy.

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Favourites: Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy. They were all great uniters of their time, and all faced some of the most difficult challenges our country has ever faced with wisdom and eloquence.




Least favourites: George W. Bush (junior) and John Adams. I'm guessing most people know why Bush is in there. :wink: Adams passed the infamous Alien and Sedition acts, essentially curtailing the civil liberties of free speech. Not a good way to score points in a democracy.




100% agreed!!!

New Sig Coming soon!

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Best: Wilson, FDR, Washington(the fact that he took so LITTLE initiative in office completely set the tone for our American government).




Worst: W. Bush, Hoover, Johnson




Best VP: Dan Quayle. :lol:

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Lincoln was a good boy




bad: BUsh- bad doggie




dunno any1 else, American history is boring i have to say.


canadian history is more boring.


European history :we are getting warmer


Chinese history :NOICE


History of warfare: JAckPOT

"The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." -Joseph Stalin




<(--=\\ CHAMILITARY MAYNE //=--)>

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Although I am Australian (FTW) I hate all higher authorities and think we should all live in peace, so, I hate them ALL...




Without higher authority, people could do whatever they please. It'd lead to chaos, greedyness, and use of that greedyness over others.


In cases of extreme emergincies such as Katrina in NO, where everything is in panic. There's really nobody to stop anybody from doing anything.




To the OP: What did you think would happen when you created this topic? It's rather obvious what everyone will say.

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FAV: Roosevelt - got America back on its feet


Least: Hard to say, there have been a few, but non more underqualified then Bush, so I will go with him?






Why does anyone hate Clinton? He wasn't a great president, but his work against the Reb. House and Senate (and vice versa), cut spending and actually finally gave us a money surplus (which Bush just threw away).


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Best: Franklin D Roosevelt - took America right out of the Depression and did great in WW2. Don't listen to Long's lies! Also George Washington needs to be here because without him there probably wouldn't be a USA.




Worst: James Buchanon, helped cause the Civil War.

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FDR and Wilson in my opnion were the greatest presidents, Lincoln stopped slavery yes, but his real intentions are always cloudy, not to mention the fact that during the civil war he was a dictator with little regard for the constitution.




The worst has to be Bush. No one screwed up as much as him, not even Nixon. He's like a re-encarnation of Adams. Farewell liberty, welcome trillions of dollars of debt and a war that will never ever be won. I don't know of any president that could be worse than Bush.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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I'll disagree with that. I don't see why FDR was considered so great of a president, he kept us in the depression a lot longer than needed. It would have lasted even longer if we didn't get involved in WWII. He actually may have known about the Pearl Harbor attack before it happened, but let it happen in order to get the US into WWII, which stimulated the economy out of the depression. All of his economic policies that he put into place got the credit for getting us out of the depression, when they probably caused it to last a lot longer.




That's interesting, why do you say that? I mean, the only president to compare him to was Hoover and he definitely did better than him. In what ways to the New Deals keep the US in the depression?




Personally I think FDR, Kennedy and Lincoln were pretty good.




As for worst, Bush would be cliched, but in my mind he is very bad.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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