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Rank the elements


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I've been pondering this for a while. In a traditional sense all elements should be equal, but if we took it into more of a modern context (excluding very detailed science, etc) we can find variables and scenarios that could lead to a ranking list of strength.




Pros and Cons of each element:




Earth (as in all of nature excluding animals and the other elements):




  • -Some aspects of Earth can put out Fire
    -Earth can shift Water's barriers






  • -Earth can be shifted by Air
    -Earth can be eroded by Water










  • -Water can erode Earth
    -Water can put out Fire






  • -Water can be controlled by Air
    -Water can be effected by Earth




Air (in the simple form aka our atmosphere, including wind):




  • -Air can effect and sometimes put out Fire
    -Air can shift Earth
    -Air can control Water






  • -Air can be polluted by Fire








  • -Fire can pollute Air
    -Fire can burn Earth






  • -Fire can be put out by Water
    -Fire can be effected and sometimes be put out by Air
    -Fire can be put out by some aspects of Earth
    -Fire feeds off Earth
    -Fire feeds off Air




Now, how would you rank them in strength? 1 being the strongest and 4 the weakest:











BTW if you feel I missed something or made a false statement please alert me.


Me doing staff.

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As if elements can be controlled... :-s




1. Air


2. water


3. earth




Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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Well fire has a huge con you didn't list. Fire needs earth or it dissapears. (I'm useing earth as in trees and such) Yet Earth (as in dirt or gravel) puts fire out So earth is a double edged sword for fire. But if we just go on what you have I would say.




1. Fire


2. Air


3. Earth


4. Water

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*just lost some brain cells*




Fire burns Earth when combined with air and a byproduct is water.




But what about Earth? Earth can make nukes which can create widespread fire which can burn the air which can melt your face which leads to lower human population which means apes can take over the Earth and kidnap Charleton Heston when his spaceship goes into the future and he meets the good looking stupid woman that is a slave of the apes. Get your stinkin' paws off me you darned dirty ape!




Superman flies in the air but he is vulnerable to kryptonite so does that mean kryptonite is more powerful than air? But wait! If he used his super breath to blow the kryptonite away then air is more powerful. But wait, what happens if superman flies into a fire? Does that mean his suite burns off and he can't go around rescuing people since a little kid might see him naked?




Smurfs are blue and water is blue yet fire can be blue or orange which is my college's team colors.




The true answer to this question is Chuck Norris is the most powerful element. Take that whoever made the anti-Chuck Norris thread!





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English>Whatever language that is.




Anyways, I have no idea...


1. Water


2. Fire


3. Air


4. Earth






Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. Also, matter is not created or destroyed but simply changes from one form to another. All of your "Pro" and "Con" statements are misstatements and are subjective randomness.




Fire is my favorite and all others tie for second, anyway.

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Air can potentially control all of the other elements in some way, unlike all the other elements. :wink:

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If I rate according to my favourites, for personal reasons rather than the logical-rational, it would be...




1. Earth - its power lies in the ability to create life. The scent of earth is so powerful.




2. Fire - the awesome destroyer... it must be the most impressive of the elements. I'm drawn to the consuming nature of this element.




3. Water - I can appreciate the way water moves onward all the time, but it's alien to my own nature, I prefer the stillness of earth. It has no scent and that disturbs me a bit as well.




4. Air - too fleeting for me, too much above my head :D. Plus, I have hayfever, so I view air as something of an enemy.

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*just lost some brain cells*




Fire burns Earth when combined with air and a byproduct is water.




But what about Earth? Earth can make nukes which can create widespread fire which can burn the air which can melt your face which leads to lower human population which means apes can take over the Earth and kidnap Charleton Heston when his spaceship goes into the future and he meets the good looking stupid woman that is a slave of the apes. Get your stinkin' paws off me you darned dirty ape!




Superman flies in the air but he is vulnerable to kryptonite so does that mean kryptonite is more powerful than air? But wait! If he used his super breath to blow the kryptonite away then air is more powerful. But wait, what happens if superman flies into a fire? Does that mean his suite burns off and he can't go around rescuing people since a little kid might see him naked?




Smurfs are blue and water is blue yet fire can be blue or orange which is my college's team colors.




The true answer to this question is Chuck Norris is the most powerful element. Take that whoever made the anti-Chuck Norris thread!






That is just... awesome. :thumbsup:




Anyway, you can't rank the elements. They are all equal.

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1.Water Creator of life. As far as we know, life needs H2O to live.




2.Earth Beautiful, and full of life. Where home is, and if home is where the heart is, earth is our heart.




3.Air Air is needed to breath. The wind can be a beautiful yet terrible thing.




4.Fire The weakest element. As much as people says it is so strong, we essentially can control fire. But remember, the phoenix is always reborn from its ashes. Does that mean fire is absolute destruction?


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Viktor, since when did you learn to recognize Lithuanian?




I knew it had to be an Eastern European language of some sort. So I right clicked it and found, "litvagh" in it's link. That pretty much gave it away.


Me doing staff.

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