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I leveled to ___ 'nice mine is __' discussion


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it don't care me if they say their lvl to only thing that does care me is when they lie
i must tell you, you have great english!




on topic: i agree it's even more annoying when someone lies.




English isn't his first language, obviously, as he isn't making spelling mistakes, but sentence structure mistakes. You shouldn't make fun of him for that.

I wasn't making fun of him. I mean there is some sort of sarcasm there but it wasn't meant to make fun of him so if it offends you doomtom99 then im sorry and i can edit the post. And by the way English wasn't (and still isn't LOL) my first language.


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

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I hate it when this happens:




P1) Nice Cooking Level.


Me) Ty


P1) Np




I hate that for some reason! :wall: <.<


You hate it because you thanked them for something trivial and simple- congratulating you on a number in a computer game. The phrase "no problem" is used when something is a problem or a burden, but is done in the hopes of aiding another. The phrase is used to set the mind of the helped person at ease, so as not to feel as if they're being bothersome by asking for or just receiving unrequested aid.




Basically, just saying "Nice X level" doesn't give one the right to say "no problem", because it is already self-evident that it isn't a problem. Ya, I hate it too. It's like they want a medal for congratulating you or something.




That, is the third most annoying thing in the whole of Runescape (1. Autoers, 2. Scammers).




The amount of times I've been playing and have suddenly sworn out loud in.. sheer disgust that the other player is such a... *calms down*


Damnit!! It's not like I've benifited in any way from some [developmentally delayed] [puncture] of a backward American complimenting me! <.<


Okay, I think this is actualy above scammers in my most annoying list. -.-

Instead of "NP" i use "YW" (means you welcome).


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

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To Flava0falcon... They called me the spammer? :notalk:




Ontopic: I agree with Um Bong0, indefinately.


Umm by that you call me a spammer? Not that i have problems with that if you want to call me a spammer go ahead but please just say it don't give me "hints"... :lol:


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

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Yes DOOMY, but isn't it a little sad that some people feel the need to brag at all?




You will notice how players who are high levels, as in, lvl 95 and above, DON'T brag about it? This is because they don't feel the need to brag, they know they're good, they don't need to belittle other people to make themselves feel big.




However, as Timo Cruz said in the film Coach Carter (infinite source of wisdom :P): "Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you....And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." In other words, don't belittle people, but also don't play yourself down, solely so that other people can feel big. This ain't good for the self-esteem!




This speech is also from Nelson Mandela's 1994 inauguration speech, written by Marianne Williamson.

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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I hate it when this happens:




P1) Nice Cooking Level.


Me) Ty


P1) Np




I hate that for some reason! :wall: <.<




Yep, I got tired of it as well. Instead of me replying with a 'thank you' , I give them a smiley ;). I haven't had anyone say 'np' to that hehe.

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I hate it when this happens:


P1) Nice Cooking Level.


Me) Ty


P1) Np




I hate that for some reason! :wall: <.<

Yep, I got tired of it as well. Instead of me replying with a 'thank you' , I give them a smiley ;). I haven't had anyone say 'np' to that hehe.
Yeah, I use a smiley as well, works out better. :P


Thanks to WithTheQuickness for the sig!

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Yeah i don't like it, it just kills the moment and they don't feel they have achieved anything.




I used to feel the same sorta thing when i was Alching for 94 Magic, i'd be like woot 10k alchs til 94! Then someone would say 3k alchs til 97 lol.. Or something like that, it's just not nice.

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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This is what i dont like! I wouldn't be bothered if it didnt happen every time i tried to train any skill. :roll: gahud1.jpg


What's wrong with that? Even the other rantings can be silly, but I can see why those might be annoying. But "Did I ask his level" is just rude. He wasn't bragging or anything since it was lower.



You're being watched.

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it don't care me if they say their lvl to only thing that does care me is when they lie
i must tell you, you have great english!




on topic: i agree it's even more annoying when someone lies.




Atleast he is trying and not typing in his language.

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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it don't care me if they say their lvl to only thing that does care me is when they lie
i must tell you, you have great english!




on topic: i agree it's even more annoying when someone lies.




Atleast he is trying and not typing in his language.

Im not typing in my own language either and i already said im sorry and it was just a little joke with a little bit of sarcasm but i did not mean to offend him if i did and i already told him if he wants me to edit i will because it does not really matter!


support new ghostly stuff here.

I see RuneScape slowly turning into a sadistic version of WoW.

.signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you If
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how does this annoy people???????? Somebody is just saying what lvl they have in that skill after you lvl up. i don't mind it b/c then it sets a goal in my mind to be as good as them. In fact i kind of like it.

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It doesn't entirely offend me. It depends the way in which they say their skill is better. The simple "I leveled to blank. Nice mine is blank" exchange wouldn't upset me or belittle me. But when they are the type that obnoxiously and rudely rub it in your face: "I leveled to blank. You noob I pwn your pathetic level blank, mine's blank," really peeves me more. Its best just to ignore jerks like that and enjoy your achievement never-the-less.


~Retired 13-July-2010~

Thanks for the great memories folks :).

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Put yourself in the opposite situation..




I'm 96 ranged, and I always feel REALLY awkward when I'm in that situation.




For example, I get this alot:




Person: yay! 75 range!!


Me: Grats! Nice one ;)


Person: Thanks, what's your range?


Me: 96


Person: Then why patronise me -.-




Whenever that happens I immediately feel bad. This happens all the time :wall:




It's a tricky one though, because I have to say something like grats as I don't want to appear rude. Also, I don't want to appear to be a show off, but this happens by default :|.


I used to get that all the time when I was getting my woodcutting to 99... It is a tricky situation that I usually *attempted* to get out of by saying something to the affect of "you're getting there!!" or "Just keep woking on it. You'll get there." It usually works.....




Thats why if some one asks me my wood cutting lvl, I say 29.




(when I am chopping on willows)

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I used to get that all the time when I was getting my woodcutting to 99... It is a tricky situation that I usually *attempted* to get out of by saying something to the affect of "you're getting there!!" or "Just keep woking on it. You'll get there." It usually works.....
That's what really annoys me. "Just keep working on it." implies that their level is inadequate.


Currently subsisting off of God Wars: 3 shards, 1 bandos hilt, 2 sara swords, 1 steam staff, and 2 zamorak spears.

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'woot It took me forever but I finally gotten 80fletching!!!




nice mine 87 =p





Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I don't find this rude at all. I just like people doing that to quench my curiousity. As I cannot look anybody up without exiting the RuneScape window. I end up asking what people's levels are anyway. So it doesn't matter. I just say, "That's cool." Or, "Good job/Congratulations."


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I only tell em my level if they ask. I just say grats or something like to them.






Thanks to Fally|Thor for the sig :Wub:

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. - Mark Twain

3636 to 99 fletching on Katakid1 date unknown

#13,300 to 99 range on April 2nd, 2008

#14,323 to 99 mage on May 18th, 2008

99/99 mage

99/99 range

94/90 hp

75/88 str

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Like for example,




Noob ' I just got 40attack, wooo00t'




Guy ' nice mine is 88'







So if we're sympathizing for the "little guy", then why did you label him as noob?


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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I never say my levels for that reason, no point in saying it, it just angers you if you are lower, or makes the others angry if they are lower.

2480+ total

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I hate it when this happens:




P1) Nice Cooking Level.


Me) Ty


P1) Np




I hate that for some reason! :wall: <.<


You hate it because you thanked them for something trivial and simple- congratulating you on a number in a computer game. The phrase "no problem" is used when something is a problem or a burden, but is done in the hopes of aiding another. The phrase is used to set the mind of the helped person at ease, so as not to feel as if they're being bothersome by asking for or just receiving unrequested aid.




Basically, just saying "Nice X level" doesn't give one the right to say "no problem", because it is already self-evident that it isn't a problem. Ya, I hate it too. It's like they want a medal for congratulating you or something.




:-s when i say it its my way of saying "your welcome" like when someone says "ty for da compliment" or when someone says "ty for helping me" ill say np or no problem, not because it is a problem for me or a burden but because i want to say your welcome with my cruddy refined english. (i say refined english because i spell certain words and phrases differently as well as pronouncing them in ways normal people wouldnt, not chatspeak just "refined english")

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it just dumb that I didn't ask for that person level, even though it's HIGHER

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I hate those people too and I hate this situation too:




Player: yeah, I have mining 60, finally I can go in mining guild


Me: gratz, have fun with it :)


Player: what's ur mining lvl?


Me: 66...


Player: :(




I hate it, because it looks like I'm a show off in this way :(

Goals: mining 67/70, woodcutting 65/70, smithing 54/60

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