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kris's blog~"See you on the other side"

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that's awfull to hear kris, awfull. :cry:


Hope she get's better and even if she doesn't try to see a brightside and make your life the best you can make <3:




We're all here for you and you're always welcome <3:

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Kris- the magnificent!


Kris the leet.


Kris our tet member


Kris the elite.




We wish you farewell


and always the best


You'll always be remembered


in our hope chest.


We all looked up to you


and always will


as kris the great and


kris the brill'




The greatest of care for your family


and the strongest love


The sign of peace


a golden white dove.




Goodbye kris


were always here for you


Forever remembered


as i wish you adieu.



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Kris, even though you never knew me.. I was there watching your goals. I'd like to say that I'm sorry for the horrible accident that happened. I wish you the best of luck in school, and helping your mother through this bad time.




I'm glad to see a man like you, devoting your time to somthing that matters more than the internet. With you helping her, I know she'll be fine.




O'Ducky <3:

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| Former Clan Chronicle Editor | Former Clan Improvement Member| Former TET Member |

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Oh my god, Kris, i... Don't know what to say... Nothing else than i really hope your mom gets a miracle. Gawd... Darn... I wish you and your family the best of luck in your life. As Colossus said, you made the right decision.




Good luck mate :(

Dragon drops: 82 (2 claws)

Dagannoth kings drops: 73

Barrows item count: 51

GWD drops: 54 (5 hilts: 1x bandos, 3x saradomin, 1x zamorak)

Whips: 4

Sigils: 1x spectral (FFA), 1x arcane (FFA)

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Argh, I'm really sorry to hear about what happened to your mom and also how it will impact you and your family. :(




Stay strong kris, you can work through this.


It's good to be back.

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That's awful to hear about!!! I'm so sorry about your mother!! I really hope she gets better. I really do.








It's so sad to see you go, you were a sw33t skiller. <3:






Good luck in "real life" whatever that means. 8-)




~Saruman44 \ I R Teh Noes

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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man im really sorry to here about your mam, i can't ever relate to how you feel but closest i can compare is when my father was diagnosed with dvt (deep vein thrombosis)


i cared for him for the full 1 and a half he was unable to move his leg


he decided to take up rs.




but dude, don't worry, stay stong and everything will be ok.


gl with everything and anything you do






Archive - Jamie <3

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Well since this things been bumped ill give you an update on what ive been doing.Not much really.Its a weird time because me and my brothers are off school,my mums obviousley not working and my dads been made redundant which means that no money is coming into the household,where living off my dads redundancy which is about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã21,000 so my dad needs to find a job soon or else where screwed :(.No fear though because hes already got about 6 offerings in the past 24 hours so it shouldnt take long,i think hes staling it so he can have an extended holiday :P i would.Anyway ive gone cold on rs,i thought it would be hard to just not play it and theyre has been plenty of chances when i could have logged on but i just havent(except for when i put all my stuff in my rate this picture back in my bank).I have been watching some of my absolute favourite comedys Black Books,that Mitchell and Webb look and Jonathan Creek which i mentioned to andufus and he was like "oh i remember that ages ago...Wasnt that about murders?" but a lot of the time it is really funny.I'm such a jonathan creek fanboy even visiting the windmill a while ago which was rather dissapointing without the parathenalia inside it but anyways it was great to see it.




Anyway still been regularily posting on tif if not more now that im not posting on the forums in the backgrounds of rs>Still been doing some TET stuff despite making a thread in the lounge to all the members that i'd quit TET,must have forgot to revoke my badge :P or they still love <3:.I also had more time to write a few more editorials for the gaming website gamespot because ive always been a gamer, i played call of duty 4 and orange box to death over my study leave and christmas break so i shared my thoughts on those.




School starts on monday and i cant wait.Its been a month and a half since ive seen some of them because ive been on study leave and i cant wait to see what theyve been upto :).It also when i will be busy 25 hours of the day,yes i did say 25 im gonna push the envelope of time to finish schoolwork look after my mum and still find time for hobbies and stuff.




Till next time tipit,this blog might be closed by then because it wont exactly be an rs blog anymore and i dont want it to turn into dustys blog...sorry dusty but it got so off topic after a while :P <3:.


see ya tipit.

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At least things have evened out a little.


I still wish you the best throught these hard times and hope thats is evens out more.


Its good to see ur still in contact with some tipiters and hope i can be one of them.


Kris your the greatest <3:




Zaid. ::'<3:<3:

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Good luck with everything, hope your dad gets a good job soon.




I wish you all the best for real life!




(99 Hunters ftw! <3: )

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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Things are starting look slightly better now it seems kris. Well doe with your effort. :D Im proud of ya mate ::'




Have fun <3:

Sn'C Events Team Member



942nd to 99 hunter 2/8/07|26,042nd to reach 99 fletching 27/10/07|Quest Cape Achieved 22/1/08|50,000th to 99 Cooking 29/10/08

Dagannoth King Drops: 7 Zerkers 2 Axes 3 Warriors | Armadyl: 1 hilt first ever trip and kill | Barrows: 2 Dharok Legs 1 Ahrim Skirt 1 Torag Helm 1 Guthan Spear

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Well my mum got the news on friday that the injury was not as bad as feared and she has to go hospital on wednesday to get a differant cast on one of her legs.This means that once shes found her balance on crutches shell be semi independant which also means ill have more free time.Ill still have to spend a lot of time caring for her but this frees up a lot of time not having to run to the medcine cabinet to get her painkillers or get her a drink.




Does this mean that ill be playing rs again?Absolutely no.Why?Well a lot of things have changed since i quit, like doubling my weekly uptake of table tennis games(yeah i play for my local colleges campus),playing the hell out of my ps3 and getting closer to my freinds :oops:.Ok ill still have some time to fill with rs but i just dont know with the updates.Ill try summoning but with the recent trade changes and what i see as a crumbling rs community im staying away from it whenever i get chance.


I did play guild wars again yesterday and well its dead to me,reminded me why i left it to play rs and my cousin forced me to play wow :o .Hes a pretty experienced player and he knows i played rs.Ok i enjoyed it but im not going to play it,dont want to get enamered with a new mmo and i still like rs.




Just a quick update on things,oh and i did go back to school.Got my results from a few mocks




History:A* and b =total grade of A




Science:D and just to show how badly our whole year was on the paper the highest grade was 17/35 which still doesnt constitute a C grade.Although we werent told about this test and this was a writing paper and not a multiple choice paper which you can wing :anxious:


Graphics:A* coursework anyway


Did well but ive only got 14 weeks of compulsory school left so ive gotta replicate all those except science in the real things.




oh and im still on these boards but im lurking because i cant really chime in on a lot of discussion on rs and the threads on general are less than stellar.




till next time


kris <3:

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Oh Kris im so so sorry to hear about your mums accident hun *hugs* I dont come over to blogscape that often these days and im sorry i havent seen this before now.




Good luck with Rl and your mum will be in my prayers, ill miss you <3:

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