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The top 3 words you HATE seeing online?


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1) Plz: Is it really THAT hard to type out "please?" When someone asks me something with 'plz', I nearly always decline whatever it is they are asking for, just out of spite. That is how much that word irks me.




3) Wif, dat, dis, wat, wot, etc: Only uneducated pre-adolescents say these words. Anyone who is an adult or otherwise somewhat mature would NEVER use such asinine abbreviations that smack of stupidity. If you use these words, I almost immediately lose most, if not all, respect for you.




3) Emote: I get begged to do my cape emote almost everywhere I go... And people are really rude about it, too. It's like they think I am OBLIGATED to entertain them or something. It's ESPECIALLY irksome when I am in PC killing a portal and some random moron walks up to me and says "do emo plz!" Oh yeah, I am going to IMMEDIATELY drop what I am doing and become as useless an asset to the team as YOU are, just because your curiosity is gnawing away at you and you are too stupid to use Youtube.

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nice life/nise life(what's the point in saying that :? )




owned/ownt/omfg ownt/pwned/pooned etc etc(especially at castlewars,usually a lvl 50 ~ with addy plate and g maul)




noob(same as above ^ gets overused)

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1. lawl (its spelled lol, duh)


2. OMG! (hes my god too you know... :roll: )


3. ROFLMAOOL (just pick a phrase, dont combine them all... I mean who actually is "rollin on floor laughing my butt off out loud"?? <.< )






Favorite phrase (also my catch phrase):











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1. Noob ( I don't like when anyone calls anyone a noob, its just pointless. I only do it when someone calls me a noob, mostly in duel arena, just to mock them.




2. roflcopter (Nobody in runescape seems to say it, but it's annoying nonetheless.




3. pwn/pwned/powned (Just annoying)

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1. noob


2. def noob (not that i have a high def lvl its just annoying when ppl that train a skill get called a noob for it.)


3. prayer noob (if you were me and some one was coming after you with a dds you would pray too)












Not true. I lost my virginity to the log out button #-o
You should have knocked him out and thrown him out the window (I actually did that at school).


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0W3n3d n00B- really if your going to insult me whips at least speak ENGLISH!!!!!!!




I PWANED YOU- yes barrows you beaten a lv 63 in a castle wars -.-




free 10k plz- no get your own or at least watch my vids

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Noob - Is a attitude, not a level or how you play the game...Gets really annoying when people call you a noob because they think there better than you or you may be doing something to give you an advantage over them(Ex. Using protection prayers)...




u & r- Hurts my brain to see "U r such a nerd...u need 2 get a lif"...Your supposed to be 13 or over in order to play Rs(Withour parental surpervision) right? I'm pretty sure by then you would know how to use proper english, it's not that hard.




Pixel hugger - There not just pixels, there hard earned pixels.

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noob choob froob etc, to msmy variations, lost all its meaning, i never use any of the words except "nub" when im joking to my friends (i never direct it to someone else as my friends know its a joke, and i can think of a much better insult hen "noob" -.-)




fre stuf plz, yes im a mod, yes i have some money, yes i have good armour/weapos, NO YOU MAY NOT HAVE FREE STUFF




how do u becom a mod, i get this way to much....

offical quest freek

qpsig-4.png i DO have max qp...just havent got around to updating this yet

100 combat on 26/4/2007 at 23:05 GMT

mm.png jmods ftw XD

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Anyone who says "roflcopter" is joking. No-one is that freaky. :uhh:




1) "Noob/choob/froob/nub/nublet/narb/nubcakes/nubbly" etc. Almost always used out of context.


2) "Friends?" Also used as "Free stuff?!?!?!"


3) "Buy ur hat/cape/gloves!" etc. If I wanted to sell it I would be asking, wouldn't I?

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Anyone who says "roflcopter" is joking. No-one is that freaky. :uhh:




1) "Noob/choob/froob/nub/nublet/narb/nubcakes/nubbly" etc. Almost always used out of context.


2) "Friends?" Also used as "Free stuff?!?!?!"


3) "Buy ur hat/cape/gloves!" etc. If I wanted to sell it I would be asking, wouldn't I?


U gotza point

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Noob - I can't even tell you how much I hate seeing sentances like, "omg, u noob u suck i pwn noobs lyk u". Besides the overuse of the word noob, you have attrocious grammar that follows it like a plague.




No life - Ok who the bloody hell are you to dictate how I live my life. Just because I have higher skill levels then you doesn't mean I don't have a life. It probally means just the opposite. I've been working on my character for 2+ years and its only just recieved 1k skill total.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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1) Noob


2) FTW


3) Pwnd/Pwn/Pwned




You get the jist <.<

Guide to Everything Fletching XBL: Karmastocracy





* Sits on a mossy rock with a notebook in hand, observing the behavior of the specimens dubbed "Fanboys"


"Even when the odds are against you, even when the chance of victory is bleak and your situation looks hopeless, take a look at the horizon, and think back to what you have learned. You'll be filled with the confidence to take on the world."

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3) buy your whip


2) plz


1) K or worse Kk




I especially hate "Kk" when they ask you for information about a quest or an item, you take the trouble of helping them and they just answer "Kk" and run off. What's up with that? These are people I'd kick in the rear in real life.

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